Hadriel: It makes little sense to not want the latest regardless of how small or great the updates are.
Don't believe me put a gallon of mile out marked with first as the expiration date then put jugs behind it with the expiration of the second. comeback at the end of the day and the one jug with the first as the expiration will still be sitting there.
for the final time it takes time to organize such an undertaking. It is really frustrating that so may hang on the well it only takes 24 hours. it doesn't. to update, organize, translate secure long term publisher, artwork etc. It just doesn't happen overnight. To argue otherwise is for the benefit of your agenda.
I think that what people are saying is that something is better than nothing. Don't believe me check out a site called gofundme where people will put up crazy goals and not surprisingly not turn away lesser amounts that they can collect for a goal. In this case people just want to see a book that is beloved and that helped so many available to themselves and/or others. To argue otherwise is to the benefit of your agenda. I'm not promoting pirating, but I'm certainly happy that it was made available out there freely on the internet when I came out of the dubs. It was instrumental in helping me to wake up and confirmed so many things that I thought I was seeing in the organization. We all just want to see it made available so that others can experience that as well and grow to love the man known as Ray Franz that risked so much and made this all available.