Ok... we´ll have to wait and see in 2018 to see if it holds.
JoinedPosts by ILoveTTATT2
Scientific, Credible Discovery - Earthquakes are set to increase in 2018
by ILoveTTATT2 init has already been published and presented in a geology conference:it has been discovered that the earth´s rotation slows down a few milliseconds every so often, and when it slows down, about 5 years later there is a 5-year period where the frequency of large earthquakes around magnitude 7 or greater increases about 20-30%.so according to scientists, in 2018, around the tropical areas, we should expect around 20 major earthquakes, compared to the 15 average on a normal year.jw´s are likely to jump on this as "evidence" of the time of the end, and will probably be misquoted in a watchtower publication sometime soon.here are some news organizations covering the story:https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/nov/18/2018-set-to-be-year-of-big-earthquakeshttps://qz.com/1133304/as-earths-rotation-slows-2018-could-see-a-spike-in-large-earthquakes/.
etc etc...here is the scientific paper (which i can´t read but if someone has access to the pdf, could you please share)?http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/2017gl074934/epdf?referrer_access_token=vbjkmgywttzofhkv3apupu4keas67k9qmdwultwmo8osvaslebfxhkk77yb6sfsjhcerrw6swpzkusqjvujli_iu4gpw3lhc8e988dzdvec-5e-nim3hd0bi_0wog1sqonpw4hesqbrwop_lp7uqignbyksopgnvatka48pyb2lonanvz5ehpaiaha2fika5y95lacwwxr1brsy2kk1m282ispv2uju5qsssy2kdzun57jytp1h56-wbice9ov6ipd93rnykjxybd3ykm7bjpa%3d%3dhere is the presentation to the geological society of america:.
Scientific, Credible Discovery - Earthquakes are set to increase in 2018
by ILoveTTATT2 init has already been published and presented in a geology conference:it has been discovered that the earth´s rotation slows down a few milliseconds every so often, and when it slows down, about 5 years later there is a 5-year period where the frequency of large earthquakes around magnitude 7 or greater increases about 20-30%.so according to scientists, in 2018, around the tropical areas, we should expect around 20 major earthquakes, compared to the 15 average on a normal year.jw´s are likely to jump on this as "evidence" of the time of the end, and will probably be misquoted in a watchtower publication sometime soon.here are some news organizations covering the story:https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/nov/18/2018-set-to-be-year-of-big-earthquakeshttps://qz.com/1133304/as-earths-rotation-slows-2018-could-see-a-spike-in-large-earthquakes/.
etc etc...here is the scientific paper (which i can´t read but if someone has access to the pdf, could you please share)?http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/2017gl074934/epdf?referrer_access_token=vbjkmgywttzofhkv3apupu4keas67k9qmdwultwmo8osvaslebfxhkk77yb6sfsjhcerrw6swpzkusqjvujli_iu4gpw3lhc8e988dzdvec-5e-nim3hd0bi_0wog1sqonpw4hesqbrwop_lp7uqignbyksopgnvatka48pyb2lonanvz5ehpaiaha2fika5y95lacwwxr1brsy2kk1m282ispv2uju5qsssy2kdzun57jytp1h56-wbice9ov6ipd93rnykjxybd3ykm7bjpa%3d%3dhere is the presentation to the geological society of america:.
On five occasions in the past century a 25-30% increase in annual numbers of Mw≥7 earthquakes has coincided with a slowing in the mean rotation velocity of the Earth, with a corresponding decrease at times when the length-of-day (LoD) is short. The correlation between Earth's angular deceleration (d[LoD]/dt) and global seismic productivity is yet more striking, and can be shown to precede seismicity by 5-6 years, permitting societies at risk from earthquakes an unexpected glimpse of future seismic hazard. The cause of Earth's variable rotation is the exchange of angular momentum between the solid and fluid Earth (atmospheres, oceans and outer core). Maximum LoD is preceded by an angular deceleration of the Earth by 6-8 years corresponding to a π/4 phase lag of the 24-33 year peak-to-peak period of multidecadal oscillations of Earth's rotation. We show delayed global seismic productivity is most pronounced at equatorial latitudes 10°N-30°S. Two mechanisms may be responsible: (1) decreased oblateness (a reduction in J2) that attends a slowing of Earth's rotation and (2) lithospheric overshoot, a process whereby the equatorial lithosphere sluggishly overrides the decelerating underlying mantle westward, much as a loose cannon slides upon the deck of a rolling ship. The observed relationship is unable to indicate precisely when and where these future earthquakes will occur, although we note that most of the additional Mw>7 earthquakes have historically occurred near the equator in the West and East Indies. A striking example is that since 1900 more than 80% of all M≥7 earthquakes on the eastern Caribbean plate boundary have occurred 5 years following a maximum deceleration (including the 2010 Haiti earthquake). Calculations show the asthenosphere to have an appropriate viscosity to account for the delay between deceleration and subduction zone seismicity, however, a geodetic test of the anticipated westward overshoot would be of utility. Whatever the mechanism, the 5-6 year advanced warning of increased seismic hazards afforded by the first derivative of the LoD is fortuitous, and has utility in disaster planning. The year 2017 marks six years following a deceleration episode that commenced in 2011, suggesting that the world has now entered a period of enhanced global seismic productivity with a duration of at least five years.
