I agree with seeitallcl...I want to appreciate & appologize all at the same time. appreciate the time given & appologize for asking for loving guidance I used to want to leave encounters running & crying I always thought it was me. I thought I was not gettin it.
Posts by bem
Calling all Elders..
by Nadsam inwhen you were an elder what sucked most....conducting the schoolconducting the book studyconducting the wt study (having to listen to sister know it all answer over and over...)giving public talks (trying to squeeze sense out of a one page summary of total crap)being an attendant at assembliesbeing food/cleaning/work overseer at assemblies & quickbuildsauditing the finances/paying in contributions at the banktaking the lead in unassigned territory serviceshepherding calls !!!!!
omg !!!!
!jc'sget togethers and having to pray !praying at the khserving the emblemsgiving counsel at the school/weaklings/youth(e.g young sisters wearing mini skirts & makeup)being always positive about the "new light" and the gb.training young msworking with the circuit overseer when he visited (on saturday afternoons)giving a "special needs talk"never being able to fart, swear or loose your tempercompelled to having missionary sex, not enjoy it and never discuss it..even with your wife, just incase it may be immoralnever seeing any good movieshaving one beer a fortnight .
Blood type..............who knows their's and who's an A- ?
by Sunnygal41 inhi fellow posters!
in connection with a recent post by blondie, i wondered what everyone's blood type was on the forum.
a couple of years ago, i wondered what mine was and contacted my hospital that has my records.
Husband is A+
So I had to have a RHO-gam.shot after every chid was born. And after miscarriages. I shudder to think what could of happened if I had been baptized before my last young'n was born.
Book Study Conductor Becomes An Ass
by Corvin inmy daughter has been dating a non-baptized jw boy, 18, we will call him "casey"; she is 17, and he seems to be ok that i am an apostate.
he comes over to the house, spends hours talking to the entire family, including apostate me, and he is truly remarkable in that he cares not what others might say about his association with my daughter and me.
good kid.
We always felt sorry for little ones especially infants that would be taken to back room or bathroom & you could hear them getting a spanking.
My husband even commented to the PO once that he would want to stay as far away as he could from a place that he went so often and each time he would get a beaten. I thought the elder was gonna fall over when he said that.
Our youngest when about three years old was being especially onery. His Dad finally got frustrated and went outside with him. Not to punish but so they could both get out of the stressful situation. An elder went out too and husband was put off by elders actions not sure what was said my husband didn't want to say anything to hurt me.
We were studying & when I mentioned to bible study conductor.She said well he was making sure _____ wasn't spanking _____ in public he was gonna have _____bring boy inside to punish. I was so hurt that they had talked about it & she knew what was done.
Mad at God
by confusedjw infrom the e-watchman guest book: does everyone realize that the gb has readily admitted in the publications that they are not inspired of jehovah and do not have the gift of prophecy?
find this on your watchtower library cd: march 22, 1993 awake p.4 footnotes/ february 15 1981 p. 19/ je p.26 paragraph 4.
mad at god: (my response reformatted for this board).
So let me see if I understand that thought .Or perhaps am having one of my own. If. Master was no longer happy with the faithful & discreet slave would that slave be reproved? cleansed? replaced? Look for a better slave?
New To The Board
by exjdub ini just wanted to introduce myself and tell everyone that i have enjoyed many of the posts.
i wish that this resource was available 7 years ago when i walked away from the organization, it would have helped my transition a great deal.
i also wanted to say that it is enjoyable to come to a forum that is not on an angry rant about the organization on a constant basis.
thanks for the cake Heat. I should be trying to hide my age. but how would I explain all this grey in my hair Clairol does not cover it all !!!
I'm sure feeling welcome ex. I hope you do to. personally. I am still a little overwhelmed by info that is shocking me I had never even suspected a lot of these things so real things are pretty good to hold onto.
To Dubs and Newly Ex-Dubs
by Farkel ini'd like to do a little informal survey.
i'm wondering how many pieces of literature are actually distributed to the public.
not how many pieces are reported placed, but actually placed.
I have magazines dating back to antiques that I inherited from older friends in truth.Our local congregation has pioneers that I see when say I leave home" way over here on this side of area much later... see them way over there going over mountain. Its obvious we learned creativity I just thought we were the only ones doing it.Always Hoping I could make it up to J&j.
New To The Board
by exjdub ini just wanted to introduce myself and tell everyone that i have enjoyed many of the posts.
i wish that this resource was available 7 years ago when i walked away from the organization, it would have helped my transition a great deal.
i also wanted to say that it is enjoyable to come to a forum that is not on an angry rant about the organization on a constant basis.
welcome and I will take advantage of your thread since I am so new.
