Hi Simon, Thank you for helping me get back onto the forum. I feel really supid. I'm still having trouble signing in, getting invalid password lock out. So I went back and clicked on the link you sent me by email, and I got on. Thanks so much.
well, the switchover happened - there were a couple of things i had to fix which meant the posting was disabled for longer than i planned but it's now enabled and some people have already posted.. if you have any questions about the new format or suggestions on how to improve it, please post them here.. if you are having trouble signing in or posting then you'll need to email me instead.. many thanks to everyone for their patience during the changeover !.
i got the idea for this thread by talking with a friend this weekend who had been abused by a father when young.
this person confronted this parent about it and got a very self righteous reply back from the offender.
already a precedent for exposing the watchtower society has been set.
Hi all, I stop in every now and then to see what's going on in the Witchtower Babble & Trick Suicidity and seeing this thread sparked an interest since I can totally relate to this topic.
The problem with the leadership of the WT is that it is bent on covering up the whole problem of pedophilia by lying, and denying, and blaming those who want to expose their molesters. The reason they are able to do this is because most of the leadership are in some way or another interrelated with the pedophiles through congregations and families. In my own personal experience, our daughter was molested by her grandfather over a period of years from her babyhood to her pre adolesance. He was also molesting countless other victims in his family and in other congregations in his circuit over a period of years. Family members who had been molested by him denied and kept silent and went on to other congregations with their secret. Some where cousins, and aunts of my daughter, others were in laws of the perpetrator, others were nieces and nephews of the perpetrator. Many were elders, or married to elders. All the family members were co-dependant of the molester and turned on us and our daughter for exposing him. We took it to the courts and he was exposed as a predator. Some JW victims came to testify in behalf of our daughter to say he had molested them also. But the family members who were elders and related to elders all hid the truth and lied in his behalf. Our story gained publicity on Dateline and in the press. And even after that the WT continued to deny those who spoke out, and protected him. He continues to be protected by JW family members and we were disfellowshipped along with Barbara Anderson and Bill Bowen for speaking out. The whole pedophile thing within the WT is so unlike the Catholic Church because of the incestuous nature that is connected to the families in the WT. As long as families are interrealted and intermarrying within this religious community, there will always be pedophilia kept secret to protect family members.
ok, i bought a book on black magic, and it is very intense to say the least.
what i have found interesting, and perhaps some could shed some light, is on the subject of evocation and the use of jehovah and his angels.
now why does this form of black magic evoke known angels, not demons, and why does it use jehovah to bind them?
I've often felt that the ancient hebrew rituals of the bible were borrowed from the pagan religions as far as blood sacrifices and child sacrifices to appease their gods. The spilling of blood from these sacrifices, including Abraham wanting to sacrifice his own son, and the ultimate blood sacrifice of the son of god, was Jesus. To me the whole idea of any kind of killing of a human or an animal to spill the blood for any god is rooted in ancient pagan ritual which may have been carried over to biblical religions.
i have just been told my so called sisters husband committed incest, i have asked her if this is true, but she won't answer properly.
she has never treated me as family because i am worldly, this man is an elder and has preached to me about being imoral, has never had much contact with my family, infact twice over the last 14 years we've seen him.
she has told me i love lies and sordid secrets.
It's been awhile since I have come here but I check in every now and then to catch up on what's going on since I have married children who are married to jw's and have their share of problems because they no longer want any part of the wt. Usually this time of year during the memorial they face the issues of not attending. We are all out because of this issue of incest within the organiztion of jws. Yes, jws lie about incest because it is a breeding ground for it. The whole relious community lack boundaries to begin with, and because they are all so emmeshed in each other's lives, internarrying with other families intercongregationally they are all interrelated. In the congregations there are fathers mothers sisters, brothers, uncles grandfathers all interrelated. If one family member molests a child, it is definitely covered up by all co-dependent family members in the congregation that it occurs and also in other congregations where elder family members have an interest in hiding it. I lived this sitaution and believe me incest is a natural result of the way jw's conduct their relationships within their families within their religious community.
i found an interesting article in the wikipedia encyclopedia.
it actually states that "shunning" is used as a method of psychological torture.. psychological torture is less well known than physical torture and tends to be subtle and much easier to conceal.
in practice the distinction between physical and psychological torture are often blurred.
Shunning is often used as a pejorative term to describe any organizationally mandated disassociation, and has acquired a connotation of abuse and relational aggression. This is due to the sometimes extreme damage caused by its disruption to normal relationships between individuals, such as friendships and family relations. Disruption of established relationships certainly causes pain, which is at least an unintended consequence of the practices described here, though it may also in many cases be an intended, coercive consequence. This pain, especially when seen as unjustly inflicted, can have secondary general psychological effects on self-worth and self-confidence, trust and trustworthiness, and can, as with other types of trauma, impair psychological function.