So this is essentially a scientific breakthrough in that earthquakes might have patterns... and before, it was thought that they were completely, 100% random. This will help in being aware that 2018-2023 might be a time with more earthquakes. -
Scientific, Credible Discovery - Earthquakes are set to increase in 2018
by ILoveTTATT2 init has already been published and presented in a geology conference:it has been discovered that the earth´s rotation slows down a few milliseconds every so often, and when it slows down, about 5 years later there is a 5-year period where the frequency of large earthquakes around magnitude 7 or greater increases about 20-30%.so according to scientists, in 2018, around the tropical areas, we should expect around 20 major earthquakes, compared to the 15 average on a normal year.jw´s are likely to jump on this as "evidence" of the time of the end, and will probably be misquoted in a watchtower publication sometime soon.here are some news organizations covering the story:https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/nov/18/2018-set-to-be-year-of-big-earthquakeshttps://qz.com/1133304/as-earths-rotation-slows-2018-could-see-a-spike-in-large-earthquakes/.
etc etc...here is the scientific paper (which i can´t read but if someone has access to the pdf, could you please share)?http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/2017gl074934/epdf?referrer_access_token=vbjkmgywttzofhkv3apupu4keas67k9qmdwultwmo8osvaslebfxhkk77yb6sfsjhcerrw6swpzkusqjvujli_iu4gpw3lhc8e988dzdvec-5e-nim3hd0bi_0wog1sqonpw4hesqbrwop_lp7uqignbyksopgnvatka48pyb2lonanvz5ehpaiaha2fika5y95lacwwxr1brsy2kk1m282ispv2uju5qsssy2kdzun57jytp1h56-wbice9ov6ipd93rnykjxybd3ykm7bjpa%3d%3dhere is the presentation to the geological society of america:.
It has already been published and presented in a geology conference:
It has been discovered that the Earth´s rotation slows down a few milliseconds every so often, and when it slows down, about 5 years later there is a 5-year period where the frequency of large earthquakes around magnitude 7 or greater increases about 20-30%.
So according to scientists, in 2018, around the tropical areas, we should expect around 20 major earthquakes, compared to the 15 average on a normal year.
JW´s are likely to jump on this as "evidence" of the time of the end, and will probably be misquoted in a Watchtower publication sometime soon.
Here are some news organizations covering the story:
https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/4946729/earthquake-increase-earth-rotation-roger-bilham-tropical-region-2018/Etc etc...
Here is the scientific paper (which I can´t read but if someone has access to the PDF, could you please share)?
Here is the presentation to the Geological Society of America:https://gsa.confex.com/gsa/2017AM/webprogram/Paper300667.html
The two scientists who are in the paper are Roger Bilham and (Rebecca)? Bendick.
Lunar Eclipses and 607/587 BCE as the date of Jerusalem´s Fall
by ILoveTTATT2 ini am doing a very extensive document, it is a work in progress, that details how to know, just using a list of eclipses in the 6th and 7th century bce, excel, and knowing how to read lunar eclipse graphs and maps, that jerusalem fell in 587 b.c.e., and not 607 b.c.e.
as the watchtower states.currently it is in spanish, but i intend to translate it to english later.for those who speak spanish, here it is:.
Londo, those videos are AMAZING! Great job!!
Lunar Eclipses and 607/587 BCE as the date of Jerusalem´s Fall
by ILoveTTATT2 ini am doing a very extensive document, it is a work in progress, that details how to know, just using a list of eclipses in the 6th and 7th century bce, excel, and knowing how to read lunar eclipse graphs and maps, that jerusalem fell in 587 b.c.e., and not 607 b.c.e.
as the watchtower states.currently it is in spanish, but i intend to translate it to english later.for those who speak spanish, here it is:.
