There's no such thing as the true religion.
So there's no way to identify it.
It's all a bunch of bull.
saw this on jwtalk they were putting down apostates and posted this quote:.
watchtower 1982 3/1 p. 8. .
identifying marks of true religion .
There's no such thing as the true religion.
So there's no way to identify it.
It's all a bunch of bull.
it's only a couple of years away now and what a headache it must present to the gb - providing they have given it much thought already.
there probably is no elegant way of presenting the hundred year long failure of the end to come; the fact that the "short period of time" of satan being cast down to the earth has now stretched beyond any credibility.
but they have to deal with it one way or another.
I'll bet $ 10,- on 5.
so, this a long story but i'll try to keep it short.
this was about 2years ago,.
my wife brought up the un thing to my parents, much to their horror and despite me advising her not to.
25 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn, NY 11201-2483 • Tel. 718 560-5000
XXXX November 1, 2001 No. XXXXX
Via CompuServe
Branch Committee
Dear Brothers:
Because of published allegations by opposers that we have secret links with the United Nations, a number of branches have inquired about the matter and we have replied. This circular letter replaces any replies we have given earlier and is sent to all branches. To anyone inquiring within your branch territory you might respond according to what is stated below:
Our purpose for registering with the Department of Public Information as a nongovernmental organization (NGO) in 1991 was to have access to research material available on health, ecological, and social problems at the United Nations library facilities. We had been using the library for many-years prior to 1991, but in that year it became necessary to register as an NGO to have continued access. Registration papers filed with the United Nations that we have on file contain no statements that conflict with our Christian beliefs. Moreover, NGOs are informed by the United Nations that "association of NGOs with the DPI does not constitute their incorporation into the United Nations system, nor does it entitle associated organizations or their staff to any kind of privileges, immunities or special status."
Still, the Criteria for Association of NGOs-at least in their latest version-contain language that we cannot subscribe to. When we realized this, we immediately withdrew our registration. We are grateful that this matter was brought to our attention.
We trust that the above is, helpful in counteracting the attempts of opposers to discredit us.
Please be assured of our warm Christian love and best wishes.
Your brothers,
Chairman's Committee
c: Administration Offices Desks
Legal Department
Office of Public Information
note: We had been using the library for many-years prior to 1991, but in that year it became necessary to register as an NGO to have continued access Registration papers filed with the United Nations that we have on file contain no statements that conflict with our Christian beliefs.
Organizations eligible for association with DPI are those which:
probably been noted already, but just in case, an interesting site.. .
here's a letter that has circulated among many ex-watchtowerites!.
just thought you'd want to know!.
The Internet is a technology that Jehovah’s organization is using to good advantage to spread the good news to all corners of the earth.
I remember when the internet was in the beginning phase that the WT said that it was from Satan.
How can something what is Satan's be used to good advantage?
No wonder JWs are so mixed up.
lol Sad!
Here in the Netherlands the government is planning on raising the taxes on alcohol with 50%.
Guess I'll start building my own still.
RoBb is right.
the future of the WTBTS is blank.
8/15p.23par.14unitedfruitbearers just as the anointed "branches" of the "true vine" must remain in union with christ, the "other sheep" must remain in close union with "the faithful and discreet slave," christs anointed "brothers.
" only thus can they hope to inherit the kingdom prepared for them from the founding of the world.
w838/15p.24par.16unitedfruitbearersthe facts indicate that this grafting in went on until the mid-1930s.
The truth is a lie!
awake 73 march 22 p.12 "the spirit of competition between players can lead to unplesant some homes tensions linger long past checkmate...chess has been a game of war since it originated...the games conection to war is obvious....a play substitue for the art of war...there is a danger of stirring uo competition with one another even developing hostility with one another something the bible warns against....what effect does playing chess have on one?
is it a wholesome effect?
....there are questions regarding it that each one who plays chess should consider.".
I know several elders who are chess masters!
Now I'm really mixed up.
i'd like to work toward ensuring that the wts bans pedophiles from sharing in the door to door work out of consideration for the public.
i'd like to ensure that this ban applied not just to those who have been convicted of pedophile activities but also to those who have secretly confessed to elders.
would this subject be appropriate for an e-petition?
They should go door to door, everyday, 8 hours a day with a sign on them that says: "I'm a
child abuser".
Either that or cut off their genitals and throw them back in the cong.