Joseph wrote:
You must show how the illustration suggests that idea and not just say it. Will you do that please?
Joseph, I'm sure you would concur that in all of Jesus' other illustrations he used situations and examples that his audience could relate to and had some "basis in reality". He never discussed things that were too abstract or without any earthly or heavenly counterpart. My point is that since his teaching method is consistent in all of his other illustrations there would be no reason to think that he would deviate from this method with his parable of Lazarus and the Rich Man. This illustration if taken at "face value" is saying that Abraham is in heaven. So to "suggest" that this might have some basis in reality is really self-evident. I don't understand why you say I need to "show how the illustration suggests" that Abraham might have some place in heaven when the illustration itself says it!!?
Joseph wrote:
"The paradise, kingdom, Israel of God or New Jerusalem was not here when Paul wrote this. He could only appeal to Jesus who was sitting at Gods right hand in his day. We know that."
My point was not that Paul said the kingdom was here at that time, but that in Philippians 3:14 Paul indicates that his prize is to be received in heaven with Jesus (whenever it is that he is taken to be with Jesus).
I agree with you comment on Hebrews, I was wrong to apply it that way.
Joseph wrote: "The angels that will be with him will also be here for they are the holy ones he will raise for the purpose of administering this kingdom."
You lost me here - however, I referenced your explanation of this on another thread.
Joseph wrote:
"Sitwith me on my throne is the throne of David that has always been here on earth. This is the location of the throne of Christ at that time.
Jesus will relocate His throne here to earth where it will also be called the throne of David."
Since you seem to acknowledge that Jesus throne is currently in heaven, could you please show me from this scriptures where it says that "Jesus will relocate his throne" here to earth.
Since David's throne on earth was merely an inferior symbol of the throne of God in heaven, couldn't the comment that Jesus would sit down on the throne of David be symbolic of him sitting down on the throne of God.
Also, the "throne" and the judging referred to in Revelation all take place "before" the "New Jerusalem" descends to earth and are clearly referred to as being in heaven:
Revelation 20:12 And I saw the dead, great and small, standing before the throne, and books were opened. Another book was opened, which is the book of life. The dead were judged according to what they had done as recorded in the books.