Congrats KLS
YAY well done
i knew i would get you to look.
congratulations to me.
congratulations to me.
Congrats KLS
YAY well done
hi, i've spent the moring looking through my pics and pics of friends on the web.. thought i'd share some pics of my greatest love.... my kids.. please share some pics of the things you love the most.. .
Great pics guys.
The kids are all so cute.
I've got more pics here
Kepp them comin
Women are wonderful, special, superior and very beautiful, no denying that. Should be spoiled and pampered as much as possible in every way!!
VH Hey, would you like my number??????
it is unbelievable here in phoenix arizona.
it is absolutely insane.. we listed our house at a little more than $100,000 above what we paid for it 4 years ago when we built it.
20 minutes after it went online with mls we had a full price offer site unseen.
my ex and i sold out place for $210,000 more than we paid for it 8 years ago. We put $50,000 worth of renovations into it. It was on the market for 24 hours, we got $20,000 more than we were asking for it.
Market works for me at the moment.
attention !
i just talked to our dear tal, she is a sick puppy.
so, she's really disappointed as she's been dealing with this problem for quite a while now.
sooo glad you're on the mend,
thanks for the pm.
hi, i've spent the moring looking through my pics and pics of friends on the web.. thought i'd share some pics of my greatest love.... my kids.. please share some pics of the things you love the most.. .
Hi, I've spent the moring looking through my pics and pics of friends on the web.
Thought i'd share some pics of my greatest love.... My Kids.
Please share some pics of the things you love the most.
Welcome crazyblonde.
Gald you're here.
ok, i'm bored and it's only 5:30 friday night.. i've got no kids till monday mornin.. what am i to do???.
Well it's saturday and i'm still bored.
Girl's night out sounds like a great idea.
Who's commin?
this might sound funny but i have heard many stories of jw's fighting in the kh bathroom or arguing.
i remember an elder's wife who was having alot of medical problems cursed out another sister in the bathroom.
she called her everything but the kitchen sink i was told by another sister that was in the bathroom when this altercation took place.
I witnesssed a husband pushing his wife around. I confronted them both about it.
Then told him if i saw him doin it again i'd com pack up her and her things and he'd never see her again.
I must have scared the crap out of him, cause he went to get therapy and is doing much better.
They're still married 7 years later and have two great kids.
yep, i agree with loosie.
Well done.