Terrorism. Yeah, We've Been There.

by Englishman 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • Englishman

    1940. The only safe place to sleep is in the underground (subway) stations:


    Saint Paul's cathedral:

    Belfast, 1972, IRA.

    Brighton 1984:

    Chidren killed by IRA bomb, Warrington, England, 1993.


    IRA. London, 1996:


    IRA. Manchester, England, 1996:

    Real IRA, Omagh, 1998:



  • stillajwexelder

    And I always got the feeling e-man that if the Pope had stood up and said "Anybody who engages in Terrorism will be pronounced excommunicate and will be denied Christain Burial - or any priest that performs mass/burial on an IRA bomber etc will be excommunicate" -- how soon the support would have dried up and how many lives would have been saved. Similarly , the Protestant Churches would have had to have taken the same stand with UDR/UDA/Loyalist terrorists.

    No different than sayinG the Mullahs should do something similar with the Isalmic Terrorists - Jehovahs Witnesses are right when they say Religion is the Root of all the worlds problems.

  • Simon


    Must have walked past those bins a thousand times ... I worked just opposite.

    Gone along there too many a time - walked over, along, driven along etc ...

    These are wither side of us, 10-15 minutes away in either direction.

  • Realist


    from a british standpoint do the irish have a right to be pissed at britain? are terror attacks understandable? would there be a good way to resolve the hate?

  • Left_Field

    --- Jehovahs Witnesses are right when they say Religion is the Root of all the worlds problems.

    Try Political, Militarian or Ethnic. Religion is an excuse. Here are three examples and my personal thoughts in it... brace yourselves ;o)

    Yugoslavia, Cyprus, Northern Ireland to name three with the IRA doing what they believe is right politically not for religious purposes. The breakdown of Yugoslavia, death and destruction, the wiping out of its centuries old history was not religious it was ethnic. I heard all the stories about christian and muslim in former Yugoslavia -- I didn't buy it. The invasion of Cyprus and the splitting of the country with a north south divide was for political / military advantages to the Middle East and North Africa. Who gained? The British Military and the U.S Military. Turkey and Greece gained too and who lost out? Those who had their land and their heritage taken from them -- sounds like I heard that story before somewhere else. Northern Ireland want independence from the crown -- the world view is that of a partial or fully religious one -- Protestant / Catholic - whatever there is about religion has nothing to do with the bombings that take place in the name of the IRA. Their message is simple - Get out of Northern Ireland or we will keep bombing you. There is no religion there -- just heritage.

    The official cold war ended when a couple of world events took place - the dropping of the Iron curtain [Glasnost] and the dropping of the Berlin Wall. These two significant events showed the world that things were changing. Oh, they were changing alright. The cold war went from behind the desk to out on the street.

    The cold war is not over. It's just got a new name - terrorism. This new cold blooded war is not after land or posession of land. It's after control. Control of it's own interests whether they are homeland or someone elses land through the fear it inflicts in the people. What difference is there in the dead whether it was a bullet from a UN/US/Allied rifle of from a suicide bomber? They are still dead. The difference is a point of view based on political bias.

    Think on this: Rather than invade a country, how much easier is it to place someone you can influence in charge of that country? Iraq today and a multitude of Middle East countries from decades before. Looks to me like the same principal is being applied. This time it's terrorism's anti-flag that is flying not a cold war political agenda.

    Poltical Jehad? That's an excuse. Terrorism will PAY? That's an excuse. What is it over? Decades of BAD Politics AND NOW it's being done on the streets and not from behind closed doors. We get to see it through the media as terrorism whereas for the last number of decades it was claimed as a cold war with way more deaths [if not more -- terrorism as we know it today is still young.. give it time to mature and the death tolls to rise] which were claimed as "Wars" and not in truth, puppets being controlled by "special interest" groups who wanted a shift in the balance of power from one government to the next or from one despot to the next. For greed, control and power. The country with most allies is still a terrorist country if they kill innocent people. Terror - ism - inflicting of terror. Doesn't matter how you inflict it, the people are still terrified!

    Don't believe religion is the root of all problems. Human imperfections are the root, namly Greed. Greed for anything can be the root of any problems.

    A religion's ideology can be perfect. It's the people IN the religion that are not.


  • Englishman

    Maybe it's our own experiences of terrorism that prompted us to side immediately with the US after 9/11?


  • Left_Field

    I agree with you English.

  • ThiChi

    Good lesson: Do we take the Chamberlain course and coddle Terrorists till they take more and more, or do we go for victory, at any cost?

    "You ask, what is our policy? I will say: It is to wage war, by sea, land and air, with all our might and with all the strength that God can give us; to wage war against a monstrous tyranny, never surpassed in the dark, lamentable catalogue of human crime. That is our policy. You ask, what is our aim? I can answer in one word: Victory -- victory at all costs, victory in spite of all terror, victory, however long and hard the road may be; for without victory there is no survival." SWC

  • Englishman
  • ThiChi

    Hear! Hear!!

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