Is there somewhere we can look for a better copy...and something to authenticate it so we can
send this to our JW relatives?? Serious!
ok i was kidding about the mason thing.
if i find the original i'll post a transcript.
right now i can't find it and the text seems blurry when i post the scan.
Is there somewhere we can look for a better copy...and something to authenticate it so we can
send this to our JW relatives?? Serious!
i heard that it was scarce at the kingdom hall last thursday night.
the speaker was asking those in attendance to look around and see who was missing and to call them and encourage them to come back to the meetings.
interesting huh?
I notice at the KH 2 blocks from me that there are a LOT of Mexicans going on Sunday afternoons...and I've
seen them going in the eves. This was not the case 2-3 yrs ago. I suppose due to the influx of immigrants in
our area, they are recruiting them heavily...and since most have Catholic roots, the JWs are able to help them
get UnDEMONIZED. HAS anyone else seen a rise in the #'s of Hispanics?
amazing grace!
how sweet the sound.
that saved a wretch like me!.
oops, Myelaine! my bad, sorry!
amazing grace!
how sweet the sound.
that saved a wretch like me!.
Too bad the Bashers have to speak up; this is a very nice thread,
Check out this website:
He shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Almighty God.
He shall be called Everlasting Father, Prince of peace.
His name is Jesus, for He will save His people from sin.
His name Immanuel, God with man.
Jesus is called Wonderful Counselor, Almighty God.
Jesus is called Everlasting father, Prince of Peace.
His name is Jesus, for He saves His people from sin.
His name Immanuel, God with man,
His name Immanuel, God with man.
We praise your name Wonderful Counselor, Almighty God.
We praise your name Everlasting father, Prince of Peace.
We love you Jesus, for You save Your people from sin.
We love You, Immanuel, God with man.
We love You, Immanuel, God with man.
i just returned home from the kingdom hall.
i am an elder.. after the meeting all the elders were called to the back room.
i thought this was an impromptu elders' meeting.
Well, Gary, as others have said, only you can make the decision. But listen to these people; and think about why you are posting on this board. Your heart tells you this is wrong. Now that you have growing children, you must put THEM first; they are your Family, your wife, you and your children. As the Bible teaches, when we marry we leave our mothers and cleave to our spouse. It is time for you to set the example for your wife and your children and to let the rest of the family make their decisions. You may be pleasantly surprised.
Praying for you,
today i sat and really realized how absolutely hopeless i feel.
i have had so many things happen in my life this year and a huge percentage of it has been items i have to face or tackle.
i have prioritized and organized myself to death and i am so very overwhelmed.
Hi Spark, We all have those lemons in our life; some people never seem to get them, or are just so into their own
selves that they aren't bothered by what life throws at them. Others, like you, are more sensitive and seem to
have more to deal with than they should. But you have a great attitude, you are thinking of the right thing...the
other people in your life, the ones who really count. I LOVED your post! This has been a tough year for me, but
there were also many, many bright & shiny spots in it. Bless you.
When life hands you lemons, make lemonade....
my brother is a self proclaimed apostate.
i see now that there is a wide variety of posters here.
so to those that have left the witnesses what would it take to get you back?
Honey, you sound like a smart girl and a caring sister. Your brother is also the same. He cares about his family, but he does not choose to be led by words printed by an organization. He is making his own way and appears to be doing just fine. You would benefit from taking a break, finding some space for yourself....I am a mom of 3 adult kids, and believe me, I know, sometimes we all need space to have a little soul searching. Light a little candle and pray to Jehovah to truly come into your heart; ask him to help you see your brother in the way that Jesus taught us, to Love one another as He has loved us. It's pretty simple. The bible is a great tool, but the JW's have changed many of the words to reflect their teachings, did you know that? If the Bible was written to save us all, why do only JWs have their special version and it is not available to anyone unless they follow the Watchtower Society? Christians can buy a Bible at Walmart and pray together; but JW's, who say they are Christian, choose to stay apart and pray as the Pharisees did, judging the others.
Sorry to ramble, but there is so much hurt from this...please take a little breather from meetings, etc. and find the love of Jehovah inside yourself.
i have a little daily flip-calendar.
today's message just struck me, thinking of the "slave" mentality thrown at the.
I have a little daily flip-calendar. Today's message just struck me, thinking of the "slave" mentality thrown at the
JW's. This passage, instead, gives us the Truth about WHO we are. It gives us the Hope.
You can tell for sure that you are now fully adopted as his own children because God sent the Spirit of his Son into our lives crying out, "Papa! (Abba) Father!" Doesn't that privilege of intimate conversation with God make it plain that you are not a slave but a child? And if you are a child, you're also an heir, with complete access to the inheritance.
Galatians 4:6-7
In simple Peace,
available at
calendar contains nature photos accompanied by affirmations applicable to emotional recovery for ex-jws.
Awesome! Thanks for the link, I for one didn't know there was such a site w. these great items
well, first thanks all for the posts before i left,.
it went great,,,,i did not recognize him,,,,i couldnt believe it,,what a fine young man he became,,,,we had 2 hours of wonderful talking together (bad grammer but i am still in a fog:).
when it was over we stood outside coffee shot for a few min and i am sure i saw a few tears, then he hugged me, for quite a few seconds...and basically he said he would leave in my hands to contact him,,,,here i was worried he wouldnt want to see me for another 9 years.
AWESOME! You have been blessed with a special gift, your son sounds like he is a great his Mom!
Someone emailed this to me, it seems appropriate to share with you:
As we grow up, we learn that even the one person that wasn't
supposed to ever let you down probably will. You will have your
heart broken probably more than once and it's harder every
time. You'll break hearts too, so remember how it felt when
yours was broken. You'll fight with your best friend. You'll
blame a new love for things an old one did. You'll cry because
time is passing too fast, and you'll eventually lose
someone you love. So take too many pictures, laugh too
much, and love like you've never been hurt because
every sixty seconds you spend upset is a minute of
happiness you'll never get back.