My daughter and husband design them, write me if you are interested in seeing some samples;
I think they are awesome artists, but I could be prejudiced!
i've been faded for almost four years now.
i've decided in the last month or so that i would really like to treat myself to a small tattoo.
i'm going the conservative route and plan on getting it on my lower back - so it can be seen when i want it to be, but also easily hidden when necessary .
My daughter and husband design them, write me if you are interested in seeing some samples;
I think they are awesome artists, but I could be prejudiced!
the last week will go down as the biggest tragedy i can recall and i foresee i ever will.
this week we've all witnessed a miracle by the out pouring of kindness and love shown by everyone.
all borders have been dropped and the spirit of humanity has has never shown brighter.
i have recently started a bible study, and think that i may like to be baptised.. i was wondering how long does someone have to study before they are baptised?.
also, i was wondering how many hours do people spend on their mission (door to door).
i would be thankful for any help, as i am just like many, searching for awnsers.
Hi Lost Truth! Welcome to this board. I was never a JW but have family who are, and I am thankful that I was led to this board. I have learned a lot from people who used to be and are still JW's. Please, don't be dissuaded because you might have thought all who post here are JW's. Please read and learn from these people. They have life experiences that will teach you more than any study you would take with the Watchtower society. Sometimes they say things that are boldly negative toward the WTS, but most have lived through a lot of years of repression and DEpression because of the teachings of the WTS.
May I ask if you had a religion prior to studying with the WTS? I would be glad to write you/answer any questions more privately if you want to contact me at [email protected] I am not an Apostate; as I said I have family who are JW's. Blessings for a happy and healthy 2005!
i'm in a pretty tough pickle at the moment.
i was on this site before under another username but i haven't been here for a long time.
i am fully convinced that this religion isn't what it's cracked up to be.
Hi Daunt and welcome! I agree here with setfree. Esp with your age, you are at a time in your life where it is very normal to be questioning beliefs, etc. Put a few "innocent" questions out there, starting with ...we ARE to search into things carefully, right? So I just wonder about this..... Something along that line. You are wise to take your time, but personally I feel the more honest you are with them (again, just slow, one question at a time) the more comfortable you (and they) will be. And I think you have a plus on your side, they do already have a son DF'd and one a little ahead of you at getting out? ....I feel they won't be as surprised as you think they will if you ask some ??? at this point in your life. Good Luck, and stay on this board, you will find lots of support.
to whatever religion's website you surf, all have a comment on the tsunami in south asia: be it catholic, protestant, adventist, mormon, new apostolic or whatever.
they try to give comfort and encourage people to donate for the suffering people there.
but if you go to or there is no mention of it (at least by now).
I started a post yesterday about this same issue. I'd checked most major religion websites and found
many prayers, etc. ZIP on wts site. OK, maybe we should give them the benefit of the doubt...they are
closed for the holidays! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
my telephone conversation with the watchtower society, was a sincere attempt to find out what active role the watchtower is taking to help the tsunami victims.
thursday dec. 30, 2004 / approx.
watchtower call on tsunami disaster.. 1-718-560-5000. wt-recording--thank you for calling jehovah's witnesses.. wt rep--jehovah's witnesses, may i help you?.
My perception of the conversation is that the main concern is JW deaths, and since there are only 2 that they know of...who cares about the rest of the victims. Basically, even if they were nice on the phone, that is the message they are giving out. JW's "count" but no one else does. Ha. That could have a double meaning couldn't it?
42 years today!.
love you,.
42 years is a real achievement these days! Congrats, I'm sure you have set a real example for your children, which is a true gift !
the toll is mounting; god help those poor people.
i went to some websites of various churches.
and found most of them are helping, such as, what is posted below.
You'd think they'd at least have a posting on their say a prayer or something...since they are out to save the world! But nothing on it as of 12/28/04, just "news" relating to the latest persecution of JW's. boo hoo.
okay you guys here is my might be a lil' long winded, but please bear with's interesting.... well i have been away for 8 years...i stopped when i was 17 and i'm 25 now.
it all started when i became a non baptized publisher at age 14. i was a very good speaker/reader.
the elders were waiting for me to get baptized and encouraged me to do so.
Snake, Thank you for a heartwarming story. It is uplifting to hear of someone who was damaged by the JW's, yet is still a #1 Fan of God. So often that is not the case. Bless you and your wife! Testimonies like yours make me have hope that my family members will "get it" someday.
the toll is mounting; god help those poor people.
i went to some websites of various churches.
and found most of them are helping, such as, what is posted below.
I should not show bias, here is the JW site with their "current news"......
Printable Version |
Five-year ordeal ends for victim of mob attack
TBILISI, Georgia?A five-year ordeal has ended for Mirian Arabidze, victim of a 1999 mob attack by religious extremists on a congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses gathered for worship in the Gldani district of the Georgian capital. Mr. Arabidze, one of Jehovah's Witnesses, was among several victims who were severely beaten during the attack. Although he was a victim of assault, he was later charged and subsequently convicted by a Georgian court of "hooliganism" for his presence during the attack. After years of legal battles, the Supreme Court of Georgia eventually exonerated Mr. Arabidze. The Court also ordered compensation to him for approximately $600 US for moral damages and legal fees. The compensation was paid as of November 18, 2004, and the exoneration was published in the official journal of the Georgian Ministry of Justice. Mr. Arabidze also received a letter of apology from the city prosecutor.
Mr. Arabidze's case is one example of how the situation of Jehovah's Witnesses has improved in Georgia. They are now able to conduct their peaceful religious meetings and public visitation work without interference. This is in stark contrast to the constant fear during the years from 1999 to 2003, when their peaceful religious services were constantly threatened with mob attacks by a minority group of religious extremists.
Since the Prosecutor's Office in Georgia refused to prosecute the perpetrators of the mob attacks in Georgia, Jehovah's Witnesses filed an application with the European Court of Human Rights regarding the 1999 attack in Gldani. On July 6, 2004, the Court ruled that the Witnesses' application was admissible, and a decision on the merits of the case is expected in the coming months.
Local English / Georgian / Russian-speaking contact: Inga Geliashvili
Telephone: +995 (93) 106-230