Hey I seem to recall that one of the guys from Fishbone was raised JW. Or is my memory faulty?
JoinedPosts by arachnia
Seattle Hempfest 2002 Pictures
by Trauma_Hound in.
me with fishbone!.
http://www.seattle-chat.com/charlie/hempfest/day%201/ - rest of the pictures for day 1. http://www.seattle-chat.com/charlie/hempfest/day%202/ - rest of the pictures for day 2 lots of pictures of fishbone.
by blackrose inhello, i am new to this board in a way.
i have been reading messages for about a month now and just got the nerve up to register an account so i can give my "two cents" once in a while.
i was raised a jw, but just recently expressed openly that i do not have plans on associating with them any longer.. anyways, not going to type my story out right now, as i do not know if any one wants to hear it.
Welcome Blackrose! :)
Stone Circles?
by frogit ini live near some really interesting stone circles derbyshire england, i love visiting this place, i even went late in the day when it was dark, just .
to get the feel of what the place was all about.
some people talk about the personality of each stone circle, strange!
Mulan....Avebury is one of my favorite places on earth. Ironically, I went there with my JW friend and her family - her father an elder and of the anointed. It's one of her favorite places as well. And there was definitely an "otherworldly" sense the entire time I was there, despite my skepticism - that's one of the places/experiences that has prevented me from becoming atheist - those sort of things just won't allow me to abandon all belief. Thank you for the photo - it's a welcome sight this morning. I spent all last night dreaming about my friend - I lost touch with her six years ago when I left the Borg and it's one of my biggest life's regrets. So seeing something that we both love really hit the spot today. :)
~Trase -
Ex witnesses in UK
by Michelleatkin ini'm new to this site, found it whilst looking at panarama web site.
are there many here from uk, even lancashire?
if so, please let me know as it would be nice to speak to some ex-witnesses in uk.
Thank you so much Kat - I really appreciate it. I'm hopeful!
Ex witnesses in UK
by Michelleatkin ini'm new to this site, found it whilst looking at panarama web site.
are there many here from uk, even lancashire?
if so, please let me know as it would be nice to speak to some ex-witnesses in uk.
I'm not from the UK, but thought I'd pop in and say hello and ask if anyone ever attended one of the Southampton congregations where Sarah-Kate Burgess and her family went? Her father James, and mother Sally - he is an elder and anointed, used to play bassoon in a symphony. Long story short - Sarah-Kate (S'kate) was a dear friend and I lost touch with her in 1996 as I was making my exodus. I've always hoped since then that our paths will cross once again, hopefully with her having left the Borg as well. Anyway, her phone number has changed, I sent a letter but suspect that she has moved from her flat in Midanbury where I last knew her to reside, and I'm not entirely sure she'd speak to me now. (I DA'd in 97). I've tried the BT.com phone directory, the Friends Reunited, but alas, no success. And of course, any searches for missing persons I've found are based on electoral rolls, and so that's useless. However, I'm still hoping. She was dating a fellow named Farid when I last visted in 1996 and he had yet to be baptised, so maybe they made their way out before he got trapped too. ;) Anyone perchance know her, or of her family? Her brother Kevin is a chiropractor and she has an older sister who left the dubs, she's married with kids. Help! If you know her please help me get in touch with her, I'd appreciate it so very much. :)
Where are the Feminine women?
by 4skins insome months ago i took my annual vacation to the land of kangaroos--you know--where men are men and sheep are skittish?
as a social commentator i have a vested interest observing cultural changes and trends, etc.
in the professions and trades in oz the genders dress as androgynous as their counterparts in the us.
> There seems to be some consensus between researchers that rape is a recurring feature in male/female fantasy.
My, that's a broad statement. Mind if I ask: What researchers? Which studies? When/where were they conducted? Source citations please. Or is your "research" defined here?:
> I know most women entertain fantasies of being raped and men entertain raping.If that's the case, that is not "researchers." That's personal opinion, which isn't worth horse puckey in terms of drawing conclusions about the rest of the population.
hands up ex-pioneers
by sleepy inso how many here were pioneers?
ha ha ha.
i used up my teenage years pioneering, good thing i didn't go to college or university i could be well educated and in a good job.poo.
