The new "pillowgate" video exposed a loophole in the witnesses´s thinking, showing how dangerous and stupid legalism is.
This loophole is sure to destroy many people´s lives.
1) They said that two men masturbating at the same time in front of each other does NOT constitute "porneia".
2) "porneia" is the only Biblical reason for divorce.
3) From 1) we can also get two women masturbating in front of each other, or a man and a woman masturbating in front of each other, does NOT constitute "porneia".
4) Most people would consider masturbating at the same time with another person to be cheating, and a logical reason for divorce.
So this will lead to many witnesses going to the elders and being told that they cannot divorce this person who clearly cheated on them. Then, if this person (the "innocent mate") divorces and marries someone else, then THAT person would be the one possibly disfellowshipped!
The implications of the loophole are so stupid and so damaging!
I predict another flip-flop. "Considering things more closely, this IS "porneia"... or doubling down on it ("Sorry but that is what the Biblical limits are") or just fading away into those things that only 1% of JW´s know it´s a rule...