Happy Birthday Beau!!!!
Love Chok
today, my son, beau, is sixteen.
i just don't know where the time goes.
this kid is 6'-3" and sports size 13 shoes.
Happy Birthday Beau!!!!
Love Chok
i am on the look out to chat to anyone from the east midlands.
as nice as it is chatting to folk from around the world, it would be nice to get in touch with some locals.
Hi there
I am on the look out to chat to anyone from the East Midlands. As nice as it is chatting to folk from around the world, it would be nice to get in touch with some locals.
Let me know.
hi, i have been looking on the boards for a few months now, and it has had a profound effect on me.
thanks to all who i have spoken to, who have really helped me.
i was been bought up a jw.when i was 23 i left home and started 'living', got involved with a worldling, who i tried to convert so that we could be accepted.
Thank you all for your lovely welcome and for your kind words. Its nice to read that so many of you understand what I have been through and have yet to face.
I was worried about my daughter accepting not going to the meetings anymore and the change of our lifestyle. But she seems to be coping just fine! TOO FINE!!! She is planning her 1st birthday party when she turns 5 - unfortunately its not until the end of NOVEMBER!!!!! HELP!
Strawberry - U are right about the idea of being an apostate. I looked it up in the dictionary and it is only one who denounces their faith. Well what the hell is wrong is that eh? If you dont believe, then you dont believe do you?!?!?! Its the org that has made us think it means the end of the world and immediate death.
I am from Nottinghamshire, to the person who asked....cant remember who it was that asked.
Thanks again folks. Hope to talk to you all lots in the future.
hi, i have been looking on the boards for a few months now, and it has had a profound effect on me.
thanks to all who i have spoken to, who have really helped me.
i was been bought up a jw.when i was 23 i left home and started 'living', got involved with a worldling, who i tried to convert so that we could be accepted.
Hi, I have been looking on the boards for a few months now, and it has had a profound effect on me. Thanks to all who I have spoken to, who have really helped me.
I was been bought up a JW.When I was 23 I left home and started 'living', got involved with a worldling, who I tried to convert so that we could be accepted. Well to cut a long story short I got disfellowshipped and was shunned by everyone I had ever known, family included! The loneliness was so intense, I moved back home to my parents so that I could have some form of contact and get my life in order. I married the chap I met, because I felt that was the right thing to do, seeing as we had had relations and didnt think a clean living brother would want a 'non virgin' wife!!! Well 9 years later and a helluva lot of arguments and confusion about what I really want, I have separated from my husband (he never did come along - he didnt believe in it, just said he went along with it to help get me back in!!!). I am in the process of fading. I have 2 lovely kids, who I want a better life for. I also have a new partner who has, although having no religious upbringing caused me to question my upbringing and beliefs for the first time in my life.
What has amazed me more than anything is that the people in the world are not all evil like I had been taught. They have been more caring and considerate of what I have been through than my so called JW family. I met my partners parents for the first time a couple of weeks ago and they welcomed me with open arms, made me feel like a normal person. Whereas my parents didnt even invite my boyfriend to take a seat or offer him a drink when they met him. Made we wonder who was the christian.
I cant beleive that for 31 years of my life I have done what everyone else has wanted me to do, made decisions to keep folk happy, and put aside doing what I wanted. Never had a birthday, never celebrated xmas, always felt like a freak or an outsider. Judged people just for not having the same opinion on life as me. How wrong is that? I just need to find the strength to do things differently for my children so that they can lead a normal balanced life.
Well thats me. And thanks again for all your replies of support, dont know if I could have coped so far without this site.
Never thought of myself as an apostate, you know how it is. Drilled into ya head that if you so much as question or disagree you are an apostate and the devils child! Well actually I dont feel that evil...I feel pretty damn good!
i have been lurking for quite some time and thought i would finally drop in.
as my alias might suggest, i am somewhat of a history buff.
i have enjoyed reading metatron, farkel, maximus, blondie, and countless other posters insightful threads over the past several years.
Hello Rodin,
I am new too, after lurking for all of a week.
Love Chok
there was some really piddily-crap that i remember.. for instance, when i was about 17 toe-rings became popular, and one of the sisters bought one....wore it to the kh during the summer with her sandals.
my best friend in the hall wanted one, which of course caused this huge debate about whether it would be okay 'in jehovah's eyes', and didn't it go against the scripture that counsels women against "bodily adornment", blah-blah-blah.
toe rings??!
...these are so funny, but so ridiculously stoooopid!
...do not watch E.T., cause he is depicting the resurection, by bringing the flower back to life! But I loved that film
...do not do YOGO, it empties the mind and allows satan to take over!
...do not wear trousers to the meeting (girlies that is) cause its not modest, but a skirt down of proper length is fine!
oh there are sooo so many things
we've talked about this subject several times since i joined this site... .
time and again i will get together with xjws and they still refer for instance to being a jw as being in the truth.. .
i've talked to people who have been out 2 or 5 or even 10 yrs and they still refer to it as that in their conversations... .
I guess you just stop talking the 'pure language' that sets us apart! I mean THEM!
Forgive me, I'm still in the early days of unscrewing my messed up head!
my mother knows i haven't been going to the meetings lately.
we haven't officially had a 'heart to heart' yet.
well she calls up today (sunday after about lunchtime) and immediately begins asking 'where were you yesterday, i tried to call you 5 times?
Hi I read the above with great interest and understanding. I spent the day with my mum and my kids on saturday..nice day out, small talk. No bible bashing, no questions, no encouragement, nothing...I didnt kid myself that all was well though. 8.15 this morning, I was barely awake, when the phone rang. Its mother dear, can we take little one to the meeting. This tells me that they have obviously given up on me, and are now homing in on my babies who are far more vunerable. When I said no, I was met with, 'But its the special talk!' . The answer is still no, we already have plans for this morning. hmmm, she wasnt happy, but I actually felt that for once I am making my own choices for me and my children. Its only taken 31 years! We had a nice morning wandering round the shops and playing!
greetings and welcome to the board.
look forward to hearing your story.. .
Thank you for your welcomes!!!!!!! and no the 'h' is defo not silent
i don't think i've made any apology for my leanings here towards jws, whilst i don't imagine most here will agree with me, i just think its good sometimes to redress the balance on this forum in a small way to let people who might be reading/lurking/ know that.. despite feeling messed up a bit in my own head about which direction i want/have to take in my own life, and despite many struggles as deep and traumatic as many have experienced here, i still hold jws as a group in the highest esteem.
i can remember what it was like to try and do the "right" thing and follow the way of the truth, it was bloody hard, and i fell down many times.
i always used to try and pick myself up dust myself down and start over again, sometimes with success for longer periods than others.
I think the look of disappointment is probably the worst thing ever. i am good person in my opnion, but suddenly becasue I havent been to the meetings for a few months I am seen as this horrible person who has become wordly, adn is putting her lovely childrens lives at risk. I would never do that I love them. I just dont want them to go through what I have been through. Constantly feeling as though they have to do the right thing and if they dont then they are just not good enough.
My head is absolutely spinning with the things I have read on here.