Or... contact us:
Love & Norris
Kimberlee D. Norris, attorney at law
We have additional cases to be filed shortly.
everyone who is mentally ready should file a lawsuit or at the very least contact silent lambs..
Or... contact us:
Love & Norris
Kimberlee D. Norris, attorney at law
We have additional cases to be filed shortly.
after flipper's thread about the wt child abuse cases, i started to think about how many children i know of personally who have been sexually abused by a jw!.
as someone who is not especially 'in the know', it's amazing that i do know five of them.
one who was a small baby, at the time!.
Many of the instances of abuse described in this thread are legally actionable.
If these assaults occurred in the US, please contact me.
SOME accountability is achievable!
kimberlee d norris
attorney at law
interesting story.
this fellow needs encouragement to go to the police.
the co was later promoted to do .
this book:.
tragically high statistics and facts on the depth of this problem.
has anyone read it?.
to those that have accused me of insensitivity about abuse:.
my father and his brother and sisters were raised by a man who became rich in the 1950s.
he owned a construction company during a housing boom in a metropolitan area.
These statements from ALICE:
"Camping is not a congregation function. If a single man wanted to take my daughter camping without any other parents going, I would have told him NO. In fact I would ask what other children were going, contact their parents and tell them this is inappropriate. On one end, there's a parent (adult) that claims (they) had no clue that an alleged sexual predator was amongst them."
McLean wasn't single, he was married with children. He created activities that would attract kids, all known victims were enticed from Kingdom Halls. Most of his victims came from homes with 'single moms'. I've represented the victims.
'This man was single with no children.'
Actually he was married with two children.
' It's been stated he molested the same person over a number of years in another media release.'
One of his MANY victims was a family member, who he raped for many years. I represented her.
'Before going to the authorities, it's best that there's incrementing evidence against a person so that there's a successful prosecution. Substantial evidence would be; more than one eye-witness, physical evidence or if the abuse is an on going matter (meaning a person knows the same thing is going to happen again). '
This statement stands in direct opposition to existing mandatory reporting requirements in all states, including the state of California, where McLean was prosecuted. Investigation is undertaken, and evidence is gathered by law enforcement authorities, not untrained laymen, by LAW.
'In this situation, the criteria for substantial incrementing evidence has been met, however, victims with the cognition to tell the secular authorities about this long standing matter never did for a number of years, and what makes this situation less understandable, is if the victims told the elders, you can be assured they told their parents about the abuse; their parents knew about it. '
Of the two dozen known victims, one told a parent and was dismissed. The girl who reported to police was encouraged by family and congregational authorities to drop the complaint. Thankfully, she refused.
'In this story, there are adults (parents) involved that could have told the authorities, but didn't do so over a period of years.'
What is your basis in fact for this statement? Names? Time frame?
' The fact that it is their children that are involved leaves some unanswered questions. Whatever the case, it's these children's parents that are just as liable for acting irresponsibly as the congregation elders. '
What is your basis in FACT for these statements?
'If it was my daughter, I could have trapped this man in his actions and seen to it that he was prosecuted with or without the elder's assistance, and upon prosecution the elders would be removed and possibly prosecuted. '
This is an astonishly naive statement. 'Upon prosecution the elders would be removed and possibly prosecuted'?
Frankly, you don't have a clue as to the FACTS of this scenario. Interesting that you feel free to fabricate.
Kimberlee D. Norris
attorney at law
Love & Norris
holly berry and heather berry.
v.. watchtower bible and tract society of new york, inc.,.
wilton congregation of jehovah's witnesses,.
I replied to his post, at great length, with no answers to my questions...
kimberlee d norris
interesting story.
this fellow needs encouragement to go to the police.
the co was later promoted to do .
I'd be HAPPY to consult with him...
Kimberlee D. Norris
attorney at law
Love & Norris, attorneys
i mean, c'mon, people.
seriously, i admire those who want to think the best.
but the guy had just about every red flag/indicator you can have.
i knew of a handful (which is too many) that were molested by a jehovah's witness.
it was not typical in my experience.
what about you???.
in the 80's a very righteous elder in our congregation was caught molesting his 2 stepdaughters.
he was df'd.
within 5 years he was 60 miles down the road serving as an elder in another congregation.
What if a 19 year old gets in trouble with his 17 year old girlfriend? Should the congregation view him forever as a molester?
ok, this annoys me...and always gets brought up as a red herring.
SHOW ME A SINGLE CASE, in all 50 states, where a 19 year old has been criminally prosecuted for having sex with his 17 year old girlfriend.
case closed.
kimberlee d norris
attorney at law