My dad died on Monday. I'm honestly not that shaken by it and I think people are put off by that. I said my goodbyes last year when I DA'D in my goodbye letter to my family. I had closure. I think the biggest place I struggled was in being pulled in from shunning, thrust back into the family dynamic, only to have it disappear again. It's a mind-fuck.
I had told my my dad that I might come back and decided against it because we ended things so well. So I texted my mom to let her know to which I was told that it wasn't expected that I would come back anyway and that it was a one time act of mercy. That didn't feel great.
I was called when he died. I've done my best to just let my mom talk when she has me on the phone. I'm there for her as much as I can be, but this is clearly just a business transaction that will be wrapped up shortly.
I found out from a relative on Facebook that his memorial would be on Sunday. Mom never told me about it. She did, however, call me to let me know that obviouyi wouldn't be there, but would it be okay to use my name as one of his sons in the talk. Would it be okay to use my name in the KH. I said of course, as last I checked I was one of his sons.
So, my biggest upheaval isn't over his death. To be blunt I hated him as a kid and once got up in the middle of the night and grabbed a knife to kill him in his sleep. He was very emotionally abusive. I wanted him dead. But over the years I tried hard to repair our relationship and spent the past several years taking him to ballgames, out to eat, fishing, etc. I saw a different size of him then that I enjoyed up until him yelling at me in our conversation about "the gays".
My upheaval is just over the drama surrounding the way I'm disregarded in parts of this as an ongoing thing. It's just all messed up. It hurts, or is confusing, or something. I can't quite put my finger on it but I feel something.
I've had a camping trip planned with friends this weekend for months. While my entire family is at his memorial, I'll be out enjoying nature. It feels wrong on a level, but I know that I don't want to be at his memorial anyway. I hate the elders at that KH and have bad history with them. To walk in and be shunned will draw all attention to me. The talk will be given by people that had no clue who he really was. I'm avoiding potential danger because I could be provoked by two specific elder's to take their heads off. So my weekend plans couldn't be better for me.