Maybe the question then is why do those people go through with those talks that are given at random but that happen to fall at horrific times? I know that a big part of it is that most brothers can't say the word no. Still, I've been surprised that most, if not all, go through with those incredibly difficult talks.
JoinedPosts by dubstepped
Why THAT talk? Why NOW?
by dubstepped inin another thread there's a discussion about how the show must go on and meetings weren't even slowed down by the deaths or medical emergencies of ones in the audience.
for instance, one young brother's unbelieving father was murdered locally.
not long afterward he's assigned a part on an assembly about the resurrection or something.
Why THAT talk? Why NOW?
by dubstepped inin another thread there's a discussion about how the show must go on and meetings weren't even slowed down by the deaths or medical emergencies of ones in the audience.
for instance, one young brother's unbelieving father was murdered locally.
not long afterward he's assigned a part on an assembly about the resurrection or something.
In another thread there's a discussion about how the show must go on and meetings weren't even slowed down by the deaths or medical emergencies of ones in the audience. It got me to thinking though, how many times were brothers given parts that were on a subject matter that was soul crushing for them or their listeners?
For instance, one young brother's unbelieving father was murdered locally. Not long afterward he's assigned a part on an assembly about the resurrection or something. Of course he got emotional and barely made it through. I've seen other elders get up and give talks about death after the loss of a loved one and barely make it through the tears to finish their talks. Why? Why give that guy that talk at that time? Is it to reinforce his beliefs and help him in some way? Is it to evoke an emotional response from the crowd that strengthens their faith as well?
On the flip side you have brothers that really struggled in areas of life assigned talks on that area of life. My dad was not a good dad. He was very emotionally abusive. The elders knew about it because even I as a kid was called into meetings with elders to report on how things were going at home. Yet the next month they'd assign him a public talk on happy family life. WTF?! My mom, myself, and my siblings would sit there in shock listening to the total bullcrap coming out of his mouth. He would even embellish or make up scenarios that we supposedly had in our own happy little family and preach them from the stage to encourage others. My mom often got up and walked out. We kids weren't allowed that luxury. Were they giving him talks on that subject matter thinking that he needed to learn that material and apply it, or are they just that stupid? Did they just want to torment the family?
I'm not expecting real answers here. It is hard to decisively know the motivation behind many things. I just find it fascinating how many times brothers were put in these horrible situations with their talks and other parts. Heck, as a teenager I had to give a talk from the YPA book on masturbation, as if I as a young male had never indulged myself. Why put a young me in that position? Man I hate those manipulative bastards.
Keep the meeting going! (even if somebody's dying)
by TimeBandit inthis is a true story.
it's about a sister named henriette venema.
she was a very loyal jw.
TimeBandit, I'm so sorry to hear your story, and Flipper's and all of the others here. Jehovah's Witnesses manage to somehow strip the basic humanity out of people.
I remember sitting in a KH when a brother was clearly having a heart attack. I was a kid, and it was frightening. He was helped out of the auditorium and I believe an ambulance came. Of course, the meeting went on.
My mom had some mental issues at one point in time and would just sit and rock at the meetings and it was hard to watch, again I was a kid. I remember her disappearing into the library at times and elders would go back there with her. Eventually she was put into some institutions for periods of time. All the while us kids were totally in the dark without a clue as to why mommy wasn't mommy anymore. She was a shell. I've heard stories since as to a possible misdiagnosis and the wrong medication causing things, but I can't help but think that the cult had something to do with it all.
Necessary Family Business (NFB) is now acceptable according to the weekly WT Study
by Quarterback induring the last decade i've seen so many articles, and top speakers try to downplay that nfb policy.
now, this weeks wt study mentions a positive experience of someone applying having, "contact and applying nfb with a df relative".
Oh, and I just noticed that it didn't say that necessary family business was okay, it said that ABSOLUTELY necessary family business was okay, as in a last resort, when there's no other choice.
