I love these tales! Maybe we can write a screen play, TIm Burton can direct it and Johnny Depp can play the lead? Far more entertaining than Pirates of the Carribean!
Posts by zack
My Bethel Experience Part 10
by new boy inthere were guys at bethel, who had great jobs........like don brouex.....he was the receptionist at the 124 desk....checking in and "checking out" ......all the bethel tours and "hot" sisters......on there way through the "home tour"............that my friend, is not a real bethel job.. there were guys at bethel, that had great congergations with maybe only 2-4 bethelities in their halls.
one hall, midtown had over 80 bethelites there.............. 3 old ladies 4 kids and a dog.
odds of getting a home cook meal on sunday 0%.
New Light at DC?
by zack inthe gb will announce in a series of talks in two symsposiums that:.
all anointed will die and depart the earthly scene before armageddon.. the resurrected anointed will aid christ in directing all his belongings from heaven.. christ said "i will be with you until the conclusion of the systems of things" and he has done so invisibly; and shortly.
shall come the time for his co-rulers to be gathered to him to rule (just as christ has) invisibly.
Logic and truth are no object when it comes to JW doctrine. If they (the power players) want something a certain way, they'll
get it. And their attitude, although framed with language that will appeal to a believer's faith in God and trust in His servants, will
be: WE ARE APPOINTED BY GOD AND YOU WILL OBEY US OR DIE. It has been that way with them for over a century, why
would they need reason now?
How Far Up The "Ranks" Did You Go In The Organization?
by minimus inat age 18, i was a regular pioneer.
at 20, a ministerial servant.
at 24 an elder.
Elder, School Overseer, WT Conductor, BookStudy Overseer, Circuit Talks, RBC, temp worker at Walkill
New Light at DC?
by zack inthe gb will announce in a series of talks in two symsposiums that:.
all anointed will die and depart the earthly scene before armageddon.. the resurrected anointed will aid christ in directing all his belongings from heaven.. christ said "i will be with you until the conclusion of the systems of things" and he has done so invisibly; and shortly.
shall come the time for his co-rulers to be gathered to him to rule (just as christ has) invisibly.
Blondie: Yes, the "Chieftain" class (and this is all JW speak) has done the heavy lifting in reality, not the "anointed" for many, many years. But it has
been under the "direction" of the FDS (read GB.) The FDS doctrine is the CORE doctrine of ecclesiastical authority in the Org. If there are no more "anointed" on
Earth, or "genuine" anointed, then there can be no FDS on Earth. So, a doctrinal shift has to be made for the future before the ranks of the "new" anointed fill up
with people who may believe themselves to be ''Christians" and not of the ilk the power players can mollify or manipulate. If the doctrine were to be changed,
the FDS, like Elijah, can then "pass the mantle" to the "Chieftain" class, like Elisha, and the doctrine of divine appointment and authority can continue. The interim between
the passing of the mantle and the start of the BIG A can be reasoned away by likening it to the period of time it takes the angels to "release" the 4 winds of the Big A and the winds
ACTUALLY reaching the Earth. I know it's far fetched, but I have heard similiar scenarios, and the reason is that the power structure wants to stay in power and they
will not let ANYONE get in their way. They will control the corporations, the teachings, and the people no matter how convoluted the explanation. The explanation, however, has
to contain continuity, (like Peter and the Bishops of Rome for Catholics), and if the living FDS on Earth pass the mantle, what true Christain of Jehovah could deny it was God's will?
If the FDS says it IT MUST BE TRUE.
(I love your posts, by the way. Your WT comments are great!)
New Light at DC?
by zack inthe gb will announce in a series of talks in two symsposiums that:.
all anointed will die and depart the earthly scene before armageddon.. the resurrected anointed will aid christ in directing all his belongings from heaven.. christ said "i will be with you until the conclusion of the systems of things" and he has done so invisibly; and shortly.
shall come the time for his co-rulers to be gathered to him to rule (just as christ has) invisibly.
Most WT study articles are District Convention talks. The change in Generations and Seperation of the SHeep, etc.... all were DC talks. They were
then studied at the congo. level as a WT Study article. This is part of the indoctrination. Say it ALL in the summer, study it all during the next year.
