I seem to have trouble understanding how JW's think in regards to "false prophets" or "false prophecies". I went toe to toe with my JW's brother who is a Ministerial Servant on the topic of false prophecies. He just won't leave me alone. He knows that I am out of the JW's but he just cannot pass up any opportunity to try and get me back in to the fold. I love him dearly but I told him that I just cannot come back. He insisted on telling me that the "end" is near and I will be destroyed at Armaggeddon if I don't run back and beg the elders to let me back in. I feel sorry for him because he really does care about me and wants me save. We went back and forth on false prophecies. He said that JW's are not false prophets because they did not say the prophecies were from Jehovah but only their own expectatiions. According to my brother if JW's said the prophecies were from Jehovah and they failed then that would be a false prophecy. His distorted analogy went like this: If a person comes up to you with some erroneous information concerning some medicine and you give the information to your friend who takes the medicine and dies who is guilty you or the person with the erroneous info? JW's as a body of believers did not say 1975 was the end but only said what the leaders gave them. Jehovah will not punish the flock by a bad shepherd but will punish the shepherd. JW's is the true religion but some corruption has always been in their midst. Another argument he used was when Jesus said to his followers that some of them would be alive when he entered into his kingdom and all of them died but nobody would say Jesus is a false prophet. He used the argument that John said this was the "last" hour in Revelation but that was over 2000 years ago so was John a "false prophet" and how long is an hour? He argued about Jonah and the 40 more days until Niveah will be destroyed. His argument was Nowhere did Jonah say "unless you repent" before 40 days or "Niveah might" be destroyed but Niveah will be destroyed in 40 days and nothing happened but Jonah was not a false prophet. He also argued that a false prophet is someone who delibrately deceives and gives info that he or she know is wrong. JW's really believed in what they said so they only had "wrong expectations" and not false prophecies.
JoinedPosts by booker-t
Just how do JW's explain who is a "false prophet"?
by booker-t ini seem to have trouble understanding how jw's think in regards to "false prophets" or "false prophecies".
i went toe to toe with my jw's brother who is a ministerial servant on the topic of false prophecies.
he just won't leave me alone.
I am so confused by the JW's saying the UN is the 8th king
by booker-t inhas jw's always taught this that the un is the 8th king?
i just happen to stumble across the june study watchtower at my aunt's home and glanced throught the mag and saw this teaching.
i don't remember the jw's teaching this back when i was in.
Has JW's always taught this that the UN is the 8th king? I just happen to stumble across the June study Watchtower at my Aunt's home and glanced throught the mag and saw this teaching. I don't remember the JW's teaching this back when I was in. The mag list all 7 kings and what world powers fit them. 1st king is Egypt, 2nd king is assyria, 3rd king is medo-persia, 4th king is Babylon, 5th king is Rome, 6th king is Greece and the 7th king is Britian/America world power and they finish by saying the 8th king is the UN. I was blown away by this because I never remember this teaching when I was in the 1990's. I remember an elder saw me on the street and said the UN was the eight king about a year ago and I laughed because I thought he was just joking or guessing. I did not know it is an official teaching. I always thought they believed the UN was the beast of Revelation. Can anybody explain this one to me.
When the Great Tribulation strikes will the Governments do away with laws?
by booker-t ini have also wondered what will happen when the great tribulation strikes will the government do away with laws and create a dictatorship style government?
maybe i am still thinking like a jw but i was taught that during the great tribulation the government will serverly persercute the jw's trying to get them to renounce their faith.
killing anybody that refuses and that is when jehovah and jesus will step in with armaggeddon.
I have also wondered what will happen when the Great Tribulation strikes will the Government do away with laws and create a dictatorship style government? Maybe I am still thinking like a JW but I was taught that during the Great Tribulation the Government will serverly persercute the JW's trying to get them to renounce their faith. Killing anybody that refuses and that is when Jehovah and Jesus will step in with Armaggeddon. Some Born Again Christians believe that during the Great Trib if anyone wants to be saved he will have to be maryted or beheaded because grace will be done away with. I have heard so many interpretations on this subject.
I have always wondered how is Armaggeddon going to happen?
by booker-t ini have always wondered if jehovah and jesus are going to announce to the world that armaggeddon has arrived or will people just guess that it is armaggeddon or will there be a newsflash that the world has entered armaggeddon.
the bible seems to contradict on armaggeddon.
jesus says that armaggeddon will come as a "thief" in the night.
