Posts by AuntieJane

  • Qcmbr

    Do you think the JWs are more extreme than the Mormons?

    by Qcmbr in
    1. watchtower
    2. beliefs

    i'm just feeling a little naughty today - i'm just kinda interested in your views.

    1. AuntieJane
    2. Robert K Stock
    3. stillajwexelder
  • AuntieJane

    What is the difference in LDS and Mormons?

  • Dustin

    I've decided to disassociate myself tonight

    by Dustin in
    1. jw
    2. friends

    the kingdom hall where i used to go has the theocratic ministry school and service meetings on tuesday.

    i have finally come to grips with my need to exit the jehovah's witnesses forever.

    i told my parents today that i'm leaving the jw religion behind forever.

    1. confusedjw
    2. xjwms
    3. Es
  • AuntieJane

    Dustin, I think many people whether JW or not lose their childhoods. But the best is yet to come, believe that!

    And that paradise....well, it's yours for the asking. Live Life well, treat your neighbor as yourself, and you will

    have the best that God has given...your own paradise.

  • Dustin

    Update on my disassociation

    by Dustin in
    1. jw
    2. friends

    i went to the kingdom hall for the very last time.

    i went in the door in my guns n roses t-shirt and ripped up lucky jeans, new earrings and goatee.

    i went up to the po of the congregation and told him i needed to talk to him.

    1. Winston Smith :>D
    2. Goldminer
    3. stopthepain
  • AuntieJane

    Dustin, I have tears in my eyes. Good for you, and best wishes to a New, Happy Life!

    Here's a toast, to you and your wife,


  • Phil

    Renew contact

    by Phil in
    1. jw
    2. experiences

    i would like to renew contact with my daughter that is now in paterson,ny living the life of a dedicated jw to the max.. .

    i would like to use the email as a communicating device.

    i understand that all jws are discouraged from conversing on the internet particularly to non-jws such as my wife and i. i know she has not been appraised of all the ins and outs of the jws and all she knows is what she is told, no more no less.i feel the oportunity will arise to start this communication but i will need some guidance through this ordeal.

    1. Flash
    2. AuntieJane
    3. Phil
  • AuntieJane

    Phil, It must be heartbreaking to be in your situation and know your daughter is so controlled. I am not/have not been a JW but have a niece and nephew in. My sis in law, their Mom (dad died) has handled it better than I could have. I know at first she questioned them, tried to dissuade them, but to no avail. She keeps up a great relationship with them, just in order to have them in the family. I don't think they even discuss religion anymore. If you would like to email me, please do through my name here.