So what if you are?
It's part of the healing process.
i was talking to someone at my new job - she has known me for about 3 months and had something like 2 five minute conversations with me about the jws.. she said "you do come across as really bitter about it".. (note she is definately not a jw).. it was a real eye opener, because although i try and educate people about the truth of jws, i didn't think i was "bitter".. what about you?
So what if you are?
It's part of the healing process.
This didn't happen in my hall, but I worked with the elder involved.
There was this newly baptised sister who was married to an unbeliever. She began to confide in an elder in the hall about her martial problems.
Guess what? They began an affair. The unbelieving husband found out about it and told the elders and the elder's wife.
He then came to the hall on sunday and punched out the elder. The punk ass elder didn't hit him back and basically was left in heap in the back of the hall before the other brothers could contain the brusier.
The elders wife accepted him back, but the unbeliever divoriced his wife.
No one was DFed only privately reproved.
The sister's children were extremely scarred by these events and are now outspoken against the religion.
i took the day off from work yesterday and i watched daytime tv.. i got a real kick out of the court shows.. especially judge judy.
she is a riot!.
does anyone else watch talk shows?.
I took the day off from work yesterday and I watched daytime TV.
I got a real kick out of the court shows.
Especially Judge Judy. She is a riot!
Does anyone else watch talk shows?
Whose your favorite?
so, here i am, reeling from the events of the recent weeks...and then comes a blessed respite.
one of the "perks" of being on the janitorial crew was that, every summer, tradition sent us to mountain farm for a couple of weeks, to pick strawberries..
Good reading.
Keep it coming.
downunder the guys mostly use the hip pocket wallet to carry their money.. in cooler climes guys use the larger jacket pocket wallet.
it looks nicer!.
but in some parts of this world it seems guys use money clips.
Money clip in your dominate front pocket, the same hand you carry your bookbag filled with Watchtowers
recently as old friend of mine was just dfed for fornication.. apparently, the girl he "sinned" with was worked with an ex dub and she shared some intimate details about their relationship.. anyways, the ex dub told her elder father and also wrote a letter to his congo.. when the elders questioned him, he pitched a fit and told them where to go.. he seems to be okay with the decision, but it bothers me that a ex dub would turn him in.. have you heard of something like this happening with anyone you knew?
Recently as old friend of mine was just dfed for fornication.
Apparently, the girl he "sinned" with was worked with an ex dub and she shared some intimate details about their relationship.
Anyways, the ex dub told her elder father and also wrote a letter to his congo.
When the elders questioned him, he pitched a fit and told them where to go.
He seems to be okay with the decision, but it bothers me that a ex dub would turn him in.
Have you heard of something like this happening with anyone you knew?
i've read a few posts lately where the people got out of the jws and went off to live their lives.
i went to college almost immediately.
it was hard and sometimes i would think about it and maybe going back.
I remember the dark feelings of dispair when I first left the dubs.
It actually helpped that everyone shunned me, because it taught me to look inward for answers and with the help of therapy from a professional, I learned how to survive.
I worked on my self, became better educated, became healther ( i joined a gym) and I made it a point to make friends with all types of people.
15 years later I am much more happy and confident than I ever was as a dub. It wasn't easy and sometimes I do miss some of my old friends, but I feel accomplished and in control.
Focus on your self and seek professional help if you can.
You CAN do it.
1 corinthians 11:3-16 doesn't make any sense to me.
several other places paul says there are no male, female, slaves, jews, greeks, etc but we are all one with christ.
so why do some of us, who are all one, have to cover our heads or not even speak publicly at the meetings?
I found this practice to be demeaning to women, and I always had a problem with it.
Maybe because I had a very intelligent mother and a father who was a unbeliever, but had great repect for women in general, I never understood how the sisters put up with this custom.
It reminded me of blacks being forced to sit in the back of a bus.
My wife, who is also an x dub, would tell me wfer to go and how to get there if I pulled any shi# like that.
Classic was when none of the sisters had a hat and someone would give them a napkin to put over their head.
bad news.... nipsey russell has died after a long battle with cancer.. for those of you who remember nipsey played a detective on the tv series car 54... where are you?
and made numerous appearances on tv shows and game shows in the 60's 70's and 80's.. he was known for his poetic gift and always had a joke for the cameras.. he will be sorely missed.
Bad news.... Nipsey Russell has died after a long battle with cancer.
For those of you who remember Nipsey played a detective on the TV series Car 54... Where are You? and made numerous appearances on TV shows and game shows in the 60's 70's and 80's.
He was known for his poetic gift and always had a joke for the cameras.
He will be sorely missed.
elders were famous for making up stupid rules with no bible base at all as an ego trip i guess, what were some of yours?
i am not talking about the stupid rules that we all had to follow, just the congregation specific silly ones.. 1. having to button your jacket while on stage (this was later changed due to all the elders having a beer gut).
2. suits only or no privledges.
My congo decide that since the local junior high school held its graduration in a church, the dub kids could not attend.
Thank God my dad was worldly and vetoed my mother wishes, so I got to go.