Here is a good test to determine if your religion is a cult:
Low High
Factors: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
internal political power exercised
by leader(s) over members. 1. _____________________________
2. WISDOM CLAIMED by leader(s);
amount of infallibility declared
or implied about decisions or doc-
trinal/scriptural interpretations. 2. _____________________________
3. WISDOM CREDITED to leader(s)
by members; amount of trust in
decisions or doctrinal/scriptural
interpretations made by leader(s). 3. _____________________________
4. DOGMA: Rigidity of reality con-
cepts taught; amount of doctrinal
inflexibility or "fundamentalism." 4. _____________________________
5. RECRUITING: Emphasis put on
attracting new members; amount
of proselytizing. 5. _____________________________
6. FRONT GROUPS: Number of subsid-
iary groups using different names
from that of main group. 6. _____________________________
7. WEALTH: Amount of money and/or
property desired or obtained by group;
emphasis on members' donations;
economic lifestyle of leader(s)
compared to ordinary members. 7. _____________________________
external political influence
desired or obtained; emphasis on
directing members' secular votes. 8. _____________________________
by leader(s); amount of control
exercised over sexuality of members;
advancement dependent upon sexual
favors or specific lifestyle. 9. _____________________________
10. CENSORSHIP: Amount of control
over members' access to outside
opinions on group, its doctrines
or leader(s). 10. _____________________________
11. DROPOUT CONTROL: Intensity of
efforts directed at preventing or
returning dropouts. 11. _____________________________
12. VIOLENCE: amount of approval when
used by or for the group, its
doctrines or leader(s). 12. _____________________________
13. PARANOIA: amount of fear con-
cerning real or imagined enemies;
perceived power of opponents;
prevalence of conspiracy theories. 13. _____________________________
14. GRIMNESS: Amount of disapproval
concerning jokes about the group,
its doctrines or its leader(s). 14. _____________________________
15. SURRENDER OF WILL: Amount of
emphasis on members not having to
be responsible for personal deci-
sions; degree of individual dis-
empowerment created by the group,
its doctrines or its leader(s). 15. _____________________________
16. HYPOCRISY: amount of approval for
other actions (not included above)
which the group officially considers
immoral or unethical, when done by or
for the group, its doctrines or
leader(s); willingness to violate
group's declared principles for
political, psychological, economic,
or other gain. 16. _____________________________
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10