My father and mother (both loyal JWs and in their 70s) have recently joined a local YMCA for it's fitness facility. It seems to me that the WTS does not look favorably on this organization, possibly to the point of prohibiting JWs from joining it.
I have searched for information online but to no avail. Since my computer is a Mac, I don't have access to search the WTS CD archive for any references to the YMCA. I'm sure there were some articles about it in the Watchtower (possibly from the '70s).
I don't want to curb my parents enthusiasm in their new found fitness endeavors, and I'm certainly not interested in this because I really care about the WTS position on the YMCA. Rather, if there is any prohibition of YMCA membership, I would like to suggest to my parents that they avoid any discussions about this to other JW's who may put them off.
On the other hand, if there is no WTS prohibition then I would like to instruct my parents this, and suggest that they could cheerfully tell any JW "friends" where to stick their comments!!
Cheers and thanks for sharing your resources!