Hilarious betweenworlds!!! You came up with a great list!!! You know all the jargon!! =^..^=
JoinedPosts by marie67
Passing the time at JW Assemblies
by Leolaia inlove_truth, in describing the utter dullness of jw assemblies and conventions, just gave me an interesting idea for a thread.
what were some of the ways you tried to make the hours pass?
some of mine: looking at the interesting refracting patterns the arena floodlights made on my eyeglasses when looking thru them at an angle.looking for people i knew from my congregation and others in the mass of people in the arena.counting the number of people leaving the section to go to the bathroompractice writing people's names in elvish scripthaving a conversation with friends a row behind me by passing notes back and forthseeing how many pages of my bible stick together when i slam a wad of gum in between its pages.. what else?
by CeriseRose inwell not 'new', as i'm over 30. heh but i'm newly out (letter of disassociation dropped off at kh end of january, and i was announced last thursday night).
i posted my 'story' on a different ex-jw board, and as it is so long, i'm not reprinting it.
hehe even with cut and paste it's icky.
Hi cerese!!! You'll enjoy it here!!! So far I am
Why I Joined the Jehovah's Witnesses!
by Swan inwhen i think about the answer, i can't understand their current mistreatment of me.
i don't understand why i am being shunned by my family and the jws.
i don't understand why they call me an apostate.
My blonde hair is really getting to me!! It took me awhile to figure this post out!!! Very good!!! But then I'm new to all this =^..^=
Passing the time at JW Assemblies
by Leolaia inlove_truth, in describing the utter dullness of jw assemblies and conventions, just gave me an interesting idea for a thread.
what were some of the ways you tried to make the hours pass?
some of mine: looking at the interesting refracting patterns the arena floodlights made on my eyeglasses when looking thru them at an angle.looking for people i knew from my congregation and others in the mass of people in the arena.counting the number of people leaving the section to go to the bathroompractice writing people's names in elvish scripthaving a conversation with friends a row behind me by passing notes back and forthseeing how many pages of my bible stick together when i slam a wad of gum in between its pages.. what else?
When I was "GOOD" I would take notes. Look around at people. Love to people watch. Alot of unhappy ones.
My hubby has made up the game of witness bingo which is fun. Use key words that you know will be said such as Faithful slave, full share in service, etc... When speaker says the phrase or word mark off Can be quite entertaining.
Now that we have the baby we can pace the halls with him. All the ladies like to do in the mother's room is talk anyway. Do alot of that at the meetings now. My husband is soooo..... jealous of me ha!!!! =^..^=
by marie67 ini'm new to this forum.
actually i've been a lurker for awhile.
posted on sassy's call to the newbies.
Hi puternut, I've read some of your posts. Your last one I believe was in regards to your children I'm so sorry!!! U seem like a very sweet person and I feel for you. I understand not wanting to read things also. But I have a curiosity problem Curiousity Killed the Cat as they say. I hope it doesn't end up doing that to me!!!! =^..^=
by marie67 ini'm new to this forum.
actually i've been a lurker for awhile.
posted on sassy's call to the newbies.
hi nojudgement. We ordered it at Barnes and Noble. I have to say husband did behind my back!!! I told him to throw it away when I saw it. I didn't want the demons in my house!!! HA! Anyway he didn't. He never listens to me he's such a bad boy!! (I like 'em that way!!) I read a year later. It is VERY INTERESTING!!!!
by marie67 ini'm new to this forum.
actually i've been a lurker for awhile.
posted on sassy's call to the newbies.
I just wanted to thank everyone again for all the good advice . Just wanted to give alittle background on my situation. It is hard for me to put it in words.I type awful so it takes me forever. I was always an honoroll student but in typing I received a D !!!
Anyway I was raised to be a JW. Went through the typical rebellious teen years always feeling I was the bad one. But because I could never live a double life everyone knew what I was up too. I used to always hear from my Dad do u want to die in Arm. My reply was if your gonna be there YES!!! Anyway I ended up being DA'ed. I never was Bap. but at that time they were doing that to deal with bad JW kids. My bro. also was. Then they changed that ruling.
Anyway I straightened up cuz I always felt I was the wrong one. Did alot of studying and felt I truly had the truth. Mind you I was studying wts literature. I was reinstated. Got Bap. Became a pioneer for 13 yrs. Became a model JW. I always have felt bad because like I mentioned my bro. was DA so I didn't even attend his wedding. Doing the proper JW thing. Even though he wasn't Bap. How unfair was that??? But when they changed that. I didn't even ? it. What a dummy I was.