I have always wondered if Jehovah and Jesus are going to announce to the world that Armaggeddon has arrived or will people just guess that it is Armaggeddon or will there be a newsflash that the world has entered Armaggeddon. The bible seems to contradict on Armaggeddon. Jesus says that Armaggeddon will come as a "thief" in the night. This seems to indicate "silence/quiet" Armaggeddon. But Jesus also says that the moon will not give off light and the stars will fall from heaven. This certainly cannot be a queit event. And if every eye will see Jesus coming in the clouds how can Jesus make the statement that it will be like a thief in the night? If I wake up at night and see a man with a gun breaking into my house this cannot be a quiet event. I am just curious to what other posters feel about this subject. Please no JW bashing or Born Again Christian bashing just your opinion.
John 2:19-22 and the bodily resurrection of Christ
by booker-t ini must admit after talking about this subject with evangelical christians i am still not sure why do they hold onto this false doctrine that blaspemes jehovah god and jesus christ and just cannot be proven from the bible.
i have talked to christians for years regarding this doctrine and while i try not to debate anymore like i used to do i still have christians trying to read john 2:19-22 to fit their doctrine.
i always like to take the verse piece by piece to show christians their errors.
I must admit after talking about this subject with evangelical christians I am still not sure why do they hold onto this false doctrine that blaspemes Jehovah God and Jesus Christ and just cannot be proven from the bible. I have talked to christians for years regarding this doctrine and while I try not to debate anymore like I used to do I still have Christians trying to read John 2:19-22 to fit their doctrine. I always like to take the verse piece by piece to show Christians their errors. First of all I like to ask them Why didn't Jesus simply tell the Jews "Destroy my body and in three days I will rise it up" Jesus talked about eating his "body" and drinking his "blood" in the same book of John so why would Jesus use "temple" instead of body if he wanted to show them that his body will rise? The next question I would like to now for the "soma" always mean a physical body proponets is did Jesus teach canniballism when he said eat my body(soma) Christians crumble here on this point. Can Jesus body really be destroyed since the old testament tells us his body won't see curruption. If Jesus was using an illustration why do Christians believe parts of it was illustration and parts of it was real. Is Jesus really a temple made of brick and clay and stone? Christians will say that part was a illustration of John 2:19 but I again ask Jesus was switching back and forth from real to illustration according to Christians. The point is that Jesus was using the temple as an illustration of his death and resurrection showing the Jews that if they killed him(Destroy) Just like the temple was brought up he would be brought up again by Jehovah God. The Jews thought he was talking about the temple building but when they heard about his resurrection they remembered what he said and knew he was talking about his person.Other things that would have to be made clear to me is the Father and The Holy Spirit are both Spirit and never had a body of flesh so how does Jesus fit into this Trinity? Bodily resurrectioners argue strongly that Jesus is still flesh and bone and they believe that 1Tim 2:5 which states "a man" is mediator. But does not revelation say the"lamb" is on the throne. So do christians believe there is a real lamb ruling with God in heaven? All in all you cannot pick and chose what parts of a verse is real and what parts are figurative.
At the age of 48 I just graduated with my BA degree from college and I am on top of the world
by booker-t ini thought i would never get my college degree from a university in this century at the age of 48 but i did it and graduated with an "a-" average.
i did this all the while working a full time job and going to school full time.
it can be done and now i love school to death.
I thought I would never get my college degree from a University in this century at the age of 48 but I did it and graduated with an "A-" average. I did this all the while working a full time job and going to school full time. It can be done and now I love school to death. I enrolled in the Masters program and now I am working on my MA degree which I will receive when I turn 50. Life is so great and my advice to all ex-jw's that just cannot let it go with what the WT society did to you is move on. I know many people might throw stones at me but I was so angry when I left the JW's that I sat around for 20 years going to ex-jws potluck, listening to anything ex-jw's but I just got tired of hearing the same old song. Move on before you wake up and you will be elderly and realized you let life go by you complaining about JW's. Don't give them that much power over you. I stopped going to ex-jw's functions about a year ago and I don't miss them at all. All they did was talk about the big bad WT society. At first you need to be around fellow understanding people that went through it but after awhile people start getting tired of hearing the same old song. And I noticed that at those ex-jw's functions the ex witnesses were still so angry after years of being out and I told myself I will not let myself become bitter it is like a slow death. Be happy and have fun.
