I shunned friends because their meeting attendance was irregular and they ralely went out in FS.
JoinedPosts by pratt1
by steve2 ini snitched on a sister who used to spend a lot of supposed field service time in a local cafe, but she still counted the time.
she was spoken to by a couple of elders and was never seen in that cafe again.
of all the things i did as a "loyal" jw, i feel worst about my snooping on this really nice lady.
Does your family still think you are coming back?
by kid-A inhope springs eternal in the wts.
despite having left before even being baptized, i would have to say my parents still wholeheartedly believe i will someday come around, .
get baptized, become active and maybe even become an elder !
My Mom definitely hpoes I will "get my life straight with Jehovah."
I, on the other hand refuse to give her any false hope.
I constantly remind her that the elders make decisions that ruin peoples lives and I will never submit to that again.
Then she changes the subject.
Pat Robertson again sticks his foot in his big mouth.
by William Penwell in.
this is one good reason why i am not a religious person with ah like pat robertson and he calls himself a christians......
Pat Robertson is the poster boy for "Power Crupts".
by Mary inthere's been yet another arrest of a man who's being charged with murdering his pregnant girlfriend in pennsylvania.........is it just me, or does there seem to be a sharp increase in the number of guys who are murdering their pregnant wives/girlfriends these days?
i often think of scott peterson.....if the idiot didn't want kids that badly, why didn't he get a vesectomy?
your thoughts?
The young woman who was murdered in Philly worked with my daughter @ TGIF downtown.
My daughter said he was a sweet girl, but suspicion fell on the ex boyfriend early in the investigation.
My kid's in college down there and I worry about her saftey every minute.
JW Pioneer - Andrew Spicer - suicide in Shrewsbury - UK???
by Jim Dee inthere is a lot of cover up going on in the uk at the moment.
letters from the society etc to shrewbury conga and some of the kent congs.. one andrew spicer, pioneer who married early april 2005 in a kent congregation moved to shrewsbury area with his new wife to pioneer.
by 22 may 2005 he was dead.
Reminds me of a young newly married sister in "80's who threw herself off a high rise and killed herself, partly because of being in a bad marriage, to an abusive husband and not receiving any help from her elder father or the body of elders in her hall for herself or her infant daughter.
Most of the details of her suicide was covered up to save embrassment for her "congo" and her elder father.
What Is The Worst Movie You Have Ever Seen?
by horrible life insonnyboy hated napoleon dynamite .
elsewhere hated deuce bigalow; european gigolo .
my all time worst movie was arnold i saw it in about 1974. had roddy mcdowell.
Hands down - Eyes Wide Shut.
and almost anything directed by Stanley Kubick - I just don't get his directorial style.
Mrsjones, I can't believe you didn't like Dead Again. It is one of my favorites.
Embarrassing moments at work
by damselfly ini think we need a fun fluffy thread today, so this is my attempt at starting one.
at work we have a big bathtub with air jets.
clients come in for a hydrobath, (hopefully remember their swimsuit 'cause i've seen so many naked people by now it's getting boring), leave and then, oh joy!, i get to clean the tub.
I was asked to give a presentation to 40 employees who were visiting from Ireland, China, and Korea.
It was a tag team presentation and my partner was the CEO of North America. Boy was I excited and I really wanted to make a good impression.
Anyway, the presentation went really well and I felt very proud of myself as I stepped down from the speaking area.
Well i really need to pee pee badly so I literally ran out of the room to go to the bathroom. On the way there I was stopped by a collegue who asked me something about work. Almost ready to bust my bladder, I answered him quickly and preceeded directly to the Men's room.
As I get ready to get out my hose, the CEO runs into the bathroom behind me and says " you are still hooked up to the microphone" . Well I give him the mike, he leaves, I finish my business and I walk back into the room
When I enter the room, all forty people stand up and gives me a standing ovation for giving them the best laugh of their 2 week visit to the US.
Of course I have never lived that moment down, and now when ever I do a speaking engagemnet at the company, the running joke is to take my mike off as soon as I finish talking.
how much money did you give the borg???
by kid-A injust curious....because i left before being baptized, my parents handled all the donations and i never gave them a penny.
how many posters on this board actually gave large or not so large sums of money to the jws, either directly, or as 'gifts' to pioneers, cos, etc??
I gave about 10% of my earnings from when I was in college and working part time, until about 6 years ago when I left.
I know, I definitely drank the Kool Aid.
My mom continues to give about 10% of her household earnings to the borg. She has mentioned that she will also leave them money in her will when she dies.
Since I am the executor of both her's and my father's estate, I will fight with my dying breathe to make sure that the borg recieves nothing on her behalf.
I have made that clear to both my parents.
Aux Pioneer
Faded out
Free at last
August 9, 1973.
One day after my 13th birthday.
I was way too young, but I wanted to please everyone, except myself.
District Assembly NY, I think at Belmont.