My parents got me in the "big sister" program at about age 11-12, had a sister about 6 years older than me come over to study every week, take me in field service, take me to the meetings when they didn't go (turns out they were doing the fade-away whilst leaving me quite "in") and take me to JW-approved social events. "Make sure your child gets brainwashed/indoctrinated by a crazy religion and then YOU won't have to worry about them getting preggers, doing drugs, etc.etc." was apparently their thinking. So by the time I was 16 and getting baptised, I was held as an example because I was doing it all despite my parents being practically inactive. All the kids in my congregation except for me and one other (we are talking about 15-20 people here) ended up in some sort of judicial trouble (they were just being normal teens, looking back...) Auxillary pioneered in the summer, reg pioneered out of high school. Then...the summer afterwards, I started dating my (now-ex) husband. THAT made for trouble. Suddenly I wasn't a good example. Well, I guess I understand, as after six years of marraige to him I finally believed my mom and his mother's suspicions that he was, in fact, gay, and just refused to confront it. Thus, the prefix ex-. ;)
But all along I had a rebellious streak that they were trying to tame. Glad it finally got the better of me. :D