Funny, I've heard subtle variations on most of the above.
How about these:
Someone started studying and learned that "fantasy" images were Daemo?, so she threw out a unicorn statue she kept in her closet ('cause we all know that horses born with cranial cornucopian sproutings are of The Devil). Anyway, the next day, it was STILL IN HER CLOSET.
Or: A Witness once rented a VHS copy of Interview With The Vampire and tried to return it. The next day, It was STILL ON HIS COFFEE TABLE.
Or: This one Aboriginal Canadian family (pagan/bad by default) living near my hometown in a house on an old burial ground were being pestered by a Daemon?. A Brother? came to their door and told them to write "Jehovah" on a piece of paper and tack it to their fridge. The next day, said poltergeist VANISHED.
These stories used to fuel my faith. Now they make me laugh. Funny...marked
JoinedPosts by marked
More fun with witness urban myths.....
by integ ini have heard many urban myths associated with the watchtower society and its hapless adherents.
i like the one where an "interested one" accepted the invitation to attend the memorial one year, and sat next to a "sister" who let the confused attendee use her bible to look up scriptures as they were presented.
afterword, the "sister" walked the man up to the circuit overseer, who had delivered the talk that year, and introduced the dupe-filled "study" to the co. the co complimented the man on his spiritual interest and asked what impelled him to come up and talk to him.
Young People Ask: How Can I Make Real Friends?
by seattleniceguy inmy friends were doing some spring cleaning the other day and they found an old copy of this video.
for grins, we decided to toss back a coke and whiskey or two and watch it.
it was a blast!
Oh, and as for The Organization Behind The Name: even as a witness, I always hated the shot where the little girl skips to the mailbox to fetch the latest WT magazines.
Simultaneously exploitative and kinda creepy.
marked -
Young People Ask: How Can I Make Real Friends?
by seattleniceguy inmy friends were doing some spring cleaning the other day and they found an old copy of this video.
for grins, we decided to toss back a coke and whiskey or two and watch it.
it was a blast!
Scoff if you must, but you have to admit that by Society standards, the production values on that thing were pretty damn high. Not Hollywood quality, mind you, but at least up to snuff with After School Special material. Christ, it was legions beyond any Drama I've ever seen.
'Member when that one worldly kid went to buy pot? (POT!!!) And the camera was all zoomed in on the background but you could still see all those blurry figures moving past the camera in the foreground? 'Member??? It was all like: "He's buying POT!!! Could he GET any more worldly? I mean, he's all buying POT!!! and check those blurry figures in the foreground!"
ART, it was!
markedof The So Flippantly Sarcastic It Obscures His Point class ? -
Am I right about the WT being wrong?
by FreedomFrog inhi everyone.... i was "raised" as a dub and got baptised in ' in total i had been a jw for over 20 years.
i came to realize that the "way of life" i was living was in fact made up of mostly lies.
i started "questioning" the borg about 6 years ago and finally came out with almostatheist last sept. i know in my heart that they are mostly wrong and very legalist.
Have any of you experience this? And does it ease up over time?
I most definately have experienced this. I think we all have. And not only does it ease up, it eventually stops.
That "nagging" in your head is residual indoctrination. It's a powerful influence masquerading as your "conscience". Keep your mind open - keep thinking - and you'll flush it out.marked -
Can The Watchtower Society Be Reformed?
by Cameron in.
what about ?.
don at
Those who run are not now nor ever could be Jehovah's Witnesses.
by marked inokay, what's the deal with the smurfs?
i've heard mention here and there about some 80s rumours regarding demonized smurfs (or something) that got jws in a panic.
i remember when i was a kid my aunt telling my mother about smurf dolls with blood on them walking around, i think.
Most of us think of the Smurfs as cute, harmless little blue and white aliens. However, the story line is full of occultism. Papa Smurf is cast in the role of a "White" Witchdoctor who is protecting his people by incantations and rituals and potions. Gargamel is cast in the role of the "Black" or evil witchdoctor who is always trying to cast some evil spell over the poor, helpless Smurfs so he can control them forever. In one cartoon screen several years ago, Gargamel is shown creating a Devil's Pentagram from lighted candles on the dirt floor of his house. Gargamel moved inside the Pentagram and carried out a ritual designed to defeat Papa Smurf and the little Smurfs. Your children have probably watched this most Satanic cartoon.
Of course, the same website also claims that My Little Pony sets kids up to accept the Antichrist, so...
by marked inokay, what's the deal with the smurfs?
i've heard mention here and there about some 80s rumours regarding demonized smurfs (or something) that got jws in a panic.
i remember when i was a kid my aunt telling my mother about smurf dolls with blood on them walking around, i think.
Okay, what's the deal with the Smurfs?
I've heard mention here and there about some 80s rumours regarding demonized Smurfs (or something) that got JWs in a panic. I remember when I was a kid my aunt telling my mother about Smurf dolls with blood on them walking around, I think. Of course, my mother made me stop watching the cartoon, citing my nightmares as the reason why.
What's the "real" story?
marked -
Do some WT phrases make you squirm?
by jeanniebeanz infor me it's "the doors of the ark are closing.
i can never forget as a child, being forced to see the graphic images in the publications showing families, mothers with little babies clinging to a rock and others drowning as the ark floats away.
fathers shaking their fists at god for destroying their families... it's like some of the little mind control still functioning in there somewhere causing a kneejerk reaction of uneasiness.... are there any others that bug you?.
"This fact is brought to the fore..."
"Half-Wit" (as in a Witness who lives a double life)
95% of the song lyrics.
Having a hard time leaving? Here's what worked for me:
by marked inmoving.. move away from the situation, if at all possible.
have a job offer in another state/province/country?
need to go to school elsewhere?
Move away from the situation, if at all possible. Have a job offer in another state/province/country? Take it. Need to go to school elsewhere? Go. Want to "travel" and never come back? Buy a one-way ticket.
My wife and I moved from one Canadian province to another, and not being around all the "encouragement" really helped us expedite the leaving process. This is not to say it was easy. It wasn't. But just being in a new place helped wipe the proverbial slate clean.
It might seem a bit difficult given certain cases, but at least consider it. Your sanity and/or spiritual health may be at stake. And that's more than reason enough.
As A JW.....what did u have most trouble refusing?
by ScoobySnax ini had the nights out on the beer with my "worldly" and sometimes witness mates having trouble turning them down.......i think that was probably my fall.
i could never resist a night out on the raz, trouble is they just happened night after night after night....etc.. beer beer beer.... .
"i had the most trouble refusing to abstain from drunken nights".
I had the most trouble abstaining from... reality.