thank you- I have some of the other songs from this cd but I missed this one somehow. . .
your timing is really helpful to me on this thread tonight. . .thank you so much.
i heard this on the radio today and thought of everyone on the board who is going through a rough time right now.
i hope this brings a little peace into your life.. mat kearney - breath in breathe out.
tell me all of your doubts.
thank you- I have some of the other songs from this cd but I missed this one somehow. . .
your timing is really helpful to me on this thread tonight. . .thank you so much.
i recently saw my jw brother and sil and listened to them talk about poor sister sick(o) who has been diagnosed with major mental problems.
she went to the doctor's and the doctor supposedly began to berate her out of the blue because she is a jehovah's witness.
now the family wants to have the doctor formally rebuked for his so called "discriminatory comments".
Because I now know what a meaningful, fulfilling life is really like.
Hey Auld. . .so glad to read that from you. I know it's been awhile since I've been around the forums, but I have thought of you often. I'm glad to hear that you've found that meaning and fulfillment. hugs essie
below is a copy of the e-mail my sister sent me.
i had to make arrangements for my kids to be babysat somewhere else until after the wedding.
there little hearts are broken.
Just another hug ((((((((((((Lulu))))))))))) again I am so sorry that they are putting you through this.
so today i was thinking... and i haven't posted here in quite some time!
i came and started reading through some recent posts... and boy have i missed a lot.
the whole trevorgate thing... and danny haszard... whew.
OMG dude. Love to see you smiling, but the split tongue! ACK! You have way stronger a stomach than I do LOL
Stay happy- and keep living life with people who treat you well!!!!
below is a copy of the e-mail my sister sent me.
i had to make arrangements for my kids to be babysat somewhere else until after the wedding.
there little hearts are broken.
I'm so sorry.
I've missed three weddings since my da/df (i tried to DA and they df'd me anyway) cousins who were closer to me than my own sisters.
It breaks your heart, every damned time. They wouldn't even have me at the ceremony.
My ex (abuser) was in two of those three weddings- btw, standing up in them.
They have no true sense of morals, these people.
I'm so sorry for your pain, I have been there.
the old saying "happiness is the best revenge", to me that is the most rubbing statement i can ever hear right now.. .
someone mentioned that jw's dont think anyone can have true happiness outside of their religion, i dont necessarily buy this.. .
when someone is happy inside the borg, they say its jehovah's blessing, when someone is happy outside the borg they say that satan is blessing them.
Thank you Lisa, I appreciate your apology and explanation, and I dont hold a grudge at all with you.
You don't hold a grudge?? This whole thread was basically to shame one person, the way I'm reading it- but you don't hold a grudge??? It sounds like you don't just hold them, you nurture them.
JG, you have ignored every response I've posted on several of your threads trying to be helpful. You have answered other people so I am guessing from here on out I may as well just reserve comment, mine are not needed as you seem to be certain that you're right.
As far as your other thread and other people's 'happiness' ruining the lives of others- there are two sides to every story. My ex got to paint a beautifully tragic picture of himself as the 'wronged' spouse- because I didn't have proof of scriptural grounds before I got involved with someone else- (we were legally divorced though- but that doesn't matter to the congregation does it?) nor did it matter he abused me. You don' tknow what goes on in people's marriages- you can't judge. Yeah there are some people who are just cheaters and they are rotton and ruin lives. But most stories are way, way more complicated than that.
As an aside to Lisa, my heart breaks reading your posts in this thread. You did the best you could do at the time. Socialization is not easy for everyone- for some of us especially those with anxiety- other people just don't understand. Do not guilt yourself. You just can't please everybody in life.
Everybody is just doing the best we can in this life with the shit that the JW did to us. Can't we all just get along? :( I think I remember now why I didn't visit here for a whole year :(
dear friends,.
i have just finished reading the wanderer's post on suicide.
the heart-rending stories and subsequent comfort offered is an overwhelming testament to our survival.
I'm not sure what thread you meant in your first post, Coco, could you post a link please?
I lived in the dark shadows for years- and as another who has finally emerged, at least most of the way, into the light, I hold up my little candle and salute you.
Pollyanna with attitude- I love it. Don't ever lose that.
all are welcome to join.
all you have to do is be happy and positive.
you must honestly want to spread your happiness infectiously throughout the world.. you must try to wear a smile most of the time.. you must listen compassionately and give good hugs.. i does not matter if you are not currently feeling happy, but you must promise to summon the feeling from within yourself.
Does, "Happy but haunted" count for this club?
Cause that's how I'd describe myself. I'd say a good 75% of the time, I'm truly happy.
The other 25. . .the ghost in the mirror still follows me.
But I'm gaining on it.
hugs, happy people!
the watchtower claims that the practice of shunning is/was:.
1) scripturally tenable;.
2) practiced by early christians.. .
Watchtower 1970 June 1 pp.351-352 "Yet, there might be some absolutely necessary family matters requiring communication, such as legalities over a will or property. But the disfellowshiped relative should be made to appreciate that his status has changed, that he is no longer welcome in the home nor is he a preferred companion."
God, do you have any idea how this kills me? Makes my blood boil. Because of the way my family treated me over my grandmother's memorial service, I didn't end up going.
It was THEY who then realized that THEIR status in MY life had changed and THEY were no longer welcome in MY life.
Sorry to yell. but that just makes my blood boil. Thanks again JW facts for reminding me of yet another reason I won't ever go back to their vomit.
Preferred companions. I'd have settled for common human decency, but apparently my JW relatives weren't even capable of offering that.
What gets me too is that my child has had to suffer the fallout of my being shunned- while the person making a point of shunning me constantly hangs out with her 'worldly' relatives who live extremely immoral lives- by Jerry Springer standards I mean. I got to lose my whole family for divorcing a man who abused me and marrying one that treats myself and my child like gold. 10 years later, my family still shuns me.
Because I won't go back and beg for forgiveness for getting away from an ABUSER.
It'll be a cold day in hell before I'll ever ask any of them to 'forgive' me for anything. If anything, they are the ones who should be asking, for throwing me to the wolves when I was just trying to get out alive.
the old saying "happiness is the best revenge", to me that is the most rubbing statement i can ever hear right now.. .
someone mentioned that jw's dont think anyone can have true happiness outside of their religion, i dont necessarily buy this.. .
when someone is happy inside the borg, they say its jehovah's blessing, when someone is happy outside the borg they say that satan is blessing them.
JG, I wanted to add a link to a post I wrote back in 01, showing clearly how I struggled with the idea that I had a right to be happy and not spend all my life being an activist.
if you're curious to read it. The replies may help you more than my original post ever could.
I find it interesting that even though I consider myself to have 'moved on' and to be happy now- over all with life (though everyone has their rough times believe me, this year has been no picnic for me) that here I am, tonight, when I could be doing a dozen other things and I'm answering your post. So I guess in my own way, I do care, even if I no longer consider myself an activist.