Just saw on the news tonight that some guy has been eating these things for 24 hours straight to set a new record-
He's up to 1500 so far!
Just saw on the news tonight that some guy has been eating these things for 24 hours straight to set a new record-
He's up to 1500 so far!
lurkers come in and out of this forum.
some lurkers suddenly have bouts of righteous indignation and become trolls that lash out at some of the subject matter posted here by x-jw's.
they accuse many of "leaving jehovah" for fleshly desires.
Welcome bem!
Why did you leave the truth?
To become an optimist and to welcome the individuality of all into our lives
I would like to thank you all for helping us on our journey.
a friend of mine was recently disfellowshipped (lets call him john, false name but serves the purpose of this).
he was a ministerial servant within the cong (heading for elder).
anyway, he got back in touch after the "fall".
Sirona that was very interesting and I'm so happy you shared it!
i found this topic on handshakes.
it made me think of the witnesses who give so many handshakes.
What's in a handshake?
In my experience, they contain eye goo, bugars, and ear wax -
Yes, every meeting, I literally steered clear of this brother who routinely poked into these areas of his body
and then wanted to shake my hand afterwards.
( How do you spell - oooooooooooooooooooouuuuuuu ! )
now we know what the problem is...
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jehovah's witnesses"faith of our fathers: part one, were the early christians jehovah's witnesses?
Hi Sentinel -
Agree - and to add my 2 cents, THE ORG TOUTS AS
(as in the whole, "Do more" routine etc.)
in view of the recent ban in russia, and the statement that the government feels that the wts is considered harmful and dangerous, my thoughts are these;
i think that anyone or anything that purposely tampers with the very fabric of people's families, is dangerous, but that's just the way i see it.
maybe this sounds extreme, but then the watchtower society is extreme, and too, i speak from personal experience.. .
Hi plmkrzy:
The org taught me to fear my emotions, but I don't. I have witnessed that when you cover them over and hide from them, you have a chance of going plmkrzy.
Best regards,
am i right in thinking that about 1995 the teaching on the "sheep and goats" of matt 25 changed.. i vaguely remember that pre-1995 it used to regarded that the sheep and goats were judged on how they received the preaching work.
then post-1995 it changed to that jesus would judge them when he came at armageddon.. can anyone tell if this is right.
Yes, they are cloned just like Jdubs.
in view of the recent ban in russia, and the statement that the government feels that the wts is considered harmful and dangerous, my thoughts are these;
i think that anyone or anything that purposely tampers with the very fabric of people's families, is dangerous, but that's just the way i see it.
maybe this sounds extreme, but then the watchtower society is extreme, and too, i speak from personal experience.. .
XQ and AMAC:
I bid adieu to you as my energies are best devoted to other things.
now we know what the problem is...
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jehovah's witnesses"faith of our fathers: part one, were the early christians jehovah's witnesses?
Pork Chop - yes, everybody ascertains for themselves what they benefit from and if this thread doesn't grab ya, maybe another one will.
now we know what the problem is...
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jehovah's witnesses"faith of our fathers: part one, were the early christians jehovah's witnesses?
Pork Chop:
Yes, research studies and books written by individuals are open to discussion and criticism and I have heard the thoughts expressed about J. Bergman similar to yours.
Personally, I enjoy research from a wide variety of sources and don't take anyone's word as from God. Fortunately, so much is information is available on this subject and I would leave it up to the individual to ascertain what he benefits from reading.
The facts are borne out, as discussed on these threads re: mental illness, by the personal experiences of others.
Best Regards,