Are you serious Sunspot?????? You have to be kidding!!!! That is crazy!!! I loved it when my baby was kicking me then I knew he was alive and well!!! Marie P.S. A couple of times we had to leave the meeting because of his moving around to much caused me to much discomfort. Maybe he was trying to tell me something
Yes mulan I had that as a standard answer to anyone who ?'ed my car. I received it alot. I told one CO who complained about my car if he wanted to buy me a 4 door car I'd be happy to accept it. But seeing I was a pioneer and my car was a gift I couldn't afford another one because I was putting Kingdom interest first. He stammered a apology!!! Or I would say things like if you were in some countries you'd be riding in the back of a truck so shut up and get in!! Now I wonder why I put up with this crap!!