My friend is about 10 years younger than me. I believe she told me once that she was at Julliard when Sarah Chang was there so what? 1980's. I do know she traveled afterwards in Europe performing, especially in Germany. She's in the Pacific NW, USA now.
About the congregation attitude about my playing, one incident stands out in my mind (although there were others). I was home one morning instead of being out in FS and the sisters stopped to use my bathroom as they often did when in the neighborhood. I was teaching myself a fiddle tune from a recording; four measures forward, two back, forward a few more back a bit...until I finally had it down. Anyway, one of the sisters looked at me holding my violin and asked in a scolding sort of voice "what are you doing?" She then insinuated that playing the violin was just a hobby best saved for the 'new system' I will add that I was also on medication at the time and really taking it easy to let my body heal and so was not out in FS much. Anyway, the tune I was learning became my signature Irish fiddle tune called 'The Strayaway Child'. I'm so so glad I strayed away.
I started teaching only Celtic fiddling styles at first but have over the 15 years that I've been teaching I've gone back to classical basics. I smile over the number of students who signed on with me to only do fiddling but who were turned on to the joys of Baroque era music. I make no claims to be the best teacher and feel inadequate at times because I didn't get the really intense training but this 'hobby' has been not only my passion but my soul source of income since my husband died 14 years ago. You're so right about the 120 hrs practice! I have my violin in hand far more than that sometimes just going over scales and arpeggios and beginning stuff week after week with students but I did notice early on that even that made my intonation and tone so much better. I use time in between students to practice 'my' stuff and also I play with some local musicians doing everything from Celtic traditional to jazz. Although I got a bit of a late start, this is what I really think I am here on this earth to do : )