Necessary Family Business (NFB) is now acceptable according to the weekly WT Study
by Quarterback induring the last decade i've seen so many articles, and top speakers try to downplay that nfb policy.
now, this weeks wt study mentions a positive experience of someone applying having, "contact and applying nfb with a df relative".
LaurenM caught that point about being "FORCED to beg Jehovah for help and forgiveness", and I did too. So much for free will, eh? I thought Jehovah never coerced anyone to serve him.
Let's's a CULT!
Necessary Family Business (NFB) is now acceptable according to the weekly WT Study
by Quarterback induring the last decade i've seen so many articles, and top speakers try to downplay that nfb policy.
now, this weeks wt study mentions a positive experience of someone applying having, "contact and applying nfb with a df relative".
millie210 - Who decides what is "necessary" family business?
Why, Jehovah's Witnesses, of course. Those bastards get to decide everything, the hallmark of any narcissists. The world is their playground and we're just living in it. If they need something, you bet they'll contact their ex-JW relatives. Need money? NFB Sick and need someone to care for you? NFB Let's face it though, it's a one way street. They WANT to see us flounder. The worse any one of us does in the "world", the more it solidifies their narrow minded thinking. They're rooting for us to lose, thinking that will make us come back. They want us to suffer, thinking that will make us come back.
I love how they always find the one example where things worked out for them and use it in their publications, so they too can have the best outcome. Really? Oh, you mean like my dad dying in April, having shunned me for the last year of his life? That was the best outcome? I hate that organization so much. They are sickening.
NFB means nothing more than "whatever suits the JW in the family's needs or wants, so long as it isn't in any way helpful or loving toward the ex-JW".
Just Sent in My DA Letter!
by Thoughtless inhey, this thread is nothing new so i don't wanna get too personal but i'm happy to announce that i am apart of the 33% club!!
i sent in my da letter this past wednesday (again actually, i sent it in the week before but i got hit with the old 'return to sender') and i sent the letter up to the hq instead.
i did courteously mark it as re: disassociation for whatever lackey got it, but i did request in the letter not be contacted.
Congratulations! You didn't do it correctly so you'll likely get a call or something. I forgot to sign my second one (first got sent back because their address online was wrong) so they called me to confirm. I realize that you don't want contact, I didn't either. You may have to have it though but it will mean the end of all contact, so it will be hard but worth it. I felt the same as you. I had ridiculous anxiety. Now I have hardly any. I have peace. You will too, soon enough. Just do what you need to finalize this and feel free afterward.
Changes & Clarifications on our belief. DOMINO EFFECT blamed for late coming into print
by TheWonderofYou inin the august broadcast bro splane explains this point deeper.. when the brothers are sitting together and joyfully speaking about clarification of jw belief, they often encounter and deal with that "domino-effect" when one scripture has effects on others.
so all changes are carefully considered before they come into print, one after the other but late.. lately he mentions the "godfathers" brother jaracz , barr as good examples of reading the bible progressivly, they were very progressive at there time.
what ever this could mean he did not explain it?.
They want a pat on the back because the old guys were willing to change too? If they are truly "God's channel", aren't they just doing what they're supposed to do? How about the 8 million plus rank and file that then are forced to change? Should they get a pat on the back too, or just a guilt trip telling them to keep up with the "chariot"? Idiots, the whole lot.
August JW Broadcasting in Under 2 Minutes LOYAL LOYAL ETC ETC
by Watchtower-Free in .
When shunning family is part of your vocabulary it's hard to claim to know loyalty. Got a kick out of that video, lol.
Our secretly recorded disfellowshipping and 2 year anniversary since leaving on Watchtower Victims Memorial Day!!!
by Christian Gutierrez inhey guys it's been 2 years since leaving and this is how life has gone for us since then.
hope you guys have had a positive experience too!
cheers 😃.
I love you guys and your videos but have to admit that the only time I run across you is during self-promotion. Sure would be nice to see you guys respond to the threads you start, to emails, etc., maybe even getting down in the trenches and helping one on one at times. I think I'm friends with you on Facebook, per your request, but you only show up about yourselves. Maybe that's not fair, but I've lost interest due to it. Best wishes though.