LMAO @ Darkknight. I believe you're correct.
JoinedPosts by dubstepped
You will soon be reinstated as one of Jehovah's Witnesses.
by googleTTATT inmy dad told me this today..
Blood problems in Italy
by OrphanCrow inin february 2017, the european association of jehovah's witnesses made a "submission to un human rights committee subsequent to the adoption of the list of issues on the sixth periodic report of italy".. the 119th session of the human rights committee is currently underway - the dates are march 6 - march 29.. the wts has been trying to get "intesa" status in italy for decades and this latest submission to the un highlights the problems the jws are encountering in italy concerning the blood taboo.. this link will take you to a downloadable word document that is the wt's submission being considered:.
23676 of 2008: mr grassato (one of jehovah’s witnesses) was unconscious when admitted to the hospital.
I have to say that I might actually agree with RO on this one, though I also agree with OC's input that people should have bodily autonomy but with the caveat being that they're given accurate information. Still, lots of people make medical decisions based on all kinds of quackery available online, and it isn't anyone's responsibility to get accurate information but the person who is undergoing the medical procedure. In my view, this isn't right. You can't put blood in these people that don't want it. If they choose to make stupid decisions and die then that's their right. People do it every day without blood even being involved. If Jehovah's Witnesses choose to be misinformed and choose to bow to a cult and die because of misinformation, that's on them. Governments shouldn't have a say in that, nor should doctors, unless a child is involved, in my opinion. I have no problem with children having transfusions to save their lives despite their parents' views. If the parents want bad things for themselves, that's up to them. -
Australian Congregations announce Child Safeguarding Policy is available upon request
by wifibandit inthis week all congregations in australia have been instructed to make the following announcement:.
if a member of the congregation would like a copy of the child safeguarding policy of jehovah’s witnesses in australia, please see the coordinator of the body of elders or the secretary.. .
This shows a lot about the organization. First, when it comes to Jehovah (read, the organization), nothing is ever good enough. You must do more, more, more for Jehovah, put more time into study, more into the ministry, improve the quality of your ministry, give more money, more, more, MOAR!!!!!!! Then when it comes to protecting little children, let's do as little as humanly possible to comply with the proper authorities. Let's make as few policy changes as possible and let people know only in Australia because that's all we're required to do. Let's make a general announcement so that few people will realize what's going on, and let's hide the information behind a wall known as requests to the COBE or Secretary. Above all, instead of waiting on Jehovah, who we all know is slow when it comes to protecting children, let's wait on the governmental authorities, complying at the last minute and hoping that they make reporting mandatory because otherwise there's no possible way that we could do so ourselves within our organization.
What about all of the other children in the organization around the world? Why are they handling criminal acts in the first place, as though their unlettered and ordinary men have any business handling such matters? Why do they do as little as possible for their members but demand as much as possible from them?
They are a disgusting organization.
March 19, 2017 TO ALL CONGREGATIONS IN THE UNITED STATES BRANCH TERRITORY Re: Guest Rooming for Publishers Visiting Bethel Facilities
by wifibandit inmarch 19, 2017 to all congregations in the united states branch territory re: guest rooming for publishers visiting bethel facilities.
bethel visitors guest room request—instructions.
bethel visitors guest room request.
Is there at least a suggested donation? I didn't see one but may have overlooked it. Again, as said, they can make bank on this.
ARC - Case Study 54 - All Exhibits have been released
by jwleaks inall exhibits for case study 54, jehovah's witnesses and watchtower, have been released by the arc.. http://www.childabuseroyalcommission.gov.au/exhibits/10908a67-70c5-4103-94cc-dac096fdb585/case-study-54,-march-2017,-sydney.
exhibit list.
joint statement of o'brien and spinks.
If you could read Fisherman, you'd see that RO absolutely is a sympathizer, just like you. He just can't be a JW because of his sexuality, otherwise he would be. He has said exactly that. Is there nothing you won't twist. A typical JW liar, reflective of your faith. If nothing else, saying that you're not and then going on to sympathize with them over and over again proves you to be a sympathizer.