New Light at DC?
by zack inthe gb will announce in a series of talks in two symsposiums that:.
all anointed will die and depart the earthly scene before armageddon.. the resurrected anointed will aid christ in directing all his belongings from heaven.. christ said "i will be with you until the conclusion of the systems of things" and he has done so invisibly; and shortly.
shall come the time for his co-rulers to be gathered to him to rule (just as christ has) invisibly.
I recall that whole set of articles which preceded the divisions of labor into the different corporations and the GB being excised from sitting
on any of them. IMO, and I beleived so at the time, it was a set up for a future "adjustment" when only "other" sheep
would be left in charge. It was also a more scripturally defensible explanation for the "other" sheep in leadership positions
than the non-sensical, poorly researched "nethinim'' idea.
Anyway, I think the dubs are in for a change this summer. Just my thoughts.
New Light at DC?
by zack inthe gb will announce in a series of talks in two symsposiums that:.
all anointed will die and depart the earthly scene before armageddon.. the resurrected anointed will aid christ in directing all his belongings from heaven.. christ said "i will be with you until the conclusion of the systems of things" and he has done so invisibly; and shortly.
shall come the time for his co-rulers to be gathered to him to rule (just as christ has) invisibly.
Truth seeker: the new partakers aren't recognized by the GB as "genuine" Only ones in the inner circle are
"geniune" anointed. The rest are "professed" anointed. (Said with disdain)
Justifying GodÂ’s Organization Against All The Facts
by The wanderer in<!-- .style4 { font-family: arial; font-size: 18px; color: #990000; } .style6 { font-family: verdana, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; } .style7 {font-family: arial; font-size: 16px; color: #990000; } .style8 {font-family: verdana, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; font-weight: bold; } .style10 {color: 000000000} --> justifying gods organization against all the factsregardless of how many facts a person has standing against .
the watchtower society it is still gods organization.
eyes that cannot see, ears that cannot hearmy friend knows of the watchtowers involvement with .
Facts, evidence, the truth: these are not obstacles to the JW mindset. After all, didn't we beleive it all
at one time? Something PERSONAL has to happen to a JW for the fog to clear. Once it clears, even just
a little, then the alarm can go off: DANGER WILL ROBINSON!!!! DANGER!!!!!
New Light at DC?
by zack inthe gb will announce in a series of talks in two symsposiums that:.
all anointed will die and depart the earthly scene before armageddon.. the resurrected anointed will aid christ in directing all his belongings from heaven.. christ said "i will be with you until the conclusion of the systems of things" and he has done so invisibly; and shortly.
shall come the time for his co-rulers to be gathered to him to rule (just as christ has) invisibly.
The GB will announce in a series of talks in two symsposiums that:
All anointed will die and depart the earthly scene before Armageddon.
The resurrected anointed will aid Christ in directing all his belongings from heaven.
Christ said "I will be with you until the conclusion of the systems of things" and he has done so invisibly; and shortly
shall come the time for his co-rulers to be gathered to him to rule (just as Christ has) invisibly. Thus, no more anointed
on Earth. The "Chieftain" class of the Book of Ezequiel will take the reins (faithful "other sheep" members which now run the corporations) and will continue to lead
the work on the Earth while we await Armageddon which must be imminent because almost all annointed are gone or soon will be.
This would solve their problem of not having "anointed" company men to appoint to the GB. It would discredit anyone new who
partakes of the emblems, since no replacements will be needed any longer.
It will perpetuate the leadership of the religion into the future.
I have read and heard snippets of this as speculation and gossip. SOme of this from the board some of it
from the inside. How much of it is true? I think it is entirely possible. They have to do SOMETHING.
PS: My congo lost another elder this week. Went totally OUTTA THE BORG!
My Bethel Experience Part 9
by new boy inthe the worst thing, someone could call you at bethel, was a "jack".............. as in " that guy is a real jack, he doesn't work at all".
the other term not used very much anymore, was "pot licker" used basically the same way.there has been some bad things done at bethel.
you name it, someone has done it...........but the absolute worst possible thing, a bethelite could do is be a theft!
Love the stories. Aren't you glad you got a close up look at the "glorious ones?"
Did Knorr ever give you the whole "Don't shake your wanker" speech as a new boy? Or was Larson the FO by that time?