I can't stand either in the house. P.U.
i really do hate smoking odors.
i do not really hate pets but i am allergic to them.
what about you?
I can't stand either in the house. P.U.
i'm just going to start at the beginning.. i was anticipating the memorial all day.
i was nervous but excited, kind of like standing in line for a roller coaster.. ok. so erika gets ready at her house, and i get ready at mine.
i'm wearing a black suit with a light green shirt, and a tie that had hues of green and yellow in it.
Richie, I could picture everything you wrote. You're a great story teller.
so, you are starting to leave the cult.
you begin to meet new people and instead of viewing them all as 'bad association', you begin to view them as fellow humans.
what was your first impression of 'worldly people'?.
Greetings Mavie,
One of the things that struck me, was how obscure, and insignficant the teachings of dubs are. It's incredible when you think that you've been instrumental in putting them, (worldy people) 'on notice." for this impending worlds destruction. They have no clue.
in the spirit of the "ask a muslim", the "ask a fred" threads, and to pad my post count i have started the "ask a loon" thread.
feel free to ask whatever strikes your fancy!
i'm stuck at work for the next 8 hours on a sunday evening so your questions should be answered promptly, unless i'm actually doing work, or at lunch.
Why do so many loons live in Maine?
to become a saint.
seems a nun, who had parkinsons disease, prayed to the "dead" pope and he cured her!!
Popus Paul cured her, I'm sure
When did pigs start flying?
i finally made it to the supreme stage of 5000 posts!
what fun that has been!
i always said i would leave at my 5000th so its been fun - i bid y'all adieu, bon voyage and good luck!.
Congrats Ms. Crumpet! Your Supremeship.
hi gang , its good to be back ...........i have gone through 2 years of captivity ,,i have been out of the jws since 2002, i moved to austin ,,texas in 2004.. i even had the priviledge of attending a true dallas apostofest,which i will never forget..met alot of great apostates..
but for 2years i have been in a tailspin..last april my 20yr old jehovah witness daughter got married in minnesota.
oh ya i was invited, only to the wedding which was not held in a kingdom hall (because of me iam sure)..my son who was never baptized came allthe way from florida to his little sisters wedding, only to be treated like he was da or df..we were not allowed at the reception and the only pictures i got were from my other daughter who (she was studying at the time so she was allowed to stay for all the festivities..) so me and my son decided to do what any out cast would do...went drinking and checking out the quaint little town that night...had a blast...they had not won ,,i was down but not out...haha
Welcome back wildfire
i have just been reading randy's thread on the blood issue and gene smalley and found it fascinating, but fascinating not because of the life threatening doctrine of no blood transfusions for jehovah's witnesses but because of the fact that the name of a writer of watchtower publications is such obvious public knowledge.. my parents insist that no one ever knows who wrote any of the watchtower publications and yet on this site the names of many a writer is often mentioned without a second thought.. why are the rank and file jws so ignorant of who write the publications and why do they accept this state of affairs and right and good!?.
i have mentioned names of writers and my parents just shout that i'm believing apostate lies whereas everyone of this site knows who the writers are..
Re: Why does the average JW remain ignorant of who write WT publications??
Also, the watchower printing corp. disguised as a religion, goes out of its way to hide, who the authors of all that fiction are. They would not want anyone getting a swelled head.
when you hear that old brother so-and-so died or that sister elder's wife is very ill, do you feel bad?--------- like you want to call the family, see the sick former friends?
Not one friggin' itoa. We're all in line with our tickets punched, it's going to happen to us, and it WILL happen to them, even thought it was not supposed to. One of the more destructive teachings of surreal watchower lies.