False and deceptive and even evil religions have been around for as long as man has existed. The WTS may or may not continue to exist for a long time but it really does not matter. The Catholic church has obvious and glaring errors about it but it has survived for a long time. Will it always be around? Who knows. If certain religions or governments or other institutions cease to exist they will always be replaced by other religions or governments or institutions that will be just as bad or worse than those that they are replacing. While the existance of the WTS isn't a good thing I think whether or not they exist has very little consequence in the big picture of world events. Don't get me wrong, if there is ever a class action lawsuit over the blood issue I want to be a part of it. But the complete destruction of the WTS just isn't that high on my list of things that I really would like to see happen in this world. I guess what happens to the WTS just isn't that important to me anymore. I guess that is good, probably means that I'm moving on with life.
JoinedPosts by zugzwang
What will it take to bring down the tower?
by wanderlustguy init may never happen, i believe the best that can be hoped for is to pull some people out of it.
no matter what is found out, no matter how big the screw up or lawsuit or lie that is uncovered, there will always be some who believe.
selling hope is a big business, and some people want hope way more than they want truth.. the blood expose', however, is great in that it gets more information out there to a large audience, which will eventually cause the wts to go into damage control mode, changing policies again.
Is the Watchtower behind this "unbiased" website?
by SeymourButts ini just happened to stumble across this website while doing some research.
although it claims to not be biased toward any religous denomination, it has a decidedly watchtower slant to all of its bible translations and subject commentaries.
it completely supports 607bc and even claims that only 144,000 will be going to heaven.
The footnote at the bottom of the page of the second link you listed makes it clear that this is not a website set up directly by the WTS.
One of our advisers sent this note: ‘I would remove the argument about the timing of Daniel's exile, 3 years of training and then interpreting a dream in the second year of Nebuchadnezzar. Those who make this argument are not taking into consideration the calculation of regnal years/ascension years for Babylonian kings. By the facts, this is entirely possible, hence it is not an argument against secular history's timeline.’
The WTS would never admit to having "advisers." This is likely a site set up by an individual JW who is using the evil internet in a non GB approved manner.
Wow, did it feel good.......................
by BLISSISIGNORANCE in.................to be standing on the other side of the door on a saturday morning.. it happened today.
i had gone to the markets early and when i got home i wandered across the road to my neighbour's house to have my hair coloured.
she's a frustrated hairdresser and a friend.. as usual we chatted as she prepares the colour.
Sister Pomp-ass:" Well, if you think it would be pleasing to Jehoopla, I'll ask the elders if I can!" Virgogirl
That is halarious!!!! I laughed so hard soda shot out of my nose!
Generation Change
by slugga ini left the org slightly before the change in the "generation that was alive in 1914" thing was announced and wondered, what were peoples in the congregations reactions after this was announced and did it you notice people falling away because of it?
has it had a damaging effect?
Sadly, my father, who was a Witness, died on September 1, 1995 just as this new light was coming out. He died as a result of not accepting a medically necessary blood transfusion. Of course I, being a pioneer and wanna be Bethelite, was more determined than ever to "defeat Satan." After all he had just killed my father, right? So when the new light came out I would have to admit that I missed the import and didn't fully understand what had just happened. To me it was a test that Jehovah was allowing to "sift" out the ones who were serving "with a date in mind." It wasn't until I actually "made it" to Bethel that I began to realize the total lack of anything that resembled Holy Spirit was there. And even after I left Bethel, I think the cognitive dissonance was still so great that I managed to go on "serving" for another 4 years, before finally my own crisis of conscience occured. So I spent 8 years in serious denial of what was going on in my own mind. Mostly because I wanted to believe what the WTS taught. Because if they were wrong that would mean that my father died for a lie and that I would never see him again. I guess some people are able to live with that disconnect from reality longer than I was able to. But I suspect the longer you live with it, and the more you have invested in it, the harder it is to break away.
Why do ex-JWs try so hard to uncover WTS dirt?
by Lady Lee infar too many times i have heard the accusation that all x-jws want to do is tear down the wts.
we scrounge around digging up every piece of information that we can that will put the wts in a bad light.
"they" being those who seek to defend the wts and forget the past because ... well it is the past and there is so much "new light".
I think we ex's are so efficient and effective at uncovering the flaws in the WTS because we were trained as Witnesses to uncover and point out the flaws in other religions. So it is only natural when we discover that the WTS is just a huge pile of lies that we would point that out. That is why the more "in" someone was (i.e. elder, Bethelite, CO, DO, GB member) the more "out" they become when the learn the truth about "the truth."
Fine new provision for research from the Governing Body
by AlmostAtheist in(with apologies to the guy who had this idea first, and for watchtower-izing it).
from: governing body, watch tower bible & tract society.
to: all congregations.
That's got to be the funniest thing I have read on this board ever. Thanks for the laugh. zugz
A Link for the Liberal Loudmouths
by Shining One inhttp://news.yahoo.com/s/csm/20050902/cm_csm/ekatrina .
read it and see that the pres actually was on the ball and had the machinery turned on and ready to operate.
if a dummy like clinton (gore or kerry as well) had been in charge, who knows what would have happened!
It never ceases to amaze me how a person can see thru the lies of the WTS but then can't see thru the lies of the Bush administration. Sorry shining one but you need to take a reality pill. The lies and corruption and deceit of the Bush administration makes the lies and corruption and deceit of the WTS look like small potatos. Don't lose your ability to see a liar just because you saw the WTS for what it was. It would seem like everyone who posted here would have the same loathing for the Bushshit that they have for the WTS. The WTS lied to us and so did the Bushshit administration. zugz
Comments You Will Not Hear At the 9-11-05 WT Study (Reward)
by blondie incomments you will not hear at the 9-11-05 wt study (august 1, 2005 issue date).
review comments will be in red.
quotes from other sources will be in quotes boxes
Great read Blondie. Although I must say that reading your comments about the article required me to read the article. I hadn't read a WT article in years. Sure seems different when I read it with my eyes open. zugz
144000 and counting
by joelbear inneo's thread on the neophyte gb members brought up a thought that i've had for a long time.
the 144000 were supposed to be the first 144000 who became christians.
peter baptized 3000 in one day in the first century.
Watchtower is just like the Bush administration, they don't like dealing with facts.
We've lost an ex-JW from Missouri in Iraq
by keeshah inhe was from my congregation in missouri.
i remember him well.
he was 6 yrs younger than me.
"What was he doing there in the first place? Sorry for your lost. But if you want to play you have to pay. Matt. 26:52 The military is not an organization that values life, they kill people. Regardless of why a person would join such an organization, education or what ever, it's still a killing machine. When you sign up, your saying you are willing to kill people and/or be killed. What a waste of life ... Acadian" How sad to go from one lie (Watchtower) to another. (Bush's illegal war.)