You're as dull as they come there Fisherman. Why don't you and RO go to Topix and blend in. We all find you to be ridiculous JW plants, just here to waste our time. I've never seen two people get punked more and never getting it. It must be your assignment.
ARC - Case Study 54 - All Exhibits have been released
by jwleaks inall exhibits for case study 54, jehovah's witnesses and watchtower, have been released by the arc.. http://www.childabuseroyalcommission.gov.au/exhibits/10908a67-70c5-4103-94cc-dac096fdb585/case-study-54,-march-2017,-sydney.
exhibit list.
joint statement of o'brien and spinks.
@Listener - It's all Dick Fisherman has. They do it all over the forums.
Local Elder Mentions this Site from the Platform
by James Jack ina local elder had the part this week on the "good news" brochure.
he said: "if the householder has any questions, direct them to jw.org, don't say, just look up jehovah's witnesses on the internet(an older sister said this at the door), if you do they will be directed to a site visited by apostates and weak witnesses!
" "this mistake, would cause the householder to never accept bible truth".. i thought to myself, wow, i'm sure some listening to this part, will get curious now(many in the hall are just being exposed to the internet, and practicing with their new tablets) and do, just what they were told not to do..
I do wish he would have mentioned this site in particular, like blondie said. With that said, he was right . This place is full of apostates, and there are some weak witnesses here that try to play here as well. Every time they mention things like this though it shows how much it bothers them. Well done my ex-JW friends.
Interesting explanation of a reason why some people stick with in the JW, regardless of facts - stress
by nonjwspouse inthis youtube is entirely interesting ( to me anyway) about the affects of stress on the body, and what causes that sress.
the jws who feel "at the top" in the jw, actually have reduced their stress d a degree.
when they feel empowered by "privileges" it brings a positive effect on stress levels, especially when in the outside of the jw world they have low level jobs with demanding supervisors, etc.
Interesting thought. I'm not sure though. The higher up you get in the organization, the more stress you face as you fit more and more JW bullcrap into your life. People do get to release the stress of making their own decisions in life, but they heap tons of other stresses on it by being in the cult. The time pressure alone is so steep when you're an elder or any other type of position. I think that initial loss of stress by "throwing your burden on Jehovah" and joining a religion that continuously points to the future panda paradise is what brings people in, but once in I believe it is VERY stressful. That's why you see so many JWs with depression, that self-harm, that have lots of mysterious illnesses, etc.
ARC - Case Study 54 - All Exhibits have been released
by jwleaks inall exhibits for case study 54, jehovah's witnesses and watchtower, have been released by the arc.. http://www.childabuseroyalcommission.gov.au/exhibits/10908a67-70c5-4103-94cc-dac096fdb585/case-study-54,-march-2017,-sydney.
exhibit list.
joint statement of o'brien and spinks.
@RO - No, that's not what I'm saying at all. That's your spin, as per usual, to deflect from your beloved cult. Life isn't binary. JWs claim to be ahead of the curve in pretty much every way. Child abuse is both immoral and criminal. You're reasoning skills suck.
Now go copy and paste the same drivel that you keep repeating, maybe even throw in an accusation that I said something in a conversation that I never did.
Funny how you never see RO without Fisherman. The Dick Fisherman Duo is real folks.
Now, if you'll pardon me, I have a life, unlike Dick Fisherman, and I have a faucet to repair. While you two dub-loving douches spend your waking hours posting with people that don't like you personally or your ideals, wasting your time, I'm off to be productive while I'm sure that Dick Fisherman will talk amongst themselves for a few hours.
ARC - Case Study 54 - All Exhibits have been released
by jwleaks inall exhibits for case study 54, jehovah's witnesses and watchtower, have been released by the arc.. http://www.childabuseroyalcommission.gov.au/exhibits/10908a67-70c5-4103-94cc-dac096fdb585/case-study-54,-march-2017,-sydney.
exhibit list.
joint statement of o'brien and spinks.
Fisherman, aren't god's ways better than man's, and god's thoughts higher than man's thoughts? Shouldn't Jehovah's chosen people be the example for he world, not the other way around? Maybe you don't actually believe JWs to be Jehovah's people. I knew there had to be some reason you spent 13 years here.