I used to date one of Custers 6th generation nephews - boy talk about some debates!!!!
everyone is somehow connected to a celebrity, with that wondeful six degrees of separation.. for me, my aunt's(by marriage), first cousin is ally sheedy.. how are you related?
I used to date one of Custers 6th generation nephews - boy talk about some debates!!!!
everyone is somehow connected to a celebrity, with that wondeful six degrees of separation.. for me, my aunt's(by marriage), first cousin is ally sheedy.. how are you related?
Pursued by the American army for having defied the authority of the Government, the Sioux tribe occupied the important areas of the hills of Montana. During the summer of 1876, the army surrounded them by three sides. In June, General Custer, leading the 7th Cavalry, encountered a large Indian camp. Ordering many of his soldiers to position themselves near the Indians, he and his 300 men began a direct attack. To their surprise, Sitting Bull and his tribe retaliated with great force and not one of Custer's soldiers survived to recount the adventure.
Pettygrudger, thats okay...i surrender !!!!
Edited by - rubytuesday on 12 November 2002 13:55:2
everyone is somehow connected to a celebrity, with that wondeful six degrees of separation.. for me, my aunt's(by marriage), first cousin is ally sheedy.. how are you related?
I'm related to General Custard (not that he was a celebrity)Maybe thats why I make bad choices..hehe.
my brother and his family are just thankful to be alive!
sunday night with tornado warnings out through the state of tn.
about 7:30 that night, my brother went out on the porch to look at the lightning.
When I was kid we lived in Texas and a tornado hit us (Wiped out a trailer park 3 miles away)we barely made it to the cellar.The loudest noise i ever heard...terrifing! Now i live in Cali..and have been in some earthquakes...give me an earthquake anytime over a tornado!
Sometimes the worst of situations can bring out the best in people.
i have been very busy translating the dead sea scrolls and finding out how to explain to everyone what is the meaning of life, so i feel a need to take a break from my ponderous works to ask all of you a pregnant question, to wit, what is your favorite dish that is mainly comprised of hamburger, or contains hamburger as a major ingredient?
i do request that you only provide one, and only one selection.
(those who disobey this rule will be disfellowshipped and will not get a christmas present from me this year, even if i promised you one.
I love mexican food, Enchiladas!!
Does'nt get any better than this!!
im curious as to what some of you do for a living.
im an office manager for a communications co. in central califonia.
edited by - rubytuesday on 8 november 2002 17:47:45edited by - rubytuesday on 8 november 2002 17:48:25.
Im curious as to what some of you do for a living.
Im an office manager for a communications co. in central Califonia.
Edited by - rubytuesday on 8 November 2002 17:47:45
Edited by - rubytuesday on 8 November 2002 17:48:25
i just got this in my e-mail...has anyone else received this?.
dear friends,.
we found your e-mail address and we are gladly to know the persons which they were or they are jehovahs witnesses.. today, many people believe that the jehovahs witnesses are only those which are the members of watchtower society.
I just got this in my e-mail...has anyone else received this?
Dear friends,
We found your e-mail address and we are gladly to know the persons which they were or they are Jehovahs witnesses.
Today, many people believe that the Jehovahs witnesses are only those which are the members of Watchtower Society. Jehovahs witnesses isnt a Watchtower patent, but is a biblical name, and to be a Watchtower member doesnt mean indispensable to be a true Jehovahs witnesses.
Because the actual unbiblical teachings, many Watchtower members are leaving Society and are declaring themselves Ex- Jehovahs witnesses.
We reject the actual unbiblical and worldly teachings of Watchtower and we are keeping the faith which was once for all delivered to the saints(Jude 3).
We are in Romania approximately 5000 faithful brothers and sisters that remained steadfast even through tribulations and difficulties made by the communist regime in over 50 years of underground ministry.
Now, for 12 years, through Jehovahs kindness, we are activating in liberty being united in the TRUE FAITH JEHOVAHS WITNESSES Association in Romania, and together with all the faithful witnesses from the neighboring countries we actively work for the vindication of Jehovah and Christ Jesus name, who are the highest powers according to Romans 13:1-6, and we preach the approaching of the New World of justice!
We know that Jehovah will keep an afflicted and poor people all over the earth, that will faithfully resist the trials till the end and will never accept the wandering (delusion) of the "evil servant" class actual Watchtower Society: Zephaniah 3:12; II Thess. 2:3-12.
We wish to contribute to vindication of Jehovahs name with all those which are sincere and devoted to Jehovah God and His Son Jesus Christ.
We want to know more about you and the brothers around you!
For more accurate information about the TRUE FAITH JEHOVAHS WITNESSES Association visit our page: http://the-true-jw.oltenia.ro .
Were waiting for your answer at the e-mail: [email protected] .
everytime i get mad over something, all my feelings just come out.
today, i had a really bad day.
(if you read my last post, you know what i am talking about.
Surely they have single organizations.When I first moved to CA. I joined a hiking club.I met alot of friends there.
I used to say stupid things all time (still do ..just not as much)I learned to keep my mouth shut most of the time.I find when I just smile at people they seem to be open to me. When you push your self on people ..you just seem desperate and what a turn off!!I'm not saying you do these things..This is what i used to do.
E-mail me if you need to talk...I'm not an expert..but my life is so much nicer now that I know how to talk to people(most of the time)
my site (
) has been visited by people from 97 different countries.
I live in Pismo Beach ,sunny CA.
Someone told me that someone here is from my town also...would like to know who it is...promise I won't stalk!!