Wow! "I knew they would answer"
About a month or so ago I posted about a "witness" who was a white supremicist/racist who told me I was not allowed to go to the local Kingdom Hall, could not have a copy of the Watchtower or Awake, & that the Bible was not for Blacks. Her & a friend of her's(an old lady) were running a scam ad in the local newspaper. Her son lived next door, so I saw her all the time.... and she was in general "a pain" to deal with.
I "reported her" un-Christian-like behavior to the Watchtower Society. I just got a letter back in the mail from them!
In general they say "they are sorry to learn about my experience", then say "Jehovah's Witnesses do not espose to "white suprremacist" ideals, then quote a scripture from Acts 10:34-35... then they say "we can not say with certainly if these persons are Jehovah's Witnesses"... then they provided the address, phone number and schedule of the closest Kingdon Hall to my address.
The letter I got back was from "Patterson, New York". And although I would have loved to have seen her get thrown out, it was still nice to get a response to my letter.