Shunning often involves implicit or explicit shame for a member who commits acts seen as wrong by the group or its leadership. Such shame may not be psychologically damaging if the membership is voluntary and the rules of behaviour clear before the person joined. However, if the rules are arbitrary, the group membership seen as essential for personal security, safety, or health, or if the application of the rules are inconsistent, such shame can be highly destructive. This can be especially damaging if perceptions are attacked or controlled, or various tools of psychological pressure applied. Extremes of this cross over the line into psychological torture and can be permanently scarring.
A key detrimental effect of some of the practices associated with shunning relate to their effect on relationships, especially family relationships. At its extremes, the practices may destroy marriages, break up families, and separate children and their parents. The effect of shunning can be very dramatic or even devastating on the shunnee, as it can damage or destroy the shunned member's closest familial, spousal, social, emotional, and economic bonds.
Shunning contains aspects of what is known as relational aggression in psychological literature. When used by church members and member-spouse parents against excommunicant parents it contains elements of what psychologists call parental alienation. Extreme shunning may cause traumas to the shunned (and to their dependents) similar to what is studied in the psychology of torture.
I have also heard that it is a form of passive aggression and is considered an act of perpetration by the one's doing the shunning. I heard a Phsychologist give a seminar on the act of shunning and the way it is so perpetrative towards the victim being shunned.
yep, oompa started today with a new therapist who of course wanted to know if i had anything in particular that was the cause of me seeking his service.
so i kinda gave him a jwcult for dummy therapists cliffnotes version, and he seemed like he just couldn't believe some of it.
he understands my awakening has been difficult for me and the stress it has put on my wife and marriage/family.
Aroarer: do i remember you from the BROOKLYN MARCH? If so nice to see you still around. 1234 what are we marching for... You sure do johnny cip I'm still around every once in a while I stop in here on JWD to catch up on what's going on in the cult. 2 of my children are married to exwitnesses who are not df'd but have active in-laws that annoy them with the cult stuff. I tell them if they don't want to put up with it just put their letter in and da. They are not part of it at all anymore and I'm so glad they are not. We all have the holidays together and got away from it as an intact family, which is rare today. Nice to "see" you again jc and while I'm on welcome to all the newbies ARoarer
yep, oompa started today with a new therapist who of course wanted to know if i had anything in particular that was the cause of me seeking his service.
so i kinda gave him a jwcult for dummy therapists cliffnotes version, and he seemed like he just couldn't believe some of it.
he understands my awakening has been difficult for me and the stress it has put on my wife and marriage/family.
Hey oompa I remember when I was in therapy a few years ago and I knew I was leaving the cult, I had been sharing my feelings with him about celebrating Halloween with my daughter and being uncomfortable about it because of the scaryness of this holiday. He had me cut out all the pages in the Climax Book and bring them in to review with him. I remember bringing in the pages of beasts with blood dripping, buildings falling on people, and churches burning, and the scary locusts with faces and all the other horrible pictures in this book. Then he asked a question. And it was this; "So which do you feel is more scary and evil, a little girl dressed in a ballerina costume at your door saying trick or treat, or these pictures?" I knew that day I would never feel guilty about letting my youngest daughter participate in Halloween. The JW cult was far more scary and evil in it's teachings, than opening our door to trick or treaters which many of them where parents accompanying their little children dressed up like princesses and ballerina's, and little boys dressed up as firemen and superman etc. My little grand daughter called me today to tell me she is going to be a butterfly. My son and daughter in law are celebrating Halloween for the first time since leaving the cult also. As I look back now, those horrible pictures the WT prints in it's literature is far more evil then any holiday, and going to therapy really helps in seeing these pictures for what they really are. I'm glad you are bringing them into therapy
this is my cat thomas on day 13 of his training (the video).
right now he is still using a training device called the litter kwitter and is starting to master the act of hopping up on the toilet to use it!
watch the video here:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0xiqwmrwnlm.
the loving elders came by and asked me to come back to the hall with my family.
they sincerely believe that the end is near.
these changes are evidence of it.
Save My Soul,
The end is close, I need to come back to save the life of my family
This is another one of their stupid death threats to scare you into going back to them with your family. They are so disgusting in their cultish tactics to try to control with fear If they come back again ask them to look up the scripture in their own bible about how their god supposedly views a false prophet. I think the scripture is in Deuteronomy 18 something. Maybe someone here know's which scripture this is. They get all offended when they are called false prophets.
maybe we are the crazy ones!
but, after a chat with the po of our congo, we felt a little better with the knowledge that we are not alone on the inside.
let us explain .... today we went to the ministry as every saturday :(.