JoinedTopics Started by finallyspringlol
What is your flavor of Beer? (why? Just taste?)
by confusedjw inin another post someone mentioned americans loving micro beers - and i thought about beers i drink and why.
i drink budweiser on occasion because they sponsor events i like.
i drink miller high life on occation just because of the great 'lone man talking' commercials.
jw speak, I'm just maintaining. ever here this ?
by johnny cip ini know a bunch of jw's for over 30 years , and most of them aviod me , they hate getting twisted into a pretzel.
but some of them do talk with me .
and i allways ask them how are you doing?
587 BC for Total Dunderheads
by Farkel inif you're a dunderhead on neo-babylonian history (like me) you've probably remained totally clueless whenever the subject of the chronology leading to back 607 b.c.
since i had nothing better to do today, i decided to finally take the time it takes to understand why dub chronology on that date is wrong.
this piece of information alone should give you a clue about how bored i am!.
Anyone here from British Columbia, Canada
by mbn36 in.
just wondering if anyone here was from british columbia.
July 4th , the great JW holiday?
by ezekiel3 inall my life as a jw in the us, my parents shuttled us off to the fireworks, to sit among the worldlings and the waving flags to enjoy the show.
this was an almost universal practice with elders and pioneers as well.
as a child, i always noted that what we (jws) were doing was no different than how anyone else celebrated the 4th.
A letter to my parents... tell me what you think.
by Elsewhere inthe other day my mom and dad called (
my mom called a few minutes ago...
) and i have been thinking about sending them a letter in responce.
Would You Have Ever Let Your Child Die & Refuse A Blood Transfusion?
by minimus ini'm sure that i would've, believing that jehovah god would be proud of me.
Turns out liquor store in my neighborhood is owned by JW's
by run dont walk ini was very surprised, here in alberta, canada, they privatized the liquour stores about 10-15 years ago, and the amount of stores tripled, practically one on every corner now, .
well, it turns out, that one store in my neighborhood isowned and operated by this family that are jehovah's witnesses, belong to a chinese congregation, .
i would think this would not be allowed, or show poor judgement, they say its wrong to have a store and sell cigarettes, but maybe alcohol is ok, .
What first gave you doubts ?
by rick1199 inwe all know the big problems with the wts, but what was the first thing that made you realise there were problems with the organisation ?
with me it was realitivly small stuff like an 8 year old getting baptised and a comment my best mates made about another of our friends asking if we should be hanging round with her as she might be bad assciation (she had just been reproved, but they had been mates 20 years).. .
how ever the first time i ever thought something was really wrong was when i was about 11 and my grand farther died, and mu mum wouldn't go to the funeral, i remeber thinking that surely it was better to say good bye properly than worry about if the service was in a church.. .
This will be fun !!!!!! Calgary Flames make it to Stanley Cup Finals !!!!!!
by run dont walk injust got back from the game tonight, wow !!!
!, what a night, town is upside down, estimated over 40,000 people decended on 17th avenue, (hot spot in calgary) to celebrate , it was a sight, the game was awesome, no voice left, drank way too many beers, but had fun.. it will be enjoyable attending the stanley cup finals, (hope to get tickets).
anyone been to a stanley cup final game ???????.