Guess I'm an odd one...At the tender age of 16 while debating over green or blue hair I discovered the ultimate makeover...ankle length skirts, turtlenecks, 'practical' shoes, and square handbags (perfect size for mags)...Somehow I think the blue hair wouldn't have contributed to my non-JW Mother's breakdown as much as the former...
I'm greatful that I avoided the problems that my old non-JW pals didn't...addictions, unwanted births, blah, blah, blah...but I wonder if the damage done by the JW training has done as much harm in other ways...mentally...
Did I miss out? My social life was never the same again. While I feel sorry for the girl I became and wish she could have been more care free, I refuse to regret those years. So, yes I did miss out and knew I was missing out ( what I said on the platform at a convention), yet I'm not 16 anymore and refuse to try to make up for it. I need to do what's best for me NOW and somehow that does not involve living like a teenager. No more extremes and I feel happier for it...sigh...