Met a great guy at the KH. He wasn't Bap. He eventually did and I married him. But being the dutiful JW I wouldn't date him until he was. Marry only in the Lord as they say. Went through alot of torture waiting for him to make up his mind because we loved each other alot. He has always had doubts about things. Of course,I would get into many heated arguments with him about them. THIS IS THE TRUTH!!! ARE TURNING APOSTATE????!!! I would say to him. You know they are all liars!!!!
Well, gradually he wore me down. I couldn't answer alot of the ques. he was asking me. And he was sincerely asking me them. He wants to know the truth. So then I started lurking here. I couldn't believe alot of the stuff I was reading. No wonder the WTS is always warning about the internet. They don't want us to know the truth. Then I read CofC. Mind blowing!!
I am totally bothered by Russell and Rutherford. They seem like mental cases. The way they treated their wives. Rutherford was an alcoholic.The mexico & malawi thing. I remember writing letters to Malawi begging the Gov't to ease up on them. I should have been writing to the WTS for them to ease up on them!!! Now the UN thing and their ridiculous reply on that one. If that was any of us you know what would happen!!! There is so much more I could on. But you all know the drill on it.
Anyway, at this time I'm gonna take babysteps in regards to this all. It goes against my nature because I'm a pretty straight shooter on things.I wish I could act depressed as one person recommended. But I'm not a very good actress. I'll do the best I can at this time and teach my little one what I do know as truth. My hubby is willing to take the heat on alot of things if they were to come up. I feel like a coward in this regard but I'm not ready to leave my family. I love them very much. I know though most of them would probably not ignore us but I would hate to put them in that postion at this time.
You all are very supportive and I appreciate it. But lets face it your not around in person. I need my family at this time. So for once in my life I guess I'll have to live a double life. It seems so bizarre!!! But I refuse to feel any GUILT. Because the WTS surely feels none over the lives they have wrecked!!!
by marie67 ini'm new to this forum.
actually i've been a lurker for awhile.
posted on sassy's call to the newbies.
I said to my hubby I wonder if anyone one will reply? I wasn't disappointed. I can't write much now for I have to work today and get the baby ready for the day. Thanks for congrats. He is the best thing that has happened to us. I held off having kids because "the end was coming" And I pioneered the "best thing you can do with your life!!!!" Also I was scared to subject a child to what I went through as a kid.
Anyway, Dansck we do use him as an excuse for alot lately. My hubby is also telling me I don't use him enough HA! We're saying "Oh, we didn't want to take the baby out it's to cold" etc etc
thanks to all for your encouragement! I know you all have been through alot and I feel for you!!! More later the baby is crying. Can't let him do that he is sooooo... CUTE =^..^=
by marie67 ini'm new to this forum.
actually i've been a lurker for awhile.
posted on sassy's call to the newbies.
I'm new to this forum. Actually I've been a lurker for awhile. Posted on Sassy's call to the newbies. Like i mentioned there I am quite upset about what I've read.I have been an active jw for quite awhile.I have always wholeheartly believed it. But now.....I have serious doubts. But I am between a rock and a hard place as they say!!!!! I have so much family that are in that it would be devastating to make a big stand and leave.
I've never been hypocrite and now I feel like a first class one because now I feel like I'm living a lie!!! I've just had a baby and now how am I going teach him these lies?????? What will I teach him!!!!! It's all VERY CONFUSING!! Thanks for letting me vent abit. I have much more venting to do at a later time!!! =^..^=
Are there any Newbies out there???
by Sassy ini was just wondering if there were any new members out there who haven't yet said hello... if so.. please come in and say hi here.. .
its an easy way to get started.. .
i know there are those who will read/lurk for a while but one day they jump in and say hi.... .
I'm a newbie.In fact this is my first post. Didn't know how to get started so this is the perfect opportunity.I've been a lurker for awhile. My hubby turned me onto this sight.I have alot to say. I have just recently read Crisis of Conscience and am skimming over Apocalypse Delayed. Let's just say I am in a crisis due to this at this time. In fact I am quite devastated over it all. I feel some guilt over this but then it seems as the WTS has no guilt over some the shenanigans I have been reading about!!!!! Well anyway I don't want to get to heavy at this time since this is just to say Hello So hi everyone!!!!!!! =^..^=