Take it from a former teenage boy, not thinking about girls is impossible at that age
Yeah i know, it's also impossible for tenage girls to stop thinking about boys to.
And at 30 I still have trouble trying to stop it to.
prepare for a long read.
its some interesting drama yea.
well i've known this girl for a month and a half now she came from the spanish congregation to the english congregation, her dad's an elder and i heard she was pretty wild.
Take it from a former teenage boy, not thinking about girls is impossible at that age
Yeah i know, it's also impossible for tenage girls to stop thinking about boys to.
And at 30 I still have trouble trying to stop it to.
i just recieved this in an e-mail-.
mark your calendars for saturday.
as you may already know, it is a sin for a taliban male to see any woman other than his wife naked, and that he must commit suicide if he does.
I go that email a while ago, my friends and thought it was hilarious.
when you were at bethel..what sucked most ?breakfast/daytext/table overseer.monday night wt studytuesdays bookstudy at one of the local cong.wednesday evening fieldservicethursdays parts on the service meetingfridays "family evening" / evening fieldservicesaturdays quick build hall construction assistancesundays field service/meeting/late supperdaily sisters housekeeping/snooping through your possessionscar poolsallowance daylaundry day / missing clothing / badly sewed clothingboring libraryfarm duty !!!
stalls vs $#it vs gardeninginking the press!digging/carpentry/bricklaying/box packing/loadingnasty crotch grabbin roomiesnot gettin sum..except nasty looks from roomieslousy infermary (basic asprin cures all !!!
)longest pompous a$$ prayers going on and on and on....old anointed bro's ..that pee themselves and need help !assembly sound duty omg!food service overseeingparking attendant workapostate lookout/security work (it does exist guys !
Never actually been a member of the "family" but stayed there a heaps of times.
My biggest gripe was that it took away my grandparents. They've both been there since I was 10.
What other kids have to make an appointment to see their grand parents. Then when they can fit you into their schedule you have to get dressed up, be on your best behaviour ( the place scared the crap out of me), and then smile a lot while i was paraded around in front of ther friends. Yuk.
i'm new and this is my first post.
when i was in the truth, i remember how we were encouraged to cultivate a personal relationship with jehovah.
we were to think of him as our friend and to rely on him soley.
Welcome to the board.
yes i did, still do, have a personal relationship with Jehovah. At times it was strong and times really weak.
I never really prayed all the time, not that kind of person. I still pray now from time to time and am sure he understands the path i've chosen. I also think that he's really dissapointed in the damage that the JW organisation has done. I hope one day that he'll fix it but am unsure how or what he'll do. Still do believe in his qualities. Love, Justice, etc.
well, i just finished building my first model airplane from scratch.
all in all, it has taken probably a little over 20 hours to construct, cover, and finish.
i have got all the rc gear in there, gas engine fitted, and it is ready to fly.. but... i'm scared!
and I don't want it to get out of control and have all that work wasted.
yeah but wont you have wasted all that time if you don't fly it.
And if you do crash it, think of all the fun you'll have building a new one.
Better to have flown and crashed than never to have flown at all.
Good Luck.
prepare for a long read.
its some interesting drama yea.
well i've known this girl for a month and a half now she came from the spanish congregation to the english congregation, her dad's an elder and i heard she was pretty wild.
Welcome to the board. I agree you need an education, a job, and to get out. Also you need to stop thinking about girls.Get on with your life and sort yourself out.
Sounds like you and i would have hit it off, i was always one of those witness girls you shouldn't hang around with. Yes witness girls do wear a thong, i did. Still do. So naughty now have been disfellowshipped. Um Ah.
my ex-wife and i were to start our custody/equalization trial yesterday but due to time constrictions we had a settlement conference instead and it is over!!!!!
financially, i will end up having to pay $5,000.00 more than what i should.. (only because my ex lied about a few things) but i get joint custody of the kids now.
Congratulations Brad. I'm soooooooo happy for you and your kids.
And as for your mother in law i hope you rub her face in it, if you don't i suppose you can fantasise about what you would like to do.
So where's the party and what do I bring.
ok time to be brutally honest.. what do guys think of women with tattoo's.
first thing that jumps into your head.. reason i ask is i'm getting my first one next week and was wondering what the general concensus is.. i am definately sure about doing it.
thought about it for years and it took me 6 months to find the design i wanted.
At worst - Ho, skank, slutBut that's just me and you asked
Yes I did ask, and I thank you for your honesty.
People walked the corridors with signs reminding: "Quiet Please."
One attendant walked right up to me with one of those signs when i was talking to a friend ouside during a session. He turned it around and it had please be seated on the other side. He did it about 5 times, the last time he did it he actually put it in between me and my friend. (We were outside with cranky kids and we'd all had enough)
I told him that no i would not and would he stop being so rude. He's lucky i didn't rip the sign out of his hands and ram it where the sun don't shine.
I was such a good christian.
ok time to be brutally honest.. what do guys think of women with tattoo's.
first thing that jumps into your head.. reason i ask is i'm getting my first one next week and was wondering what the general concensus is.. i am definately sure about doing it.
thought about it for years and it took me 6 months to find the design i wanted.
Sorry don't have a picture of it yet but will post one once its done.(tattoist was busy and could not copy it)
Avishai - I would have expected nothing different from you, and secretly deep down thanks, one of the responses i was hoping for.
Gumby - Yes there is a little animal in me also.Grrrr.