after i left my ex and was accused of doing all sorts of things on the web ( i talked to a few ladies and played music trivia with them so i was a lesbian ya know)...after i got the web in my home after leaving i said F*** it if i'm gonna do the time i'm gonna do the crime..web searched porn sites lookin for naked men , saw females inside out and didnt even know i had some of those parts and found the only naked men were on gay sites. so lost interest in that within 5 min.. so thinking hard about how else i could sin online i typed in jehovahs witnesses on msn search.
went to the official site first.. boring as heck... but read the news there.. so then i typed in jw news.. and got the mutha load. didnt feel guilty i felt VINDICATED .. screw feeling unloved unworthy and useless.. screw being invisible... i AM NOT ALONE!!!
and ya know if I am totally wrong and JW's are the true religion and if Jesus isnt who i think he is from the bible.. i dont care. JW's failed me i didnt fail them.