Does your family still think you are coming back?

by kid-A 42 Replies latest jw experiences

  • kid-A

    Hope springs eternal in the WTS. Despite having left before even being baptized, I would have to say my parents still wholeheartedly believe I will someday come around,

    get baptized, become active and maybe even become an elder ! LOL. This despite ALL evidence to the contrary and my complete and blatant lack of interest. WHat are your experiences? Does you family still cling to the hope that you are coming back, even if your are DF'd or have been out of the WTS for decades?

  • Elsewhere

    They believe I will return just as they believe Armageddon will come....

    soon... any day now... any day now....

  • Purza

    I think my parents HOPE I will be back. But I think they KNOW deep down that I wont. Therefore they choose not to have a relationship with me.


  • misspeaches

    Mum has this notion that I will one day return. It's all I can do not to burst her bubble. I wish I could help free her from that wicked organisation...

  • onintwo

    Got a call recently from my ex-spouse. She was pretty direct in encouraging me to think about Jah and maybe make a return to God. She went so far as to say I could be a "hero" in my kid's eyes. (only one of my three kids wants anything to do with the truth, so I don't exactly know what she was suggesting. Maybe there's a campaign from the Service meetings to "reach out" to those df'ed ones. I don't know.

    It's obvious I've never been happier since leaving. But they will tell you how shallow, lost, and un-fulfilled you must feel since you have no "anchor" in your life. Well, let's raise a glass (of Merlot) to shallowness and being lost!!!!


  • kid-A

    Ah yes, the old emotional blackmail ploy.....a JW classic! Thats rough...

  • Odrade

    probably not anymore...

  • FlyingHighNow

    I told them that I am never coming back. Still, my nephew wrote me an e-mail telling me to stop taking easy way out and come back to Jehovah. They know I believe the org is false, but they think I am just kidding myself so I can take it easy and be immoral.

  • Legolas

    I have no family 'in', thank gawd. I feel so bad for the people who do

  • Cordelia

    ive been dfed 6 months and my dad hasnt stopped checking on me and i have somehow agreed to putting my reinstatement letter in in two weeks!!

    only coz i wanted to please him, i know the elders will not let me back just yet, i want to tell my dad i dont want the 'truth' but havent a clue how to do it!

    good thread x

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