What would Ex-JW's and Born Agains do if it was proven that BAC's gave wrong dates for the end
by booker-t ini am so sick and tired of ex-jw's and born again christians(bacs) always condemning jw's and mormons for giving false dates when in fact born agains have a history of end of the world and rapture date setting.
every time i bring this up to hard core born agains they always say "but those born agains are not apart of my church.
" but in the very next breath they will claim that jesus has "one" church and one body of christ exist.
I am so sick and tired of ex-jw's and born again christians(bacs) always condemning jw's and mormons for giving false dates when in fact born agains have a history of end of the world and rapture date setting. Every time I bring this up to hard core born agains they always say "but those born agains are not apart of my church." But in the very next breath they will claim that Jesus has "one" church and one body of Christ exist. So if the Church started 2000 years ago it is the same body and according to born agains all those christians was part of the body of Christ. So this will cause a problem in born again theology because if you check church history it is riddled with christians setting dates for the end thousands of years before JW's and Mormons. Some of the church fathers gave dates believing that the end was going to happen in the first century. So my question to born agains and ex-jw's is Are born agains false prophets since some of the church fathers believed the end was going to happen 2000 years ago? Even the Catholic church set the date for the year 1000 AD believing the Satan would be destroyed and that Armaggeddon had to come in that year. My question to Catholics is Are Catholics false prophets since the Catholic Church predicted Satan would be destroyed and the 1000 year reign would happen in 1000 AD? I have gotten many born agains that will dismiss alot of this and say "Well that happed over 2000 years ago that does not apply to present day Christians. But JW's can say the same thing and say that Russell and Rutherford and Knorr set those dates not present day JW's. I am in no way condoning JW's date setting I feel sorry for them because they have let men lead them astray but I am tired of the pot calling the kettle black when born agains and ex-jw's complain about date setting from the WT society. And trust me I have dealt with born agains for over 20 years and I know them like a book and I come up with their answer before they do and many times they are shocked and look at me with a blank stare. Born agains and JW's like for people to be intimidated by there perceived knowledge of the bible.
I have finally did it and I will graduate from college with my BA degree in Sociology.
by booker-t inwell everybody i told you all a few years back how hard it was to be in college at the age of 40. i thought my hair was going to fall out trying to keep up with the young college kids in math and science.
but now 3 years later i will be graduating this november with my ba degree.
i just love school and will be applying for graduate school to get my ma.
Well everybody I told you all a few years back how hard it was to be in college at the age of 40. I thought my hair was going to fall out trying to keep up with the young college kids in math and science. But now 3 years later I will be graduating this November with my BA degree. I just love school and will be applying for graduate school to get my MA. I felt so guilty in the early 80's when an elder at my KH told me that going to college was "worldy" and that Armageddon was close. I dropped out so that I would not be given up the kingdom interest. Now nearly 28 years later I will be graduating. I just cannot believe the controll the elders had on me when I was a teenager. I was scared to death of them and did whatever they said. I now laugh when they try to talk to me with that controlling attitude if they see me in the street.
What new books have JW's released at the latest DC?
by booker-t ini was wondering what new books or brochures or tracts has jw's released at the new assembly?
i heard that they talked about the "new light" on the generations doctrine but have they printed something in a book on it?
i cannot believe that they are still struggling with the generation that jesus talked about in matt 24. .
I was wondering what new books or brochures or tracts has JW's released at the new assembly? I heard that they talked about the "new light" on the generations doctrine but have they printed something in a book on it? I cannot believe that they are still struggling with the generation that Jesus talked about in Matt 24.
Ideas for spinning the change in 'generation' for maximum impact?
by bohm inthe change in the definition of 'generation' is the first major doctrinal change in the time i has been involved with the jehovahs witnesses (allmost a full year!
), and i personally find it pretty exciting since many hear has talked about how the other changes (like the 95 one) caused the first weak wtf moments.. what i wonder about now is how (if?
) one should discuss this topic with active jehovahs witnesses for maximal effect - so to our resident mind-control gurus: what are your plans?.
It just makes me feel so sorry for the elderly JW's like my mom who has been a JW's since 1967 and just refuses to see how the soceity has played with their lives. They just accept anything without question. I have been confused on this generation doctrine for years and it is amazing that the witnesses don't speak up about the many changes