Touche Outlaw
I agree with you that as much as 75% of the pipsqueaks believe much of watchtower's protocol is dead wrong. But it's okay the end is "just around the corner". Plus who else would we go out to din-din with?
i wonder what percentage of current jw's know it's not the truth but have too much invested to get out?
more importantly, how many of the gb know but have no where else to go?.
anyone care to hazard a guess?.
Touche Outlaw
I agree with you that as much as 75% of the pipsqueaks believe much of watchtower's protocol is dead wrong. But it's okay the end is "just around the corner". Plus who else would we go out to din-din with?
raymond franz was a member of the governing body of jehovah's witnesses from 1971 until may 22, 1980, and served at the organization's world headquarters for fifteen years, from 1965 until 1980. franz wrote and edited two detailed books which relate his personal experiences with the watch tower bible and tract society and fellow members of the jehovah's witness organization.. .
after reading ray franz's books,i held him and his fellow members responsible for all the false teachings.
i also wasn't forgiving any of them even if they found out that it wasn't the ''truth'' and left the i changed my mind.
Re: Aren't we all responsible for the success of the Watchtower Society?
Yes. Please stop rubbing salt in an old wound.
do you tend to multi-task or hone in one job, giving it your full concentration until its finished?.
would you say your ability/inability to multi-task is an attribute or a curse?.
the reason i ask is that i seem to have a very short attention span.
Greetings Ms. Crumpet,
I take great pride in my abilty to walk and chew gum at the same time. I'd call it an attribute.
new york times.
hotel where dodgers celebrated a title is up for sale .
Greetings AndersonsInfo,
Thanks for keeping us abreast of (IMO) all important news. Printing Co's do not sell building for nothing. Perhaps there are fissures in the dike! It's time for a beer-barrell polka.
Roll out the barrel, We'll have a barrel of fun
Roll out the barrel, we've got the blues on the run
Zing Boom Terrara
Join in a glass of good cheer
Now it's time to roll the barrel
For the gang's all here (Spoken: Take it away boys!)
been lurking the whole time.without going into a long story,mylife has changed so much.. im the father of 4 raised in the troof.from 3 on.always had problems dealing with the pledge,sports and reccomended bad assoc a few times when young.redeemed myself at 16.time to dunk.well after i did,i went crazy worldly.i was a senior in school shortly after.i went through running away at 17.being a wild child but always having guilt.passed up on sex with i dont know how many women because i still held some things true.
(they were some pretty hot girls too)to the point of getting into pot and acid in the early 80s.
(i didnt seem to mind that) through the years id always believed it was the truth.there were times i would throw my pot out the window of my car and cry,because i could never live up to a jw life.married my wife.never had a christmas tree(even though she gave presents)ps so did and out of the org.never felt like i mattered.anyway i owe my life to my wife who did research and brought me here.. my old screen name was life.i quit trying to read and post all the time because i was so messed up after finding out the truth about what i was really involved in and what the facts were.
Welcome to the forum Denny.
you know, we all like to talk about how awful the congregations we attended were, but at the end of the day, most of us are here because we need support letting go of our friends and family.
personally, i had and still do have occasionally (because i haven't faded yet) great times with some of my friends.
yeah, it's all based on our religion and they wouldn't be my friends if i didn't believe it.
Precisely as zeroday put it. Try telling them (your "friends") you don't believe in the watchtower spooge, and see how long they'll keep you as a "friend", once you begin to challenge their brainwashed belief system. It will be bye bye. There will be no time to "fade". You'll get your butt booted out so fast you'll be able to smell the shoe polish. I know, scary but true.
i wonder if someone who had never been to a kingdom hall would think this is funny.
Good one S/O
If only they alllowed that, it would be a reason to stay awake during those torturous meetings.
Greetings uhoh08,
My wife, and three sons. After having it rammed down our throats for 25 years+
Welcome to JWD. You'll learn alot here if you stay and research.
maybe this is it.............. .
fed makes emergency 0.75% rate cut .
the federal reserve, responding to an international stock sell-off and the likelihood of a sharp drop in america on tuesday morning, cut its benchmark interest rate by three-quarters of a percentage point.
It's only down 91 points now
highlights from a recent letter addressed to our boe:.
-- a married couple is leaving bethel, assigned to serve in our congregation as special pioneers.
-- the society will pay them $600 per month, and in addition cover their health insurance .
Yabba Dabba Do.