I see seven of us on the map for Pennsylvania.
Anyone from western PA?
i was just wondering with all the people on this board and especially all the new ones lately where everyone is from?
you can include your city if you feel comfortable enough.
i will start this off by saying that i live in knoxville tennessee, originally from dayton ohio.
I see seven of us on the map for Pennsylvania.
Anyone from western PA?
"one word frees us of all the weight and pain of life: that word is love.
" sophocles (496 bc - 406 bc).
love is as old and timeless as life itself.
That was a beautiful post and all I can say is ......because I have loved, I'm receiving love in return. There are so many ways to show love, but for me the love of God is first.
Why am I happy? Because I matter to God!
In spite of what I was fed for over 30 years, I no longer believe in the constantly changing "light".
But I believe in God and the saving Grace (not undeserved kindness) of His son Jesus Christ more than I ever did before. I believe that my salvation is based on that Grace, not how much "time" I put in burning up gas and shoe leather going door to door.
Love you guys,
ok there are so many americans on the map now i had to split you all in half.. valis was kind enough to let me place the maps on his website until i found a new home for them.. photobucket seems to be a good option - at least for now.
so i have uploaded the new maps which have been updated to include everyone who has asked.. so if you were wondering where we are from.
or how close you are to other jwd posters in your area just take a look.
Add me to Pennsylvania LL
okay as my jwd friends and acquaintances know i'm trying for "the perfect fade", because family is in etc etc .
but i've just taken some "bigish" steps for me.
(babysteps in reality i suppose.
Good luck to you on your journey.
When you start reading C of C you are going to experience a lot of different emotions. Emotions from anger to rage to laughter, because what Ray wrote is "truth".
Before you even finish the book, you will know how we have been deceived for so long.
Enjoy and be happy.
"truth or consequences" is my story about the good and bad times in the watchtower organization.
it is my hope this story will help others know what motivates a person to join a cult and what motivates a person to leave.. "truth or consequences" is a true love story of two young people who faced many obstacles as they proved their love for each other before they became jehovah's witnesses.
they believed their love and loyalty for the watchtower organization was the only way to show their love for god.
Dogpatch and Royboy,
It is a pleasure to be able to actually communicate with you two and thank you for your work. I will be reading the book soon.
Randy.....thank you for helping to open my eyes from 1996 on. It took years.......but now I'm free!
......................i'm 45 today.
tonight my kids, hubby and close friends are taking me to an old english style pub for dinner and ale!!!!!!!!!!.
oh how good it is to be out of the borg and celebrating life again.. hope you all have as good a day as i'm having!.
Happy Birthday Bliss,
Isn't it fun to be loved on a special day?
I wish you a hundred more.
i'll start this post off by saying i love my wife, she has beautiful qualities and a sweet personality.
however i realize (and i think she does too, though she may not admit it) that since i left the org behind our goals and viewpoints are no longer unified.
as a couple we rarely fight or argue, we still have many of the same values but yet we have some issues that i know will never be fully resolved.
My thoughts are with you as you sort this out but I have to agree with those who say "go to a counselor".
Years ago......when I was engrossed in the "truth" , I would still fantacize about leaving and what it would be like to be with the girlfriend I let go for this religion. Even though I was married and happy......those thoughts still came up.
When my wife died in 1996 I had grief of course........but then I thought that now.. I could do ANYTHING and EVERYTHING I always wanted to do. Soooooo......I started down the road to fullfilling my dreams.......flying......skydiving (I chickened out)......white water rafting........my beautiful Harley Davidson (which was totaled last October).......but when I had to come home to an empty house at the end of every day.........the sadness of it all came home.
Me.......I'd trade all my dreams that came true for the love of a good woman......someone I could love and cherish........someone that was first my friend.........then my lover.........then my life partner. That is a dream that I have put in the back of my mind for a long time because it wasn't happening. Will that ever happen? I don't know! But I still love God and I know he loves me. He isn't the God of vengeance that the WT pushes and I'm sorry to all that I pushed him on as an elder. I might have left the WT but will never run away from God.
All I can tell you is that if you really love her............TRY to get it worked out! Maybe it WON'T work now that the house is religiously divided..........but at least try!
Sometimes that greEn grass on the other side of the fence is artificial turf.
HappyDad (Bill)
a c.o in one of his friday night talks noticed when he was invited for meals at the brothers and sisters homes that everyone has their chairs and sofa's pointed at the direction of the television set and asked why do people do that.
then he went on to strongly suggest that everyone change this and either have their furniture pointed somewhere else or get rid of the television.
what a total moron!!
I can remember a DC back in the 1980's at Wheeling West Virginia where one of the major talks was about getting rid of your TV and a family that did so was on a symposium ( jw slang for group chat) I was supprised when the family came out on stage. The father was a "bro" I was working with in the glorious duty of "kitchen cleanup" and me being an A..Hole at the time wanted to know how me and my family could be so "holy" as to do this. Weeeelllllll.......my wife who was raised in the troof.........set my a__ straight about the TV ......
Boy.....am I glad she had more sense than me.
"If your job is making you miss meetings, it is a good idea to quit your job, trust in jehovah and make all the meetings, he will provide for you"
A CO told my father in law who had 4 kids to do this in the 1960's. My great FIL was reproved for what he told the CO. (Bless you Dad)
i'll send $20 to the first person who will go to the next meeting at the kingdom hall, moon some old guy, and get someone to take a picture.
Hey...........how come the Kingdom Halls don't have windows? Are they afraid someone will break in or break out?