Auxillary pio'd the summer after graduation, started regular pioneering in September that year, attended pioneer school, had to quit after one year because I needed health insurance. I had some surgery earlier that year for a growth that the doctor was concerned might eventually turn cancerous, so it *really* wasn't an option to go without. Try telling that to the elders who met with me to tell me what a failure I was because I was quitting after only a year, though. I was happy to point out to them that both of them had insurance, as well as the daughter of one (he was our PO incidentally) who had been enlisted as my "big sister" some years back to study weekly with me etc. So it was difficult for me to accept their reasoning that "many pioneers forgo medical insurance to put kingdom interests first and rely on Jah to provide." I was like, "are YOU going to pay my bills if I go in the hospital?" Needless to say, my bad attitude was duly noted. ;) I auxillary pioneered for a few months afterwards but somehow couldn't maintain my enthusiasm. Did I mention, this all hit me at the same time as my grandfather died from leukemia? He was like a father to me. Nice loving sensitivity they demonstrated, huh? Well I'm rambling from a lack of food and a lot of bitterness so I'll end it here. ;)
Where are the Feminine women?
by 4skins insome months ago i took my annual vacation to the land of kangaroos--you know--where men are men and sheep are skittish?
as a social commentator i have a vested interest observing cultural changes and trends, etc.
in the professions and trades in oz the genders dress as androgynous as their counterparts in the us.
"Feminine" is defined in the dictionary (AHD4ed) as "Of or relating to women or girls" and "Characterized by or possessing qualities generally attributed to a woman." I suppose those qualities are personally defined differently by each individual, just as "masculine"
qualities are explained by each person in their own mind. As a general rule, however, until recent decades, culturally, the qualities
of women were defined primarily by men (as were the qualities of men.) Want proof? Here's some: up until about 10-15 years ago,
the majority of psychological studies only included male test subjects. Now that's hardly what one can honestly call realistic or fair,
and when you consider that the data gathered in those studies has been used (and is still used) to define the human experience for
both sexes, (albeit from one point of view that is drastically different from the other) it demonstrates how unrealistic the viewpoints
about the female psyche have been (and as illustrated by some of the mysogynistic posts here, still are, unfortunately.) It's just
going to take time for our cultures to adapt to the evolution of gender perceptions that is necessary and inevitable.Fasten your seatbelts, it's going to be a bumpy ride...
Edited by - arachnia on 29 July 2002 18:37:47
SE Michigan Festivities Fun but Not Over Yet!
by outnfree inhello, board!.
i am grinning this morning, happy to have spent most of the past 18 hours in the company of some wonderful people from this board and their friends!
i was supposed to post a report last night, but somehow a pillow and a comforter seemed a better choice than the desk chair, so i'm posting this in a hurry on my way out to brunch!
I'm bummed that I couldn't make it. :( I forgot about an interview/show we had to cover for our website last night and it just wasn't possible to do both. Unfortunately the show was a big disappointment, although the interview with the band was great, so I guess it was a wash. Hope that I can make the next one! :D
~Trase -
XJW Pagans
by SpiderMonkey into spice, moe, gsx, & many others i've met here, i have a question: whether xjw or just associated w/ jw's at some point in time, those who now consider themselves pagan: do you have a link to a pagan site that offers good chat & board services like this one does?
i'm getting to a point where i frequently find myself reading some very valid ideas against jw's and basically posting "yeah.
" i'm not interested in leaving this board entirely, but i am interested in finding a board that suits my current beliefs & interests more fully... i want to accentuate the positives more so than the negatives in other words.... this is in no way meant as a slam against this board; this board has helped me as nothing else ever has.
Well, it's a low-traffic discussion board, but the only way to change that is to get more people talking on it. ;) So if you'd like, here's a link to my site, which has discussion boards: