JoinedTopics Started by rebelChild
Hi All
by mrpositive in.
i am an ex jay dub in the uk.. i was was in 'the lie' for 36 years, spent most of it feeling guilty.. in 93 i started a teaching degree & found that i couldn't kid myself anymore, i haven't been to a meeting since.. it's great to find an ex's site that hasn't got a hidden alternative religious adgenda.. .
How Do You Handle Dubs At The Door?
by Elmer J. Fudd init seems as though i'm never prepared.
i would love to have a simple statement to present to them.
any suggestions?.
American Idol down to 3
by Mulan ini can't believe la toya got voted off.
jasmine seems to be a very sweet girl, but to keep her and vote off la toya is nuts.. i am hoping with it getting down to just 3, that there aren't enough voters in hawaii to keep her in the competition.
if she wins the whole thing, one of the other girls will have been robbed.. i think simon should rethink his scathing, hurtful comments.
Wanna make a new friend???......
by rebelChild inokay...lets all get to know looking for new i thought this would be a great way to do such a whatcha think???.
i live in wash. state.....i was a jw up untill like 4 years now u do the math........i had no friends while i was a when i got out i had a rough time makeing im haveing the time of my life....being "worldly" is great!!!.
Honey im HOME!!!!!!
by rebelChild inokie dokie...well its been um...forever....this is discombobulatedgirl (rolorcoasters daughter) ive been hanging around here since um...2001,....just not active...had to make a new name cuz smart me lost my not to sure if any of yalls remember me....heck i cant remember all the ppl i used to talk to ...way to many to to yalls later!!!
hello again!
by pudd inafter i stopped going to meetings about a year ago this place was a real life saver.
i would come here every day just to know i was not alone and preserve a small amount of sanity.
in that time i got to know a number of you and i realy don?t know how i would have got though this time with out you!