This is the first for my wife and I too. I say just do what you want. I didn't leave one cult to join another, so we'll do what we personally like. I don't like CHRISTmas because it smacks of the Bible, so no manger scenes or stars for us. No Santa Claus for us because it's every bit as unreal as CHRISTmas. But we love the lights, the trees with meaningful ornaments, the family, food, and a festive atmosphere. For us it will be a celebration of winter, snow, just appreciating the beauty around us. This year it will just be two of us figuring out what we want to make it and what we're comfortable with . You've done what others want for too long. Do you.
JoinedPosts by dubstepped
Christmas is Coming!
by Drifting Away inso, this will be a time of much confusion.
being a born in, and wanting to celebrate my first christmas is confusing, nerve wracking, and difficult to comprehend.
how have others dealt with there first christmas after leaving?
Hi forum
by A Believer ini proably shouldnt be on here but i feel like saying this.
i have been for the last couple weeks been studying religion.
i've learned the only ones who today do what the bible says to is jw.
I like how the OP starts with the premise of JWs being "they, their, them", but occasionally slips up with a "we". Obvious troll is obvious. The OP will fit in well with JWs, a group that is all about appearances at the cost of actual truth.
Who pays for bethelites Healthcare is it Obama care
by poopie inwhat happens when bethelite gets sick.
Ah, so once they get kicked out we all pay for them then?
Who pays for bethelites Healthcare is it Obama care
by poopie inwhat happens when bethelite gets sick.
Since they're poor you and I pay for them through taxes or increased rates, I do believe. That's assuming everyone, including volunteers, must have insurance or pay the penalty.
The Academy of Ideas - "Brainwashing"
by schnell in the academy of ideas has got to be one of my favorite youtube channels, and due to his subject matter, he doesn't get a whole lot of views.
but do give his playlists a watch.
above, his video on brainwashing is clearly relevant to this forum about jehovah's witnesses.
My wife and I really enjoyed that first video on brainwashing. It was great. Watched some others as well. Good stuff. Thanks for posting these.
Update on MIL shunning
by BeautifulMind inhello on this beautiful sunday!
just a quick little update to the post i made a few months ago about my mil shunning us.
quick recap: during a convo after she attended the rc and was going on and on about how powerful it was and how great the videos were, blah, blah, blah...i couldn't take it anymore and told her that's not our lives anymore and i didn't want to hear anymore about it and to please respect that and move on to something else to talk about.
Awesome, good for you for sticking to your principles. Shame on her. What would Jehovah think, lol. Isn't that just like a jdub though, they get to determine what's right and wrong at their discretion for everyone.
Shunning & separation from family
by CJxfarmx ini was raised in jw as a child.
my dad was a jw my mom was not, they are divorced now.
i was never baptized or anything but i stopped going once i had the choice at age 12. now i am 41 and my dad will not associate with me, my wife or my 3 kids.
Your father sounds like what I call a JW extremist. They are very black and white thinkers. Both my family and that of my wife fall into that category . We actually were JWs, and we were shunned before we ever officially left for going to see my disfellowshipped brother one time after over a decade of shunning him. You can do all the right things , slip up once in their eyes, and be instantly dead to them.
I'm sorry for your loss, though really it's his. You have a family, he has a cult.
The Academy of Ideas - "Brainwashing"
by schnell in the academy of ideas has got to be one of my favorite youtube channels, and due to his subject matter, he doesn't get a whole lot of views.
but do give his playlists a watch.
above, his video on brainwashing is clearly relevant to this forum about jehovah's witnesses.
Thanks man, going to bookmark these and check them out when I have time .
It's been quite a year. Finally can move forward.
by Darkknight757 inlooking back at this journey that my wife and i took this last year has been quite life changing.
who would have ever thought that two watchtower drones would experience an awakening after child loss?
we can finally move forward since coming out to our family that we will no longer be jehovah's witnesses.
Man, I f^$#ing LOVE this, especially the part about your wife coming alive again. Somehow I missed the child loss in your story over time, and I'm so sorry. But that part about friends noticing the change in your wife's demeanor hit me. We had many clients say the same about us, especially my wife, and that was so validating. Freedom is a beauriful thing, isn't it. That feeling of lightness, like the weight of the world was removed from your shoulders.
My wife and I are so happy for you both. Freedom is never free. There's a cost. I can tell you that it hurts sometimes, but it's worth everything. Beautiful stuff man.
@stillin - Sounds like the CO was intimating that voting was an automatic disassociation offense, much like joining the military. That's one way for them to weasel out.