Having to put the cover back on the hot tub once we're numb from soaking in it.
Having to put the cover back on the hot tub once we're numb from soaking in it.
Well done video. Where's Ronnie when you need him
my wife wanted to go visit some friends at another kingdom hall so i tagged along.
to keep her happy.
the elder giving the "public" talk brought up the 1975 myth.. he said, as he looked around the audience, "it looks like there are not a lot of brothers.
Greetings TB TS,
I wanted to scream at the Elder Sunday morning "you are a lying !!!!!!"
To bad you didn't. Perhaps screaming may have caught the attention of the mind-numb zombie crowd just stitting there slurping it all up at the trough.
this has been my most challenging video yet!
click for an exclusive look inside the walls of gilead, as well as an overview of what crap gilead teaches.. .
includes never before see video interviews with gilead instructors, wally "the end is coming really soon" liverance, lawrence "newly anointed" bowen, and mark "mr. availability" noumair.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m5fqz2_lzge.
Greetings again A@G
Just watched the video on you tube. Thanks for the internal peer behind Watchtower$ ™ most sacred closed door. Now I'm damn sure I don't want to go. Sounds yawn............ boring at best. Same old crap under a different shoe.
my apologies for not posting this here sooner, but i've been swamped with a very big project... one that i will share with you in the not too distant future.. this is my most recent youtube video and addresses a subject i've identified as extremely important to many of us ex witnesses.. it's called deconstructing apostasy, and basically it examines apostasy according to watchtower... my hope is that the message will start to break down the barriers of what an apostate is and how the watchtower uses that term to effectively subjugate its members by silencing any conscientious questioners.. hopefully you'll be able to see it below, otherwise here's the link (it's best viewed on youtube in high definition) - deconstructing apostasy http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n3j5hkv2cnw.
Greetings Moxie,
Thanks for posting. Excellent resource tool. And right on the money.
who do you think will orgasm first?.
one of the hags on "the view"?.
katie couric?.
I'd say Chris Matthews first, Brian Williams 2nd, and monkey face David Gregory 3rd.
Don't forget Oprah and Whooopeeeeeeeeeeeeeee too.
my mother told me that my beloved headstrong jw aunt was crying up a storm because of sunday's watchtower lessons on how to treat someone who has left the flock and treat them with kindness in hope of their return.
my aunt thought immediately of me and how nasty she is to my existence, taking the lead in totally ignoring me in her presence.. so now she feels awful about her treatment....but why???
simply because a watchtower article told her so.
Greetings Min,
Don't allow Auntie to treat you bad. Tell her to kiss your ass if she doesn't approve of you pissing on watchtowers head.
my sister's husband passed away last week, and the funeral was last saturday.
after the typical commercial for the wts, the speaker invited those in the audience to join in singing song #15(life without end at last).
they passed out lyrics to the song to those without songbooks.
Greetings KS,
Sorry for your sister's & your loss if you were close.
You the the nail on the head though "After the typical commercial for the WTS" . Watchtower makes me sick.
as some one who who has travelled britian well, i must make known an observation.
almost all kingdom halls are in really bad areas.
fron travelling around scotland i see in edinburgh, glasgow, kilbrinie, bellshill , hamilton, kirkcaldy, glenrothes, methil, dundee, aberdeen, inverness, the halls are in a terrible place where unemployment is rife, drug taking common place and just downright poverty and crime is seen.
I concur with cameo-d's description of many KH's. It's just a curse to be the "center of true worship" at times.
then why would satan still prey on other people that are not jw's?.
Outlaw you rock!