Topics Started by chok
I am noticing an upsurge in newbies: Welcome ALL!!!
by Check_Your_Premises in.
i would venture to guess it has something to do with the fact that the memorial is today.. the last upsurge i noticed was during christmas.. welcome all newbies!!
What are you doing tonight instead of passing crackers and wine?
by ColdRedRain infor starters, tonight, i'm going to hang out at my local church's neighborhood gathering and get some food, then i'm heading off to the local synagouge to celebrate my hebrew roots.
how 'bout you guys?
You take someone new to the memorial, and they make fun of it.
by free2beme ini remember one year i was in my late teens and living away from home and needed a ride to the memorial.
i was invited to go with a couple from the hall and on the way they picked up a bible study they invited, this bible study ended up being a person i worked with who i knew was studying.
we did the memorial thing, and dropped off the study and went home.
Inactive people, who show up only for the memorial.
by free2beme ini have a friend who has been inactive as a witness for nearly six years.
yesterday i mentioned that i had wednesday off and wanted to see if they wanted to get something done wednesday, we had been trying to find time for, for awhile now.
out of the blue, they said "i can't, the memorial is wednesday.
It's really been nice, you guys!
by Virgochik ini am going back to work tomorrow.
i had seven wonderfrul, heavenly weeks off from work following my surgery.
i truly enjoyed reading the posts every day during my house bound weeks.
In your family, how many of the grown up children are still in?
by els ini am the youngest of 6 children (the only on that is out)and between us we have 12 kids.
the last i knew only one was still attending meetings.
two others were never baptized and see my parents once in a great while.
Crazy Concept - We have to kick you out because you dared to leave!
by AK - Jeff inhow ludicrous is that witness idea?
wifey and i have been out for well over two years - and had 'faded' some months before that.
not a single 'shepherd' of the flock has given a flying shit.
Can a disassociated person attend the memorial?
by chok ini disassociated myself last year, because i refused to attend a jc!
i preferred to jump ship rather than be pushed!.
this year my parents have invited me to the memorial?
When you were an active JW would you have had this sticker on your car?
by ObservingTexan ini saw a car today that had a bumper sticker that said "i ".
considering what is taught by the wts about jesus would you have ever put a bumper sticker on your car with this message?.