A definition for anyone who is interested: Arianism [a heresy]
And a defintion of [the sin of] heresy
Nuff sed.
A definition for anyone who is interested: Arianism [a heresy]
And a defintion of [the sin of] heresy
Nuff sed.
i ask a question, the next person answers my question and then asks their own and so on.
so i will start off with....... .
what if animals could talk?
In Naples in a piazza drinking coffee and watching all the girls go by... ohh the days, the days madonna mia!
If you could be someone else who would you be.
i hate this.
but god only knows what is going on with the folks caught in guantanemo bay.
this is so disgusting, abusive, and traitorous.
Haven't we learnt anything from what the Nazis DID WRONG? What about the Bosnian ethnic cleansing? What about Iraq's ethnic cleansing? We can go through the 70's for more...
Ohh my - so much history, so little learnt. Wish I could teach you about ethnic cleansing. Oh, let's try something....
Paint a picture. Your town decides that your family's genetics are poison. They then decide that you must all be wiped out. Your blood line ends with your generation. How would you feel, react?
Forget politics, just try to capture that scenario and let it overwhelm you. Your children, your brothers and sisters, nephews and neices, your parents, grandparents, uncles, aunts and while they are at it they will take out your wifes family line too... they don't care how far it goes... they hate you... hate has no logic or understanding. When you have that fear rip through your mind transfer that to a race of people not just a couple dozen members living in a narrow minded, disfunctional community. Nice picture... we can relate that to the American Revolution. The only battle fought on american soil spilling american blood. That blood cleansed the country of many wrong-doings. Have you forgotten already? Did all those brave men and women die for no reason? So that racism can take a hold of it's people? FREEDOM and THE AMERICAN WAY OF LIFE!! I don't see anything there in the constitution that gives you the right to condemn anyone.
Racism should be made unlawful with prison time attached to it. Ignorance is not accepted in a court of law as an argument.
Racism is based on ignorance and stupidity.
Think about what you are saying -- you are talking about innocent people who are on the wrong side of a line drawn by politics. Is that fare?
The best person to answer your question is God himself. As Jesus to come into your heart and show you what He want's you to understand. Man's words are man's words. If we accept that the books were written with the guidance of the Holy Spirit and that we only need his Word to save us then that's how it should be approached. Sure, we can all show you how it makes sense both for and against the trintity but you have to choose for yourself. The term trinity is just a term. If you believe that the three are of the same personality then you have the trinity as it is without any more thought or logic.
If you want a real world example of how one thing can exist as three things at the same time before your very eyes I can give you such an exampe. That being said, if we can produce such an event is it not then possible that the creator of the universe could be more than anything that he created?
As for the bible timeline. I think it doesn't really matter when it was written. We all accept that it was God's will for it to be wriiten and it was with the help of the Holy Spirit that it was. Why else would it be a Holy book?
I enjoy a good scrummage through history to learn more of the language, hisory and clues about times gone by but ultimately I put more in the faith behind the writings than anything else that can be said about the "when where who" arguments. The difference between what I think and what others argue is that it makes sense when you read the book as it was meant to be read - with God's help.
i ask a question, the next person answers my question and then asks their own and so on.
so i will start off with....... .
what if animals could talk?
then we wouldn't see your lovely picture
what if all the batteries in the world just disappeared?
i ask a question, the next person answers my question and then asks their own and so on.
so i will start off with....... .
what if animals could talk?
Then Richard Cranium would be a fine name to have
What if you also had eyes in the back of your head?
how great to have all newbies, i feel the jws are loosing the battle and loosing their ahh, donations.
it makes me so happy when i see all that have broken free or a least come to ask questions.
welcome to all
As newbie I still haven't found the best way to view the categories and messages. I went from looking in each folder and manually checking each section post date and time to now clicking on active posts.
What are some of your forum surfing habits for getting the most out of the forum? Any advise?
put a smile on my face for the whole weekend... Gamma!!
1940. the only safe place to sleep is in the underground (subway) stations:.
saint paul's cathedral:.
belfast, 1972, ira.. .
I agree with you English.
i ask a question, the next person answers my question and then asks their own and so on.
so i will start off with....... .
what if animals could talk?
I'd have to get off my lazy butt, get some gas for the lawn mower and do some gardening.
What if you mowed my lawn for me?