Thank you Joey, that was a very nice explanation!
I understood it now that I downloaded a planetarium software that can allow me the see the ecliptic.
Like you said, if it was only Saturn, 20 years would be a different position. Only Saturn and Jupiter, for the same position, you´re talking 7021 years (I did the math). Five planets... it´s pretty much impossible to have the same position!!
So yeah, I do agree that VAT 4956 is a much better confirmation (on its own) of the date.
The eclipse described in VAT 4956 has a very close match 20 years earlier. But, my work shows that it is not only ONE eclipse but dozens of them that are described in multiple tablets, and the combination of the precise details of the eclipses (total, partial, if it was seen in Babylon, if it set or rose eclipsed, what portion of the moon was eclipsed, what times the eclipse happened)... all those details combined ALSO give a "fingerprint" of precisely multiple dates that don´t fit the Watchtower narrative. -
Lunar Eclipses and 607/587 BCE as the date of Jerusalem´s Fall
by ILoveTTATT2 ini am doing a very extensive document, it is a work in progress, that details how to know, just using a list of eclipses in the 6th and 7th century bce, excel, and knowing how to read lunar eclipse graphs and maps, that jerusalem fell in 587 b.c.e., and not 607 b.c.e.
as the watchtower states.currently it is in spanish, but i intend to translate it to english later.for those who speak spanish, here it is:.
Londo, with VAT 4956, the problem is that for me it´s hard to understand the motion of the planets since I have never really gone much into depth in that topic. Like, if you asked me to one day point at the planets in the sky I´d be clueless.
But lunar eclipses are things that I know... I have seen them, I know when to expect them, and I understand now the Saros cycles.
I can´t wait to actually finish the document in Spanish and then start translating. I am still missing LBAT 1421, adding bibliography, and doing some finishing touches.
Lunar Eclipses and 607/587 BCE as the date of Jerusalem´s Fall
by ILoveTTATT2 ini am doing a very extensive document, it is a work in progress, that details how to know, just using a list of eclipses in the 6th and 7th century bce, excel, and knowing how to read lunar eclipse graphs and maps, that jerusalem fell in 587 b.c.e., and not 607 b.c.e.
as the watchtower states.currently it is in spanish, but i intend to translate it to english later.for those who speak spanish, here it is:.
This must be a huge work for you to do. Please read
Thank you for the suggestion. I have read it. In fact, you could say that this is "The Gentile Times Reconsidered" for dummies version. Lots and lots of pictures and graphs, about 90% of the information in that document is based on TGTR.
"The Gentile Times Reconsidered" x Jonsson.I just wanted to make it even easier to understand, and focused only on being able to read a lunar eclipse information graph.
Lunar Eclipses and 607/587 BCE as the date of Jerusalem´s Fall
by ILoveTTATT2 ini am doing a very extensive document, it is a work in progress, that details how to know, just using a list of eclipses in the 6th and 7th century bce, excel, and knowing how to read lunar eclipse graphs and maps, that jerusalem fell in 587 b.c.e., and not 607 b.c.e.
as the watchtower states.currently it is in spanish, but i intend to translate it to english later.for those who speak spanish, here it is:.
I am doing a very extensive document, it is a work in progress, that details how to know, just using a list of eclipses in the 6th and 7th century BCE, Excel, and knowing how to read lunar eclipse graphs and maps, that Jerusalem fell in 587 B.C.E., and not 607 B.C.E. as the Watchtower states.
Currently it is in Spanish, but I intend to translate it to English later.
For those who speak Spanish, here it is:https://sites.google.com/site/laverdadtj2/los-eclipses-lunares-y-la-watchtower
Just woke up turn TV on to hear yet another nut case with a gun.
by Still Totally ADD infirst they said 20 dead with 100 injured.
now i just heard 50 dead and 200 injured.
whatever it is it just another nut case who was able to get a high power gun to kill people.
I'm curious as to how (according to the news) he got 12 or more good sized weapons into a hotel without being noticed.
It's Vegas... you can probably do all kinds of crazy without being noticed there... -
Anyone have the book Nabonidus and Belshazzar: A Study of the Closing Events of the Neo-Babylonian Empire Book by Raymond Philip Dougherty
by ILoveTTATT2 ini need the book .
nabonidus and belshazzar: a study of the closing events of the neo-babylonian empire.
book by raymond philip dougherty.
NCC, don't worry. I can read it, with that is sufficient. Thanks for the offer though!