Originally, Brooklyn New York.
Then Queens, New York, now New Jersey.
i am originally from the fort worth/grand prairie area....just curious as to where others have come from?
Originally, Brooklyn New York.
Then Queens, New York, now New Jersey.
they are having a twilight zone marathon on the sci fi channel.
touched by an angel is on hallmark.. i have been home sick today so i have been watching the angel show.
who enjoys watching tv marathons?
Twilight Zone and Law & Order Marathon.
Can't get enough!
my mom was born to a jewish family on staten island, new york 50 years ago.
she learned "the truth" from a group of sisters who told her that the jews were not god's chosen people and that she needed to be baptized.
she went through most of her life not following the society to a "t".
Great post Preston.
It takes great maturity to see beyond the human flaws of a person and appreciate the good and value that a person adds/added to your life.
In many cases I believe that because some of our wounds from the Borg is still fresh our hurt, bitterines and anger is exhibited in our posts.
Usually over time we are able to derive some benefit we received from even a bad experience that has made us stronger and a better person.
Your year end post certainly helped put things in presepctive.
Have a happy new year.
the top 16 biblical ways to acquire a wife 16. find an attractive prisoner of war, bring her home, shave her head, trim her nails, and give her new clothes.
(deuteronomy 21:11-13)
15. find a prostitute and marry her, so that some of her children will be born to you from other men.
Rape any woman and then she becomes your wife - Dana
some family moved in across the street a few months ago.
i have never talked to them.
all i know about them is what the other neighbors had to say.
Back when my wife and I first got married we lived in an apartment building. Underneath us was a older man who lived alone and was not very firendly.
Well this gentleman would bang on the walls and floor everytime me and my wife got our "groove on." Needless to say this was quite annoying. Finally I just went downtairs and told him that it was not our fault that he wasing getting any and if he banged on the walls again, I would kick his ass up and down the f**king street.
He left alone after that.
Those were the days!
anyway, this is an email i received this morning.
don't want to give any disrepectuful comments about it as this tragedy is overwhelming and i am grateful for any who have come out of this alive.
but yet i am still suspicious of any of these jw reports.
It's a damn shame that even in the face of a tragdey the DUB's feel they need to state that because of going out in field service or attending a meeting lives were saved. Does this mean that if you are sick and stayed home it would have been okay for you to die?
It's a scare tactic, used to keep the flock in check.
Why not just say that if you don't go out in field service or attend meetings you will die.
Opps, I forgot. They do that everyday of the week.
in your opinion, what was the best and worst of this past year?....was it the political elections, iraq, the recent tsumani disaster (for worst), personal issues etc.??
The worst, definitely the tsunami in Asia -
The best, although I am a die hard Yankee fan, my vote goes to the Red Sox for defeating the Babe's curse and finally winning the World Series.
Also my kid acheived a 3.8 GPA in college. Amazing with all the partying she does. I'm definitely proud of her.
is is just me, or did every congregation have a big (as in greater than in the non jw world) problem with this?
how have some been affected?
Although I agree with most of the afore mentioned comments, the DUB's are not the only group of people where you will find malicious gossip.
I have worked for various Fortune 100 companies and believe me many of my collegues could teach the DUBs a thing or two about gossip. My opinion is that as long as the world has mean spirited, insecure people around, you will have gossip.
What make matters worse is when these people are part of a organization that encourages gaps between the haves and have nots, or the weak and the strong, or the rich and the poor, gossip becomes the primary tool to put some one else down and at the same time elevating the gossiper.
a friend of mine just lost his young 4 year son in a sleigh accident.
the child ( the same age as my young caroline) sledded down the front hill of his property into the path of an on coming school bus.
terrible tragedy.. my wife and i ; who have known them for some time; must attend the service this eveing.
Franklin, heartfelt sympathies goes out to you and your family and friends family in dealing with this tragic loss.
Something like this really makes you appreicate your family and loved ones even more.
Give your children an extra tight hug tonight, especially Caroline.
a good friend of mine, who daed himself many years ago, finally decided to enter into rehab in effort to kick his heavy drug habit.. he is doing well and seems to really want to kick drugs for good this time and i am extremely proud of him and supportive of him in his efforts.. he did tell me something i found surprising, that i thought i would share with you.
in his group recovery class, out of 14 people, 6 are xdubs.
most seem to have anger management problems and a feeling of worthlessiness because of not being an active dub.
A good friend of mine, who DAed himself many years ago, finally decided to enter into rehab in effort to kick his heavy drug habit.
He is doing well and seems to really want to kick drugs for good this time and I am extremely proud of him and supportive of him in his efforts.
He did tell me something I found surprising, that I thought I would share with you. In his group recovery class, out of 14 people, 6 are XDUBs. Most seem to have anger management problems and a feeling of worthlessiness because of not being an active DUB. He said that a few have even mentioned that when the started using drugs they just assumed that they would be destroyed soon at Armegedon anyway so it didn't matter if the abused their bodies.
Have any of you heard or seen a connection between abuse of drugs and the Borg?