Heat loved Dot's profile.We raise Terriers & For the first 14 years of my life I was called Dot.so I can like so feel at home here.
To Dubs and Newly Ex-Dubs
by Farkel ini'd like to do a little informal survey.
i'm wondering how many pieces of literature are actually distributed to the public.
not how many pieces are reported placed, but actually placed.
please can't we all get along... sorry I am real new. couldn't resist. am i bad?
To answer the ? I have been irregular to meetings for a few years But even before. when I was missing more meetings than going to the
sec. would call for my time. He encouraged me to use time studied with child, which meant reading book of bible stories that young'un had memorised anyway & he would ask for a guess on my husbands time then told me if Iwas wrong to tell my husband so he could just make up the time next month.But when I was real serious in the begining I was "truthful" But we lived in a rural area and I would make a phone call as a return visit. So I could start my time.The sister that studied with me. She was born into & Raised in the truth.Told me I could do that to "help me get my time".
I appreciate a discussion that requires thought.
Why Did You Leave "The Truth"?
by Corvin inlurkers come in and out of this forum.
some lurkers suddenly have bouts of righteous indignation and become trolls that lash out at some of the subject matter posted here by x-jw's.
they accuse many of "leaving jehovah" for fleshly desires.
Even tho I believed it was the truth.told my husband after several attempts at studying (I was reluctant to take a stand) we both have large families and knew it would be opposed & it was.loudly. I thought man this is what I have always been looking for.Within 2 years myself our teen-age son were baptised.then 1 year later.Husband & teen daughter were baptised.Felt like we had to "adhere",we did then an incident or rather a series of things happened that I could not get thru on my own so. taking advice from congregation went to an elder. (It was actually my husband had been taken advantage of by an elder who was arrogant anyway and real hard to "follow". in a bartering deal that involved exchanging labor for labor) any way I felt bad & only needed a sounding place. (I was sexually abused as a child not by a witness but by my step dad) But the pain I suffer from that was nothing compared to treatment I recieved from that elder. The one I went to for help got the bro. I was questioning actions about to sit in on conversation and too my husband. I have seen a demon.It was that brother that night after that meeting is one I will never forget.He crushed my Spirit. We stayed active. Eventually moved a Thousand miles away.Started in a new congregation. hit the ground a runnin.But 8 years and counting I never forgot(never got over) what we went thru. Slowly we all left the new congregation lack of love,support,compassion. Adult son Df'd.Adult daughter struggling with wanting to try to become active.She has a 4 year old we all love so much. she wants child to "live forever" and her husband has always been favorable. Decided it was time to research Why my heart feels like it is breaking at the thought of them getting involved in something I am so in doubt of now.I am stunned after all these years I still cry. Going over that even so briefly.Hope I didn't talk too much. Thanks.
Why Did You Leave "The Truth"?
by Corvin inlurkers come in and out of this forum.
some lurkers suddenly have bouts of righteous indignation and become trolls that lash out at some of the subject matter posted here by x-jw's.
they accuse many of "leaving jehovah" for fleshly desires.
Even tho I believed it was the truth.told my husband after several attempts at studying (I was reluctant to take a stand) we both have large families and knew it would be opposed & it was.loudly. I thought man this is what I have always been looking for.Within 2 years myself our teen-age son were baptised.then 1 year later.Husband & teen daughter were baptised.Felt like we had to "adhere",we did then an incident or rather a series of things happened that I could not get thru on my own so. taking advice from congregation went to an elder. (It was actually my husband had been taken advantage of by an elder who was arrogant anyway and real hard to "follow". in a bartering deal that involved exchanging labor for labor) any way I felt bad & only needed a sounding place. (I was sexually abused as a child not by a witness but by my step dad) But the pain I suffer from that was nothing compared to treatment I recieved from that elder. The one I went to for help got the bro. I was questioning actions about to sit in on conversation and too my husband. I have seen a demon.It was that brother that night after that meeting is one I will never forget.He crushed my Spirit. We stayed active. Eventually moved a Thousand miles away.Started in a new congregation. hit the ground a runnin.But 8 years and counting I never forgot(never got over) what we went thru. Slowly we all left the new congregation lack of love,support,compassion. Adult son Df'd.Adult daughter struggling with wanting to try to become active.She has a 4 year old we all love so much. she wants child to "live forever" and her husband has always been favorable. Decided it was time to research Why my heart feels like it is breaking at the thought of them getting involved in something I am so in doubt of now.I am stunned after all these years I still cry. Going over that even so briefly.Hope I didn't talk too much. Thanks.