So is this where the "if you DA you're playing by their rules" nonsense started, as if faders somehow get a pass? DAing is a tough enough decision without having your fellow ex-dubs looking down on you for doing it. All the while these faders complain constantly of their family drama caused because they're still in contact and literally playing the JW game day in and day out. Yes, DAing is dropping a bomb on things, toxic things, things that sometimes need it. Reading the article on the site refers to how awful it is to DA, how much regret can be felt. What about the freedom? My wife and I no longer play the game whatsoever since DAing. No more heirs to keep up to appear a certain way. No making excuses for anything. No fear of organizational repercussions. No looking over our shoulders. And we feel go knowing that we took a stand rather than slinking away.
DAing isn't for everyone. I get that. But it isn't some lesser form of leaving, so cowardly playing of their game. It is taking a stand, not shying away. It is ending the game once and for all, not playing it.