Johnnie Walker Black - On the rocks - witha smooth cigar.
Also, Amstel lite.
i enjoy armagnac, lately.
cognac is quite nice around the fall and winter, too.
Johnnie Walker Black - On the rocks - witha smooth cigar.
Also, Amstel lite.
i was thinking last night that 9/11/01, for this generation, is somewhat akin to 11/22/63 (jfk's assassination) for previous generations.
i remember listening to the adults' stories when i was a child of where they were and what they were doing when jfk was assassinated.. so where were you on 9/11/01?
how has that day affected your life?.
Thanks Insomniac.
It get's a little easier everyday.
i was thinking last night that 9/11/01, for this generation, is somewhat akin to 11/22/63 (jfk's assassination) for previous generations.
i remember listening to the adults' stories when i was a child of where they were and what they were doing when jfk was assassinated.. so where were you on 9/11/01?
how has that day affected your life?.
I was walking through the center concourse of the WTC when I heard the gun of an engine and then a huge crash. All around me glass, desks chairs and other debris fell out of the sky. It was then that I noticed large objects falling out of the sky landing around me as I stood frozen in my tracks. after a couple of minutes I realized that those large objects were bodies or parts of bodies.
It was a terrifying experience that didin't get better only worse as I fled for my life.
It stills seems like a nightmare, I doubt if I'll ever get over it.
Although I did go to college as a JW, My dad was a unbeliever, I had an excuse, I have a fulfilling job that pays well and has great perks.
As a JW I would have turned down many opportunities in my career because of JW responsibilities and travel.
one thing i took pride in as a witnesss was that we knew our bible.
we could talk to any clergymen and smugly decimate them with our knowledge of the "truth".
I have to admit, I always thought the training of their children from a young age to read and write and communicate early was a great quality of the JWs.
However when consider how they emotional and physically abuse these children and they mature in to adults bad parenting basically cancels out the good that could have come from the training of their children.
just curious.. todays "times" says that americans do most things one hour before the brits do.. americans, it says, start work at 8am, brits rarely before 9 am.
american lunch is at 12 noon, the uk is 1pm.
american dinner is at 6pm, uk eats around 7.. but how many hours do you need to actually work?.
I work about 50 hours a week in the office, another 15 - 20 entertaining clients. Monday - Friday.
I get 4 weeks vacation, unlimited sick time (that I never use) and 5 personal days.
I try not to work on the weekends.
my friend was summoned to a jc.
she did not go and pretty much told the elders to kiss her ass.
she wants to attend the announcement which is tonight.
I attended my DF.
Two reasons.
1. My family and friends were going to be there and I knew how tough the occassion was going to be for them. Therefore I went to support them.
2. I wasn't about to let those small minded elders think that they defeated me. I sat right in the front of the hall, and after they read my name out, I got up and walked over to my mother and gave her a big kiss, and then I held my head up high and walked out of the Kingdom Hall. I wasn't repentant and I had no regrets.
P.S. As I drove home, I did shed a tear or two - I guess it was the death of one life and the birth of a new one.
the publications are filled with stupid comments.
elders and others have made some rather dumb statements too.'s what one elder wanted to do to a brother that committed suicide.
This actually touches on 2 treads. Abuse of JW children and stupid comments.
Angry mom gets up in the middle of the Watchtower study to spank "bad" son.
The little boy sreams: Please Jehovah Help Me!
The Watchtower conductor says: Even a small child realizes that Jehovah is his only salvation.
Pretty sick, huh!
if one of your witiness relatives was incapacitated and the decision to give this relative blood or another lfe saving treatment, that is condemned by the society was thrust solely in your hands, would you give your consent although you know that this decision would be against their personal and religious beliefs?
Thanks to all for your comments.
I just hope I won't need to make this decision.
there used to be much more enjoyable things in the jw religion that would give you some relief from the recycled information.
remember when there were two dramas at the conventions?
remember at the meeting, instead of having a public talk, a missionary would show slides from his recent trip, or there would be a movie shown from the wts?.
Believe it or not, in the 80's we actually had getherings in disco's with hundreds of witnesses attending. Lots of dancing, lots of drinking and fun was had by all.
After a while it was decided that these gathering were too big to control (police), so they when the way of the mood ring, extinct.
We also took overnight road trips by chartered buses and attended weekend dude ranches. As long as a minsterial servant attended, it was deemed okay by our body of elders.
Most of the parents in the congo encouraged the events because they kept us kids isolated from the "worldly" kids.
Remember Dinah!